Beatrice Rivoira

Research Instrumentation Specialist II and Diving Safety Officer Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: MSc Università Politecnica delle Marche

Research Areas: Marine conservation and outreach, scientific diving techniques, diving research instrumentations, diving physiology, extreme environments ecology

Beatrice Rivoira is an accomplished Italian OC and CCRs technical instructor, Diver Medic technician, and Advanced European Scientific Diver holding a Master's Degree in Marine Biology and Oceanography. With a profound passion for extreme environments, she is an avid cave diver and has been involved in numerous archaeological and biological underwater projects prior to joining NYUAD.

Her experience working in challenging environments has motivated her interest in Human Factors and risk management, making her a valuable asset in ensuring the safety and efficiency of diving operations. Beyond her practical expertise, Rivoira has co-authored a comprehensive book on Mediterranean Sea biology and has contributed translations to several others within the realm of technical diving.

In 2021, she was honored as the awardee of the Diver Medical Education Grant bestowed by the Women Divers Hall of Fame.