Associate Professor of Psychology; Global Network Associate Professor of Psychology
Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: BA University of Wisconsin; PhD University of California Los Angeles
Research Areas: Gender Roles; Masculinity/Femininity; Sexuality; Social Justice
PJ Henry is a social psychologist with training in the areas of political psychology and intergroup relations. His current program of research focuses on beliefs about gender and gender role expectations as a guiding ideological principle that informs a range of political and social beliefs. This research has relied mostly on survey methodology and archival data analyses and has considered multiple levels of analysis from the individual to the country. He is also co-PI - in collaboration with investigators at the London School of Economics and UAEU - on the WeAreNYUAD Survey that tracks student beliefs and attitudes over the course of their education at NYUAD, with funding from the LSE Middle East Center.
Prof. Henry has spent a year as a Humboldt research fellow at the University of Bielefeld, and before arriving at NYUAD was an associate professor of psychology at DePaul University. His first academic position was at the American University of Beirut, an experience he calls "life-changing" and an opportunity to live and study in a multi-ethnic, multi-religious society with many shades of conflict and many ways of understanding differences.