The Analytical and Materials Characterization Core Technology Platform aids in the investigation of the characteristics, properties, structures, and performance of a variety of materials, from the level of the millimeter, to the micrometer, to the angstrom.
Equipment List
- AFM - Agilent 5500
- AFM - Bruker Dimension Icon
- Bruker Hysitron TI Premier® Dynamic Nanomechanical Test System
- DSC - Setaram SENSYS EVO
- DSC - TA Instruments Q2000
- Elemental Analyzer - Elementa-Vario Micro Cube
- Metallographic Microscope - Olympus SC50
- Microcalorimeter - TA Instruments TAM IV
- Microscope - Nikon LV 100 POL
- Nano Indenter - Agilent G200
- Nanoindenter - KLA Nanoflip
- Nanoindenter - Bruker Hysitron TI Premier
- Nanowizard 4XP Aotmic Force Microscope
- Petrology Saw/Grinder - Bueller Petrothin
- Plasma Processor- Femto Science Cute
- Potentiostat/Galvanostat- BioLogic Sp-300
- Pycnometer - Micromeritics Accupyc 1340
- Raman Microscope - Witec Alpha 300
- SAXSpoint 5.0 Small Angle X-ray Scattering System Anton-Paar
- Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction System - Bruker D8
- Surface Characterization- Micromeritics 3Flex
- Surface Characterization-Degas Station
- Surface Tensometer - Biolin Sigma 701
- Tensile stage - MTI Instuments MTEST
- Thermal Analysis F1 209 Libra
- Thermal Analysis-TGA - TA Instruments Q600
- Thermal Conductivity Analyzer - C-Therm TCI
- Tomography setup on TEM
- Vacuum Evaporator -Denton DV-502B
- Vapor Adsorption Analyzer
- Video Based Optical Contact Angle - DataPhysics OCA 15EC
- X-ray Powder Diffraction - Malvern Panalytical Empyrean 3 (New PXRD)
- X-ray Powder Diffraction (Reflection Mode) Empyrean 2
- XRF - Rigaku NEC GC
- XRF - Bruker Tracer 5i hand-held XRF
Electron Microscopy
- Critical Point Dryer - Leica CPD300
- Cryo Ultramicrotome Leica EM UC7/FC7
- Cryostat- Leica CM1950
- Dual Beam Scanning Electron Microscope - ThermoFischer Scios
- Freeze Substitution system - Leica AFS2
- High Pressure Freezer - Leica ICE
- NX70 Cryostat
- Poseidon Select Liquid Cell Holder
- Rotary Microtome (100 microns sections) - Leica RM2265
- Scanning Electron Microscope - ThermoFischer Quanta3D
- Target sample Preparation Device - Leica EM-TXP
- Transmission Electron Microscope - ThermoFischer Talos F200X
- Vitrobot FEI Mark IV