Core Technology Platforms


At NYU Abu Dhabi each Core Technology Platform (CTP) consists of a suite of research-grade equipment and are defined by the type of research they facilitate. The CTPs will continue to evolve and develop as new technology is added and new areas of research are conducted at NYUAD.


The Analytical and Materials Characterization Core Technology Platform supports scientific advancements and development of new technologies. This facility provides state-of-the-art instrumentation with major capabilities for fundamental studies of the surface, ultrastructure and interfacial properties of materials in the following major areas: 


The Spectrometry and Spectroscopy Core Technology Platform assists researchers in the following applications: 


The Microfabrication Core Technology Platform is equipped with the equipment necessary to perform material deposition, lithography and etching for microfabrication process. Researchers are utilizing this CTP, a class 1000 cleanroom, to build microfluidic platforms for highthroughput drug screening, develop ultrasensitive point-of-care diagnostic chips for early detection of cancer and other diseases, design chips to isolate fetal cells from maternal blood, and create portable platforms for monitoring the quality of water in the world. 


The Molecular and Cell Biology Core Technology Platform provides a broad range of instruments that aid scientists in performing research at the molecular, single cell, and tissue culture level. Research activities carried out at NYUAD in this core include:


The Sequencing facility enables researchers to rapidly collect large amounts of data on DNA and RNA sequences. Researchers are using this technology to sequence samples from humans, model organisms and nonmodel organisms in order to characterize their genomes (DNA), transcriptomes (RNA), and genetic diversity in populations (sequence variants). Other applications include investigating interactions between proteins and nucleic acids and analyzing samples collected from the environment.

This core is used by researchers to investigate how marine microbes interact with each other and how these interactions influence both our oceans and other important ecosystems in the oceans, such as coral reefs. Another research group seeks to reveal how neuronal cells from multiple anatomically distinct nuclei networked together in the basal brain in a mouse paradigm that manifests in sleep and circadian disturbance under social defeat depression.


The High-Throughput Screening (HTS) Core Technology Platform is a laboratory automation system which allows researchers to rapidly automate chemical and biological processes. This platform is optimized to carry out most of the steps involved in high throughput screening of small molecule or genomic (e.g., RNAi, CRISPR) libraries. These steps include mixing reagents with cells or whole organisms, sample incubation in controlled environments, and highcontent imaging at multiple levels of magnification in both brightfield and multichannel fluorescence modes. 

The HTS system is capable of performing a variety of processes such as liquid handling, imaging, incubation, labeling, shaking, sealing and can be adaptable to any new process required by adding a new equipment and integrating it with the rest of the automated system. The users of this platform are currently focusing on screening large libraries of chemical and biological reagents for bioactive compound discovery, toxicity studies, and cell biology research.


The Light Microscopy Core Technology Platform provides access to several state-ofthe-art microscopes and aids in the following research activities:


The Brain Imaging Core Technology Platform performs cutting edge, noninvasive examination of the brain’s structural features and functional activation, and its relation to human behavior, language, and working memory, which is observed via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology.

This CTP is staffed with an imaging physicist and a certified MRI technologist, and is equipped with a state-of-the-art 3T Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma MRI scanner. The latest pulse sequences such as simultaneous multislice (SMS) for BOLD and diffusion sequences provide unparalleled capability of acquiring high spatial and temporal resolution images with adequate signal-to- noise ratio in shorter scan times. Several RF coils are available with the Prisma such as 20, 32 and 64 Channels head “TIM” RF receiver in addition to the RF body coils.

In addition, this CTP is equipped with a magnetoencephalography (MEG) system managed by Neuroscience of Language Lab (Nellab) which houses a noninvasive imaging technology that allows researchers to investigate how the brain gives rise to various aspects of cognition.


The Marine Biology Core Technology Platform provides the necessary tools to allow researchers to use the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman as natural laboratories. Among the many research activities, scientists at NYUAD are seeking to examine how coral communities in these extreme environments respond to and recover from mass bleaching events and how variation in environmental conditions affect biogeographic patterns of community structure of corals, fish, and other reef biota in the region.

Another group of scientists are monitoring and collecting samples from coral colonies around the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to understand coral disease. They are also collecting net plankton samples for isolation of marine phytoplankton from the Arabian Gulf exploring mangrove sediments in order to isolate novel marine bacteria with potential for biomedical drugs. The Marine Biology facility is equipped with the latest technology and tools to conduct research in this field.


The Advanced Manufacturing and Electronics Core Technology Platform supports research in the following areas:

  • Mechanical design 
  • Manufacturing custom made parts 
  • Design and manufacturing printed circuit boards (PCB) 
  • Reverse Engineering 
  • Design and manufacture custom made equipment or modify existing equipment

All activities are performed using stateof-the-art software and manufacturing equipment operated by specialized trained personnel using cutting edge techniques. Depending on the nature of the project, a single machine or combination of these machines are used. The facility can produce parts accurate to the micro scale.


The Photonics Core Technology Platform is an advanced facility that has been exclusively established to address the current and future research activities in the field of telecommunications. 

The instruments in this core work in synergy to perform advanced characterizations necessary to test research theories, and for the evaluation and certification (IEEE Standards) of optical and electronic telecommunication devices that operate at very high bit rates. The latest research on data telecommunication channels use a combination of optical and electrical components to offer data rates of 400 Gigabits/sec. The combination of instruments is essential in the field of telecommunication. Individually, the same instruments can be utilized for research in physics, chemistry, engineering, computer science and much more. 


The Kinesis Core Technology Platform is a space for exploration and experimentation related to motion. The laboratory is divided into two main zones: The Arena and the Workspace. 

The Kinesis Core Technology Platform supports research in the following areas:

Recent Innovative Research

Restoring our Environment

Charting the symbiotic interactions between phytoplankton, their microbiome and corals.

Understanding How we Think

How our brains accomplish language processing.

Cytoskeletal Protein "Actin" is Critical in Genome Regulation

New NYUAD research holds potential for the development of personalized medicines