Faculty Labs and Projects

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  • AMBER Lab

    The mission of Advanced Materials and Building Efficiency Research Laboratory (AMBER Lab) is to tackle pressing societal issues through fundamental and practical research in innovative and new construction materials. Our research interests encompass a wide range from materials characterization, mechanical and durability assessment to building applications and development of sustainable urban infrastructure.

    Keywords: Sustainable Urban Infrastructure, Green Materials, Energy Efficiency, Construction Materials

  • Advanced Microfluidics and Microdevices Laboratory

    AMMLab is currently working with diverse facets of miniaturization and integration in biology, life sciences, and medicine, which includes the conception, engineering, and utilization of novel micro and nanotechnologies to manipulate, stimulate and study biological entities.

    Keywords: Bioengineering, Microtechnology, Microfluidics, MEMS, Biosensors

  • Applied Computational Engineering Lab

    The Applied Computational Engineering (ACE) Lab focuses on the analysis, development and modeling of advanced materials and structures for a wide range of engineering applications, through the combination of experimental, numerical and machine learning techniques.

    Keywords: Metamaterials, Composites, Additive Manufacturing, Numerical Modeling, Machine Learning

  • Applied Interactive Multimedia Laboratory

    AIM Lab research interests include the conception, engineering, and utilization of novel haptic interfaces as a new media in Human-Computer Interaction.

    Keywords: Haptics, Medical Simulation, Neurohaptics, Affective Haptics, Vibrotactile Stimulation

  • Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

    CAIR advances fundamental research and applications in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Research faculty from NYUAD and NYUNY collaborate in five projects spanning areas from the collaboration of multi-agent systems, perception and navigation, deep learning, brain-robot interface, and other applications. The participating labs in NYUAD include the: Robotics and Intelligent Systems Control, Multimedia and Visual Computing, Applied Interactive Multimedia, Computer-Human Intelligence, Clinical Artificial Intelligence, Social Machines and RoboTics, and Volcic.

    Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, AI, Robotics

  • Center for Cyber Security

    The Center for Cyber Security aims to establish a world class cyber security center by partnering with key local universities, industry and government agencies in order to facilitate cyber security research, education and practice in the United Arab Emirates and more generally in the GCC region.

    Keywords: Security, Cyber Security, Cryptography, Hardware Security, Forensics Security, Information Security, Communication Security

  • Center for Interacting Urban Networks

    The United Nations estimates over 60 percent of the population will live in urban areas by 2030. This rapid rate of urbanization is putting strain on urban systems and posing new challenges across a multitude of sectors. The Center for the Interacting Urban Networks has been established at NYU Abu Dhabi to develop fundamental research that can be translated into pragmatic ideas for increasing the livability of our cities.

    Keywords: CITIES, Urban Networks, Urban Science, Sustainable Future

  • Center for Quantum and Topological Systems

     A nucleation point for cross-disciplinary expertise in theory and application of quantum and topological systems, with an emphasis towards the unifying goal of robust quantum computation – combining all questions from theoretical foundations (quantum error-correction) over hardware (topological quantum materials and novel quantum chips), architecture (parameterized quantum circuits), and software (quantum programming languages and hardware-aware software optimization) to applications (quantum machine learning and quantum cryptography).

    • Principal Investigator: Hisham Sati
    • Program: Mathematics Computer Science Physics Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering
    • Division: Science Engineering
    • Research Institute Center

    Keywords: Quantum Materials, Quantum Computing, Quantum Machine Learning, Applied Topology, Topological Data Analysis

  • Center for Smart Engineering Materials (NYUAD-CSEM)

    The NYUAD Center for Smart Engineering Materials (NYUAD-CSEM) is an institutional research platform for research and development of smart materials and technologies that are relevant to the key sectors of the UAE's economy. By using an integrated, multidisciplinary, and synergistic approach to basic research, characterization, optimization, and implementation, NYUAD-CSEM aims to provide smart and sustainable solutions for sensing and diagnostics in the oil/gas and civil engineering sectors.

    Keywords: Materials, Devices, Oil and Gas, Sensors, Smart Technologies

  • Center for Stability, Instability, and Turbulence

    Instability of dynamics flows and their transition to turbulence are widespread phenomena in engineering, computer science, geophysics, biophysics, and the natural environment. Stability, Instability, and Weak Turbulence research center will develop novel enabling technology to deal with this phenomena.

    Keywords: Hydrodynamic Stability, Turbulence, Population Dynamics, Singularity Formation, Couette Flow

  • Clinical Artificial Intelligence Lab

    In the Clinical Artificial Intelligence (CAI) Lab, we are interested in supporting clinical decision-making using AI, data science, and machine learning driven tools. The tools rely on the analysis of large-scale electronic health records data or medical imaging. To ensure our solutions are feasible and clinically useful, we extensively collaborate with domain experts.

    Keywords: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Healthcare

  • Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM)

    The CSM research is focused on advancing the mechanics theory and numerical algorithms to better predict the time-dependent, nonlinear, multiscale, and fracture behavior of manmade and natural materials; including concrete, steel, polymers, ice, rock, and biomaterials.  

    Keywords: Computational Methods, Fracture Mechanics, Finite Elements, Multiphysics, Material Modeling

  • Design For Excellence Lab

    Electronic chips manufactured today exhibit a higher defect rate, fail more often during their mission-mode operation, die quicker in the field, and thanks to globalization and outsourcing, are more prone to security threats such as counterfeiting, IP piracy, and hardware trojans. Our mission is to design these electronic chips with built-in defense mechanisms.

    Keywords: Hardware Security, Design for Trust, Logic Locking , Information Security, Communication Security

  • Embodied AI and Robotics Lab (AIR)

    The lab serves as an intellectual hub for faculty, researchers, and students from both the New York and Abu Dhabi campuses to study and address the key challenges in multimedia and visual data processing.

    • Principal Investigator: Yi Fang
    • Program: Computer Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering General Engineering
    • Division: Engineering Science

    Keywords: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Multimedia, Visual Computing

  • Field Robotics Laboratory

    The Field Robotics Laboratory (FRL) at New York University Abu Dhabi addresses robotic intervention in unstructured environments with emphasis on sensor-based task planning and control.

    Keywords: Robotics, Control, Underwater Robotics, Field Robotics

  • Haven Lab

    The mission of Haven Lab is to provide individuals with better control over their privacy, and protection from digital threats. The lab aims to work towards a future where digital services are inherently designed with user privacy and security at the forefront.

    Keywords: Cybersecurity, Digital Privacy

  • Integrated BioElectronics Laboratory

    The Integrated BioElectronics Lab aims at advancing the engineering and applications of silicon integrated technology interfacing with biology in a variety of forms ranging from implantable biomedical devices to unobtrusive wearable sensors.

    • Principal Investigator: Sohmyung Ha
    • Program: Electrical Engineering
    • Division: Engineering

    Keywords: integrated circuits, biomedical sensors, neural interface, wireless power transmission, implantable, wearable

  • Laboratory for Advanced Bio-Photonics and Imaging (LAB-π)

    The Zam Lab for Advanced Bio-Photonics and Imaging (LAB-π) is focused on the development and clinical translation of smart devices for medical imaging, diagnostics, and monitoring using novel optical technologies, which include smart laser surgery, optical coherence tomography (OCT), photoacoustics, biomedical spectroscopy, AI-assisted optical diagnostics and imaging, optical-based smart biosensors, and miniaturized optical systems.

    Keywords: Biomedical Imaging, Biomedical Optics, Biomedical Spectroscopy, Optical-based Smart and Miniaturized Systems, AI-aided optical diagnostics and imaging

  • Laboratory for Advanced Neuroengineering and Translational Medicine

    The Ramadi Lab for Advanced Neuroengineering and Translational Medicine develops innovative approaches for the modulation of neural activity throughout the body. We combine mechanical, electrical, materials, and bio-engineering toolkits towards designing minimally invasive technologies for neuromodulation. Our goal is to develop novel therapies for neurologic, metabolic, and immune disorders.

    Keywords: Neuroengineering, Translational Medicine, Medical Devices, Drug Delivery

  • Laboratory for Computer-Human Intelligence

    The lab operates at the interface of computer and human intelligence; developing systems that quantify how humans make decisions and humans express their thoughts through everyday human signals (speech, language, movement, etc.).

    Keywords: Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Decision-Making

  • Laboratory for Immuno Bioengineering Research and Applications (LIBRA)

    Deciphering the role of mechanical factors on immune cells through basic research, to unveil new insights into immune homeostasis and dysregulation for innovative translational applications. Our team achieve this overall goal through the use of model systems that integrates Immuno-mechanobiology, Microenvironment Mimicry, and Video-omics.


    • Principal Investigator: Jeremy Teo
    • Program: General Engineering
    • Division: Engineering

    Keywords: Mechanobiology, Biomaterials, Quantitative Biology, Immunology, Bioengineering

  • Laboratory of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics (LAND)

    Laboratory of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics (L.A.N.D.) focuses on understanding various nonlinear phenomena and applying this understanding to resolve issues related to power generation, manufacturing, microelectromechanical systems, and origami structures. 

    Keywords: Nonlinear Dynamics, Origami, Energy Harvesting, Wave Energy, Fluid-Structure Interactions

  • Magzoub Lab: Biophysics

    Developing novel drug delivery systems — peptides, liposomes and nanoparticles — to enhance the targeting and cellular uptake of therapeutics in order to maximize their efficacy

    Keywords: Drug Delivery Strategies, Amyloid Diseases, Cancer Therapeutics

  • Micro- and Nanoscale Bioengineering Lab

    Our research areas include liquid biopsy on microfluidic biochips and high throughput drug screening using whole model organisms such C. elegans.

  • Modern Microprocessor Architectures Lab

    The Modern Microprocessors Architectures (MoMA) Lab focuses on the security and privacy of modern high-performance and embedded microprocessors. Research topics include privacy-preserving architectures, encrypted computation, industrial control systems security, and hardware security.  

    • Principal Investigator: Michail Maniatakos
    • Program: Computer Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering
    • Division: Engineering Science

    Keywords: Cybersecurity, Privacy, Homomorphic Encryption, Industrial Control Systems, Hardware Security

  • Mubadala Arabian Center for Climate and Environmental ScienceS (ACCESS)

    An interdisciplinary, UAE-based research center on climate change and the environment. The Mubadala ACCESS Center is developing an environmental monitoring network and innovative instruments based on intelligent drones to realize it. The Mubadala ACCESS Center is developing regional climate and environmental models to help understand the observed data and make future scenarios.

    Keywords: Arabian Gulf, Climate Change, Drones, Marine Environment, Coral Reefs

  • Music and Sound Cultures (MaSC)

    The Music and Sound Cultures (MaSC) research laboratory is a collective of researchers focusing on the multidisciplinary study of music from the Arab World and neighboring regions through computational and humanistic methods.

    Keywords: Music, Digital Humanities, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Ethnomusicology, Music Information Retrieval

  • NYUAD Hackathon for Social Good in the Arab World

    The Annual NYUAD International Hackathon is a three-day programming marathon, during which renowned international computer science professors, founders of successful startups, technology professionals, and venture capitalists come together at NYUAD to lead teams of talented computer science students from all over the world (the majority of the students will be from the Arab world), to create mobile and web applications.

    Keywords: Hackathon, Quantum Computing, Worshop, Technology, Social Good

  • Narrative Technologies and Spatial Installations Lab

    We focus on problems or questions in the realm of information, communication, and electronic systems.


  • NetBio Group

    Blending theory with experiments, we focus on the behavior of networks with particular emphasis on synthetic biology applications.

    • Principal Investigator: Andras Gyorgy
    • Program: General Engineering
    • Division: Engineering

    Keywords: synthetic biology, networks, control and dynamical systems, quantitative biology, complex systems

  • Photonics Research Lab

    We are working to develop novel photonic/optoelectronic components for next-generation optical and data communication networks.


    • Principal Investigator: Mahmoud Rasras
    • Program: Electrical Engineering
    • Division: Engineering

    Keywords: Photonics Integrated Circuits, Silicon Photonics, Optoelectronics, Cybersecurity, Opto-MEMS

  • Research Center for Translational Medical Devices (CENTMED)

    The Center for Translational Medical Devices (CENTMED) is a multi-disciplinary center combining expertise in engineering, biology, and chemistry to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice. The objective of CENTMED is to catalyze translational research collaborations between researchers and clinicians.

    Keywords: Medical Devices, Wearables, Non-invasive Detection, Metabolic Disease, Cardiovascular Disease

  • Robotics and Intelligent Systems Control Laboratory

    The Robotics and Intelligent Systems Control Laboratory (RISC Lab) at New York University Abu Dhabi focuses on perception, control, and planning in primarily autonomous robots. Our vision is to realize fully capable aerial workers, delivery systems, and collaborative autonomous agents as well as focus on medical applications.


    • Principal Investigator: Anthony Tzes
    • Program: Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering General Engineering
    • Division: Engineering

    Keywords: Aerial Robotics, Control Systems, Robot Perception, Autonomous and Collaborative Robots, Medical Applications

  • S.M.A.R.T. Construction Research Group

    Our goal is to generate high-impact scholarly work while ensuring a pragmatic viewpoint to guarantee a successful integration in the way we manage the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, inspection, retrofit, and repair of the infrastructure and communities of the future. We do that by having as a backbone the digitalization and automation of the construction industry coupled with the application of artificial intelligence and the integration of new technologies.


    Sustainable and resilient construction

    Modularization and lean construction

    Artificial intelligence

    Robotic systems and automation

    Technology integration and information modeling

    Keywords: Construction Automation and Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Cybersecurity, Lean and Agile Construction

  • Sand Hazards and Opportunities for Resilience, Energy, and Sustainability (SHORES)

    SHORES focuses on overcoming the challenges of living in an arid desert environment while exploring the opportunities that sand offers. SHORES aims to push the current state-of-the-art knowledge and be a leader in applied sciences on topics, including infrastructure resilience, community sustainability, and energy in a desert environment.

    • Principal Investigator: Tarek Abdoun
    • Program: General Engineering
    • Division: Engineering
    • Research Institute Center

    Keywords: Sand and Desertification, Infrastructure Resilience, Community Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Physical and Computational Modeling

  • The Vijay Lab

    3D Printing and Bioprinting for tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug testing, and medical devices

    Keywords: 3D Printing, Bioprinting, Additive Manufacturing, Stem Cells, Biomaterials

  • Transportation Infrastructure Management Lab

    Our research includes all aspects of the planning and management of surface transportation infrastructure.

    Keywords: Transportation Infrastructure, Planning, Management, Optimization, Econometrics

  • Water Research Center

    The Water Research Center (NYUAD-WRC) aims to promote innovative research in water desalination, wastewater treatment, environmental policy, and social issues. The center serves as an interdisciplinary innovation hub for water research where scientific knowledge is transformed into practical solutions.


    Keywords: Water Treatment, Desalination, Sustainability

  • Wireless Research Lab

    The ongoing research at the Wireless Lab is centered around designing new physical layer techniques for the next generations of wireless communication systems. The scope of research encompasses a range of compelling topics, such as integrated communication and sensing for 6G, waveform design, machine learning for communications, and localization.

    Keywords: 6G, Integrated Sensing and Communication, Waveform Design, Wireless Communications, Communication Theory, Signal Processing