
To refine list, add or remove filter options.
  • Azza Abouzied, Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement and Engagement; Associate Professor of Computer Science; Global Network Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Tandon School of Engineering Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: Azza@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc, MSc Dalhousie University; MPhil, PhD, Yale University

    Research Interests: Designing Intuitive Data Querying Tools

  • Ahmed Afzal, Lecturer of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: aja11@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD Southern Illinois University, Postdoc The Ohio State University

    Research Interests: Host-Pathogen Interactions, Prion Biology, Protein Structure-Function Relationships

  • Mohamed Al-Sayegh, Research Assistant Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: ma3803@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Valparaiso University; MSc University of Leicester; PhD University of London

    Research Interests: Stem Cell Biology; Differentiation; Adipose Tissue Development; Next-Generation Sequencing

  • Karim Ali, Associate Professor of Computer Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: karim.ali@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc The American University in Cairo; MMath University of Waterloo; PhD University of Waterloo

    Research Interests: Programming languages; static analysis; security; compilers

  • Diogo Almeida, Associate Professor of Psychology; Global Network Associate Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: diogo@nyu.edu
    Education: MSc (DEA) Cognitive Science (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Ecole Normale Superieure)...

    Research Interests: Neurolinguistics, Language Processing

  • Ahmed Eid Khamis Thani Almheiri, Assistant Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: almheiri@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc University of Toronto; MSc & PhD University of California Santa Barbara

    Research Interests: Quantum Gravity; Quantum Information; Black Holes; String Theory; Holography; AdS/CFT

  • Tynchtyk Amatov, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: tynchtyk.amatov@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc, MSc Lomonosov Moscow State University; PhD Charles University in Prague/IOCB Prague

    Research Interests: Catalysis, natural product synthesis, medicinal chemistry, nucleic acids chemistry

  • Shady Amin, Associate Program Head for Undergraduate Studies of Biology; Associate Professor of Biology; Global Network Associate Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sa132@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc Biochemistry, University of California Santa Barbara; MA Chemistry, San Diego State University; ...

    Research Interests: Chemical Ecology, Biological Oceanography, Marine Biology, Symbiosis

  • Samer Aouad, Visiting Professor of Chemistry Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: samer.aouad@nyu.edu
    Education: BS Lebanese University; MS, PhD University of the Littoral Opal Coast

    Research Interests: Materials science; synthesis and characterization; heterogeneous catalysis; waste valorization; biof...

  • Francesco Arneodo, Dean of Science; Professor of Physics; Global Network Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: francesco.arneodo@nyu.edu
    Education: MA University of Torino, PhD University of Rome

    Research Interests: Astrophysics, Particle Physics

  • Diogo Arsénio, Associate Professor of Mathematics; Global Network Associate Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: dva207@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL); PhD New York University

    Research Interests: Partial Differential Equations, Collisional Kinetic Theory

  • Riyadh Baghdadi, Assistant Professor of Computer Science; Global Network Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Tandon School of Engineering Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: baghdadi@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Ecole Superieure d’Informatique; MA Sorbonne University; PhD Sorbonne University; Postdoc MIT

    Research Interests: Compilers, Programming Languages, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing

  • Marwa Banna, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: marwa.banna@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Lebanese University; MA Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée; PhD Université Paris-Est Marne-le-V...

  • Elena Beretta, Clinical Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: eb147@nyu.edu
    Education: Laurea in Matematica, Universita' di Milano, PhD in Mathematics, Universite de Lorraine

    Research Interests: Applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, differential equations, inverse problems, medical imagin...

  • Stefan Bode, Visiting Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sb10382@nyu.edu
    Education: Dipl .Psychology University Goettingen; PhD University Leipzig

    Research Interests: Cognitive psychology; decision-making; information-seeking; volition; behavior change

  • Milan Bogosavljevic, Lecturer of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: milanb@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc University of Belgrade; PhD California Institute of Technology

    Research Interests: Automated Optical Imaging Surveys in Astronomy

  • Stéphane Boissinot, Professor of Biology; Global Network Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sb5272@nyu.edu
    Education: BS and PhD Université Montpellier II

    Research Interests: Evolutionary Biology

  • Sofiane Bouarroudj, Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sofiane.bouarroudj@nyu.edu
    Education: BS Université de Constantine; MS Université de Paris VII (Denis Diderot); PhD Université de Provence...

    Research Interests: Representation Theory, Mathematical Physics

  • John Burt, Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: john.burt@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD, MS, University of Windsor, Canada; BS,Cape Breton University, Canada; PGCE, University of Sunde...

    Research Interests: Marine Biology

  • Federico Camia, Professor of Mathematics; Global Network Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: fc276@nyu.edu
    Education: BA with honors, Universitá di Bologna, Italy; MS and PhD, New York University;

    Research Interests: Statistical Physics, Probability Theory

  • Moumena Chaqfeh, Lecturer of Computer Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: moumena@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc, PhD UAE University; MSc The British University in Dubai; Postdoc NYU Abu Dhabi

    Research Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems, Mobile Web, and Human-Computer Interaction

  • Dipesh Chaudhury, Associate Professor of Biology; Global Network Assistant Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: dc151@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc University of London, School of Pharmacy; PhD Open University

    Research Interests: Neural Circuits, Mood Disorders, Memory Loss

  • Olivia Cheung, Assistant Professor of Psychology; Global Network Assistant Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: olivia.cheung@nyu.edu
    Education: BSSc Chinese University of Hong Kong; PhD Vanderbilt University

    Research Interests: Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual Cognition, Categorization, Perceptual Expertise

  • Amandine Cornille, Associate Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: amandine.cornille@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD Université Paris Sud

    Research Interests: Global changes, climate change, parasite outbreak, ecology, domestication, population genomics, epig...

  • Nizar Demni, Visiting Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: Nizar.demni@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Aix-Marseille University; MA and PhD Sorbonne University

    Research Interests: Probability Theory

  • Djellel Difallah, Assistant Professor of Computer Science; Global Network Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: djellel@nyu.edu
    Education: Dip. Eng. USTHB, Algeria; MS University of Louisiana Lafayette, USA; PhD University of Fribourg, CH

    Research Interests: Crowdsourcing, Machine Learning, Knowledge Management & Discovery

  • Yassir Dinar, Visiting Associate Professor Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: yd3157@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)

    Research Interests: Differential geometry

  • Ian Dobbs-Dixon, Associate Professor of Physics; Global Network Associate Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: idd1@nyu.edu
    Education: BS and PhD University of California, Santa Cruz

    Research Interests: Planetary Interiors, Atmospheric Dynamics

  • Kirsten Sadler Edepli, Professor of Biology; Global Network Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: kirsten.edepli@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Mount Holyoke College (Biology and Anthropology); M Med Sci Harvard Medical School; PhD Harvard U...

    Research Interests: Liver Regeneration, Epigenetics, ER Stress, Cancer, Fatty Liver, Zebrafish, Mice

  • Asif Equbal, Assistant Professor of Chemistry  Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: asif@nyu.edu
    Education: BS-MS IISER Mohali India; PhD Aarhus University, Denmark

    Research Interests: Nuclear and Electron Magnetic Resonance, Photochemistry, Quantum Materials, Spin Physics

  • Yi Fang, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering; Associate Professor of Computer Science (Affiliated), NYU Abu Dhabi; Global Network Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, NYU Tandon Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: yf23@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD Purdue University

    Research Interests: 3D Computer Vision, Multimedia Processing, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

  • Shaalan Farouk, Senior Lecturer of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sf144@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD, Birkbeck College, University of London

  • Karam Fayad, Associate Program Head for Undergraduate Studies of Mathematics; Lecturer of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: karam.fayad@nyu.edu
    Education: BS Lebanese University; MS Sorbonne Université; PhD Sorbonne Université;

    Research Interests: Representation Theory, Number Theory

  • João Paulo Fernandes, Visiting Associate Professor Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: jpf9731@nyu.edu
    Education: BA University of Minho, Portugal; PhD University of Minho, Portugal

    Research Interests: Environmental Sustainability, Software, Quantum Computing

  • Eliseo Ferrante, Visiting Professor Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: ef2698@nyu.edu
    Education: MSc, in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Politecnico di Milano and University of Illino...

    Research Interests: Swarm robotics, complex systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence, non-equilibrium statisti...

  • Daryl Fougnie, Associate Professor of Psychology; Global Network Associate Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: darylfougnie@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Albion College; PhD Vanderbilt University

    Research Interests: Perception, Memory

  • Sehamuddin Galadari, Senior Vice Provost of Research; Managing Director, Research Institute; Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: shg3@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc. (Hons.) in Biochemistry, University of Southampton, UK; PhD. in Biochemistry, Imperial College,...

    Research Interests: Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology

  • Alberto Gandolfi, Associate Director of Faculty Teaching Development, NYUAD Center for Faculty Advancement (CFA); Professor of Practice in Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: ag189@nyu.edu
    Education: Laurea in Mathematics, Università di Modena; PhD in Mathematics, Delft University of Technology

    Research Interests: Statistical Mechanics, Models for Epidemics, Bioinformatics, Statistics of Unobserved Species

  • Joseph Gelfand, Associate Professor of Physics; Global Network Associate Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: jg168@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD and AM Astronomy, Harvard University

    Research Interests: Supernovae, Stars, Pulsar Wind Nebulae

  • Azam Gholami, Associate Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: azam.gholami@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Sharif University; MA Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS); PhD Ludwig-Maximi...

    Research Interests: Active Matter; Collective behavior and non-linear dynamics in living systems; Cell motility; Actin d...

  • Tej-eddine Ghoul, Associate Professor of Mathematics; Global Network Associate Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: teg6@nyu.edu
    Education: MA, University of Paris 6 and (Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussees ) PhD University of Paris 13

    Research Interests: Partial Differential Equations

  • Rafael Maria Gutierrez, Visiting Research Professor Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: rmg2165@nyu.edu
    Education: Physicists Universidad Nacional de Colombia; M.Sc. Universite de Montreal; Ph.D. NYU

    Research Interests: Complex Systems, Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, Entropy, Information, Innovation

  • Nizar Habash, Professor of Computer Science; Global Network Professor of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: nizar.habash@nyu.edu
    Education: BS (Computer Engineering); BA (Linguistics and Languages) Old Dominion University; MS and PhD (Compu...

    Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Arabic Language Pro...

  • Alan Healy, Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Global Network Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, NYU Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: alan.healy@nyu.edu
    Education: BA (mod) Trinity College Dublin, MSc University of Edinburgh, PhD University of St Andrews

    Research Interests: Chemical Biology, Natural Product Synthesis, Automated Synthesis, Drug Discovery

  • PJ Henry, Associate Professor of Psychology; Global Network Associate Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: pj.henry@nyu.edu
    Education: BA University of Wisconsin; PhD University of California Los Angeles

    Research Interests: Gender Roles; Masculinity/Femininity; Sexuality; Social Justice

  • Taoufik Hmidi, Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: th2644@nyu.edu
    Education: BS Université El Manar Tunis, MSc Université Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie), PhD Ecole Polytechniq...

    Research Interests: Partial Differential Equations, Fluid Dynamics

  • Youssef Idaghdour, Associate Professor of Biology; Global Network Associate Professor of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, NYU Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: youssef.idaghdour@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc in Biology from Ibn Zohr in Agadir; MSc, University of Leicester; PhD, North Carolina State Un...

    Research Interests: Population and Medical Genomics, Gene-environment Interactions

  • Aashish Jha, Assistant Professor of Biology; Global Network Assistant Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: jhaar@nyu.edu
    Education: BA University of California Berkeley, PhD The University of Chicago

    Research Interests: Population Genetics, Microbiome, Metagenomics, ELSI, Heritage, Genomics

  • Ken-ichiro Kamei, Associate Professor with a joint appointment in Biology and Bioengineering; Global Network Associate Professor of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, NYU; Global Network Professor of Biomedical Engineering, NYU Tandon Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: kk4801@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD Tokyo Institute of Technology

    Research Interests: Stem Cell Biology; Organs-on-a-Chip; Nano/microtechnology; Drug discovery; Regenerative medicine

  • Dan Ohtan Wang, Professor of Biology; Global Network Professor of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, NYU Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: ok2108@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Tokyo Institute of Technology; PhD University of Southern California

    Research Interests: Synaptic organization; RNA biology; Post-transcriptional regulation

  • Mohamad Kassab, Visiting Associate Professor of Computer Science Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: m.kassab@nyu.edu
    Education: BEng Lebanese American University; BS Computer Science University of Windsor; MS Computer Science Co...

    Research Interests: Software engineering and disruptive technologies; software architecture; blockchain; Internet of Thi...

  • Serdal Kirmizialtin, Associate Professor of Chemistry; Global Network Associate Professor of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, NYU Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: serdal@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD Physical Chemistry, University of Texas Austin

    Research Interests: Physical Chemistry, Computational Science, Soft Matter, Enzyme Actions

  • Yves Le Jan, Visiting Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: yl57@nyu.edu
    Education: Ecole normale supérieure, Paris. PhD Université de Paris

    Research Interests: Probability Calculus, Mathematical Physics, Chance in Every Aspect

  • Marta Losada, Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Research and Senior Vice Provost for Research; Professor of Physics; Global Network Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: marta.losada@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc Physics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; MSc, Physics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; PhD, ...

    Research Interests: High Energy Physics, Elementary Particle Phenomenology and Cosmology, Experimental High Energy Physi...

  • Anne Maass, Professor of Psychology; Global Network Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Science, NYU Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: anne.maass@nyu.edu
    Education: BA University of Heidelberg (Germany); MA University of Heidelberg; MA Florida State University; PhD...

    Research Interests: language and social cognition; stereotyping; psychology of economic inequality

  • Andrea Valerio Macciò, Professor of Physics; Global Network Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: maccio@nyu.edu
    Education: MB in Physics, University of Milano; PhD in Astrophysics, University of Milano-Bicocca

    Research Interests: Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Galaxies, Black Holes

  • Mazin Magzoub, Associate Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: mm6432@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD in Biophysics from Stockholm University

    Research Interests: Delivery of Antitumor Agents and Therapeutics for Amyloid Diseases

  • Reem Mahmoud, Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: rm7230@nyu.edu
    Education: BS in Mathematics, American University of Sharjah; MS in Mathematics, Virginia Commonwealth Universi...

    Research Interests: Graph theory, graph coloring, discrete math, algorithms

  • Angela Maitner, Visiting Professor of Psychology Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: angela.maitner@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Eckerd College; MA University of California, Santa Barbara; PhD University of California, Santa B...

    Research Interests: Social identity, culture, social cognition

  • Nader Masmoudi, Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU New York
    Email: nm30@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

    Research Interests: Fluid Mechanics

  • David Melcher, Program Head, Psychology; Professor of Psychology; Global Network Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: david.melcher@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD Rutgers University

    Research Interests: Cognitive Neuroscience, Perception, Attention, Working Memory, Eye Movements

  • Arman Mimar, Assistant Professor of Practice of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: am623@nyu.edu
    Education: BS Université Paris 7; PhD Columbia University

    Research Interests: Arithmetical Dynamics, Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory

  • Arslan Munir, Visiting Associate Professor of Computer Science Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: arslan.munir@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD, University of Florida, USA

    Research Interests: Embedded and cyber-physical systems; secure and trustworthy systems; artificial intelligence; comput...

  • Sarah Nadi, Associate Program Head for Undergraduate Studies of Computer Science; Associate Professor of Computer Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sarah.nadi@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc The American University in Cairo; MMath University of Waterloo; PhD University of Waterloo

    Research Interests: Software engineering; empirical software engineering; mining software repositories

  • Jaime Napier, Associate Professor of Psychology; Global Network Associate Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: jaime.napier@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc University of Texas at Austin; PhD New York University

    Research Interests: Gender; Inequality; Heteronormativity

  • Arjun Narayanan, Assistant Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: narayanan@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc Mumbai University; MSc Tata Institute of Fundamental Research; PhD New York University

    Research Interests: Condensed matter physics; Biological physics; Statistical mechanics of living systems; Bioimaging an...

  • Panče Naumov, Professor of Chemistry, NYU Abu Dhabi; Global Network Professor of Chemistry, NYU Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: pance.naumov@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD, Tokyo Institute of Technology

    Research Interests: Materials Science

  • Fiona Newell, Visiting Professor of Psychology Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: fn2169@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Trinity College Dublin; PhD University of Durham

    Research Interests: Human Perception; Multisensory Perception: Face, Object, and Scene Recognition

  • Bakiza Noutsi, Lecturer of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: bkn2@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD, KAUST

    Research Interests: Cellular Plasticity, Biophysical Properties of Cells, Stem Cell Engineering and Organoid Technologie...

  • Mai Oudah, Assistant Lecturer of Computer Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: mai.oudah@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc Al Ain University; MSc The British University in Dubai; PhD Masdar Institute

    Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Metagenomics, Meta/Transcriptomics, Natur...

  • Sreekumar Pankajakshan, Lecturer of Chemistry Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sp5802@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD Stuttgart University

    Research Interests: Chemical Synthesis, Catalysis, Chemistry Education

  • Francesco Paparella, Associate Professor of Mathematics; Global Network Associate Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: francesco.paparella@nyu.edu
    Education: Laurea in Fisica - Università di Torino; PhD Geophysics - Università di Genova

    Research Interests: Geophysical Fluids, Earth-systems Processes

  • Michele Pavon, Professor of Practice in Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: michele.pavon@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD University of Kentucky

    Research Interests: Optimal Transport, Steering of Probability Distributions, Stochastic Mechanics, Harmonic Analysis an...

  • Piergiorgio Percipalle, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs; Program Head of Biology; Professor of Biology; Global Network Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: pp69@nyu.edu
    Education: MSc, Molecular Genetics, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy; PhD, Molecular G...

    Research Interests: Molecular Genetics, Cell Biology

  • Fabio Piano, Joint Distinguished Professor, NYU Abu Dhabi-NYU New York; Professor of Biology and Director, Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, NYU New York; NYU Abu Dhabi Provost, 2010-2020. Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: fabio.piano@nyu.edu
    Education: Laurea, University of Florence; B.A., M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D., Biology, New York University; Post-Docto...

    Research Interests: Systems Biology; Reproduction, Development and Metabolism; Evolution; Chemical Genetics; C. elgans a...

  • Pierre Youssef , Program Head of Mathematics; Associate Professor of Mathematics; Global Network Associate Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: yp27@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Lebanese University; MA Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6); PhD Université Paris-Est Marn...

    Research Interests: Probability, Convex Geometry, Random Matrices, Markov Chains, Random Graphs, Mathematical Foundation...

  • Christina Pöpper, Program Head of Computer Science; Associate Professor of Computer Science; Global Network Associate Professor of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: cp105@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD and MSc (Diploma) ETH Zurich

    Research Interests: Information and Communication Security

  • Alessandro Portaluri, Visiting Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: ap9453@nyu.edu
    Education: Laurea degree University of Pisa; PhD University of Genova

    Research Interests: Maslov index, spectral flow, N-body problem, N-vortex problem

  • Thomas Pötsch, Assistant Lecturer of Computer Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: thomas.poetsch@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc University of Applied Science, Bremen; MSc University of Bremen, PhD University of Bremen

    Research Interests: Computer networks, congestion control protocols

  • Fernando Quevedo, Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: fq2054@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD in Physics, The University of Texas at Austin; BSc in Physics, Universidad Del Valle de Guatemal...

    Research Interests: Fundamental Structure of the Universe, Supergravity, String Phenomenology, and Extra-dimensional The...

  • Wael M. Rabeh, Associate Professor of Chemistry Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: wael.rabeh@nyu.edu
    Education: BS Damascus University; PhD University of Oklahoma

    Research Interests: Enzymology, Protein Structures

  • Talal Rahwan, Associate Professor of Computer Science; Global Network Associate Professor of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: talal.rahwan@nyu.edu
    Education: BEng University of Aleppo; PhD Southampton University

    Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Agent Systems, Cooperative Game Theory, Computational Social Science

  • Saurabh Ray, Associate Professor of Computer Science; Global Network Associate Professor of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sr194@nyu.edu
    Education: BTech Institute of Technology Guwahati; MCS, PhD Universität des Saarlandes

    Research Interests: Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

  • Aleksander Rebane, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: a.rebane@nyu.edu
    Education: BS ETH Zürich; MS Osaka University; PhD Yale University

    Research Interests: Soft Matter Physics; Single-molecule Biophysics; Liquid-liquid Phase Separation; Optical Tweezers; I...

  • Bas Rokers, Professor of Psychology; Global Network Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: rokers@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Utrecht University; MA Rutgers University; PhD University of California - Los Angeles

    Research Interests: Visual Perception; Motion Processing; Depth Perception; Neuroimaging; Virtual Reality

  • Keith W. Ross, Professor of Computer Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: keithwross@nyu.edu
    Education: BS Tufts University; MS Columbia University; PhD University of Michigan

    Research Interests: Deep Reinforcement Learning; Deep Learning; Artificial Intelligence

  • David Russell, Associate Professor of Physics; Global Network Associate Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: dr124@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc, MSc, University of Hertfordshire; PhD, University of Southampton

    Research Interests: Black Holes, Neutron Stars

  • Mostafa Sabri, Assistant Professor Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: mostafa.sabri@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Cairo University; MA Université Paris 7 Denis-Diderot; PhD Université Paris 7 Denis-Diderot

    Research Interests: Mathematical physics; spectral theory; quantum chaos; randomness

  • Hanan Salam, Assistant Professor of Computer Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: hanan.salam@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD CentraleSupélec

    Research Interests: Human-Machine Interaction; Human-Robot Interaction; Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health; Bias ...

  • Kourosh Salehi-Ashtiani, Associate Professor of Biology; Global Network Associate Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: ksa3@nyu.edu
    Education: BS, MA, San Francisco State University (Advisor: Prof. Gregory A. Antipa); PhD, Northwestern Univers...

    Research Interests: Evolution, Phenotype-genotype Relations, Metabolism of Algae

  • Hisham Sati, Director, Center for Quantum and Topological Systems (CQTS); Associate Dean for Student Success and Curricular Affairs; Professor of Mathematics; Global Network Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: hsati@nyu.edu
    Education: BS American University of Beirut; PhD University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    Research Interests: Mathematical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Differential Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Geometric an...

  • David Scicchitano, Professor of Biology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: david.scicchitano@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD in physiology from the Pennsylvania State University, Milton S. Hershey College of Medicine; BA ...

    Research Interests: Molecular Biology, Genomic Maintenance Mechanics

  • Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington, Associate Professor Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: Jennifer.Sheehy.Skeffington@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD (Psychology), Harvard University; MSc (Social Psychology), London School of Economics, BSc (Hons...

    Research Interests: Social Psychology; Poverty; Social Class; Inequality; Ideology; Prejudice; Political Behaviour

  • George Shubeita, Associate Professor of Physics; Global Network Associate Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: george.shubeita@nyu.edu
    Education: BS Birzeit University, PhD The University of Lausanne

    Research Interests: Biological Physics, Molecular Physics, Molecular Sensors, New Imaging Techniques

  • Ilya Spitkovsky, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: ims2@nyu.edu
    Education: MS University of Odessa, Ukraine; Candidate of Sciences (PhD equivalent) University of Belorussia; D...

    Research Interests: Analysis, Operator and Matrix Theory

  • Jon Sprouse, Professor of Psychology; Global Network Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: jon.sprouse@nyu.edu
    Education: AB in Linguistics from Princeton University; PhD in Linguistics from the University of Maryland

    Research Interests: Linguistics, Experimental Syntax

  • Kartik Sreenivasan, Associate Program Head for Undergraduate Studies of Psychology; Associate Professor of Psychology with an Affiliation in Biology; Global Network Associate Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: kks4@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Yale University; PhD University of Pennsylvania

    Research Interests: Short-term Memory, Working Memory

  • Brijith Thomas, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: bt2354@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD Leiden University

    Research Interests: SSNMR, spectroscopy, NMR crystallography, dynamic nuclear polarisation

  • Andy Tillotson, Senior Lecturer of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: andy.tillotson@nyu.edu
    Education: BS Vanderbilt University; PhD University of Maryland

    Research Interests: Physics Education Research; Connections between Statistical Mechanics and Music

  • Dimitrios Touloupas, Professor of Computer Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: dt2803@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD, University of Patras

    Research Interests: Algorithms, discrete mathematics

  • Ali Trabolsi, Program Head of Chemistry; Professor of Chemistry; Global Network Professor of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: ali.trabolsi@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc Lebanese University; MS, PhD University of Strasbourg

    Research Interests: Materials for Health and Environment

  • Andrea Vial, Assistant Professor of Psychology; Global Network Assistant Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: andrea.vial@nyu.edu
    Education: BA CUNY-Hunter College; PhD Yale University

    Research Interests: Social Psychology, Gender, Stereotyping, Prejudice, Power, Workplace Culture

  • Robert Volcic, Associate Professor of Psychology; Global Network Associate Professor of Psychology Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: rv50@nyu.edu
    Education: BSc, MSc Università degli Studi di Trieste; PhD Utrecht University

    Research Interests: Neuroscience, Cognitive Systems

  • Antje Von Suchodoletz, Associate Professor of Psychology; Global Network Associate Professor of Psychology, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: avs5@nyu.edu
    Education: Diploma, PhD (Psychology) University of Konstanz; Certificate of Advanced Studies in Child and Youth...

    Research Interests: Child Development, Early Childhood Education, Caregiver-Child Interactions

  • Theodore Waters, Associate Professor of Psychology; Global Network Associate Professor of Psychology, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: theo.waters@nyu.edu
    Education: Honours BSc University of Toronto; MA Emory University; PhD Emory University

    Research Interests: Attachment and autobiographical memory

  • Jamie Whelan, Associate Lecturer of Chemistry Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: jamie.whelan@nyu.edu

    Research Interests: Materials Science, Petroleomics, Teaching

  • Yasir Zaki, Assistant Professor of Computer Science; Global Network Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: yz48@nyu.edu
    Education: MSc University of Bremen; PhD University of Bremen

    Research Interests: Communication Networks, Wireless Networks, Cellular Communication, Congestion Control Protocols

  • Dania Zantout, Lecturer of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: dz41@nyu.edu
    Education: MS American University of Beirut; PhD Clemson University

    Research Interests: Automorphic forms, L-functions, Arithmetic Geometry

  • Ingyin Zaw, Program Head, Physics; Associate Professor of Physics; Global Network Associate Professor of Physics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: ingyin.zaw@nyu.edu
    Education: AB, AM, and PhD in Physics from Harvard University

    Research Interests: Particle Physics, Astronomy

  • Weiren Zhao, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: wz19@nyu.edu
    Education: BS, PhD Zhejiang University

    Research Interests: Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, PDEs, Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Physics