Analytical and Materials Characterization
The Analytical and Materials Characterization Core Technology Platform supports scientific advancements and the development of new technologies. This facility provides state-of-the-art instrumentation with major capabilities for fundamental studies of the surface, ultrastructure, and interfacial properties of materials in the following major areas:
Materials Characterization
Characterization is used by researchers in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, and archeology to study the properties of samples by morphology, mechanical, chemical and crystalline properties from macro to nanometer scale. The main techniques used in this area are optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, x-ray fluorescence, atomic force microscopy, and mechanical testing.
Electron Microscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy is a key technique within the Materials Characterization realm. By utilizing focused electron beams, SEM produces high-resolution images of material surfaces. Researchers from diverse fields such as chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, and archeology leverage SEM to delve into the intricacies of sample morphology.
Transmission Electron Microscopy takes electron microscopy to the nanoscale, providing unparalleled insights into the ultrastructure of materials. This technique is employed across various disciplines, allowing researchers to explore the crystalline, mechanical, and chemical properties of samples with remarkable precision. TEM facilitates fundamental studies at the nanometer scale, contributing to advancements in fields such as materials science, chemistry, and biology.
Crystallographic Characterization
Powder, single crystal, and Small Angle Scattering (SAXS) x-ray diffractometers are available for a wide range of material identification, structural characterization, and characterization of thin films. Various sample stages are available for ambient and non-ambient characterization
Recent research activities have included work on the structure of insect eyes, identification of diatoms on coral substrates, characterization of archaeological debris, cross-sectional imaging of integrated circuits, mechanical properties of organic crystals, X-ray tomography of organic crystals, analysis of lithographically defined materials, the structure of nano-scale scaffolds and Raman identification of olive oil adulterants, characterization of 2-D materials, and investigations of cements. Its ability to capture surface details with exceptional clarity makes it an indispensable tool for studying a wide range of materials, from biological specimens to engineered structures.
Equipment List
- AFM - Agilent 5500
- AFM - Bruker Dimension Icon
- Bruker Hysitron TI Premier® Dynamic Nanomechanical Test System
- DSC - Setaram SENSYS EVO
- DSC - TA Instruments Q2000
- Elemental Analyzer - Elementa-Vario Micro Cube
- Metallographic Microscope - Olympus SC50
- Microcalorimeter - TA Instruments TAM IV
- Microscope - Nikon LV 100 POL
- Nano Indenter - Agilent G200
- Nanoindenter - KLA Nanoflip
- Nanoindenter - Bruker Hysitron TI Premier
- Nanowizard 4XP Aotmic Force Microscope
- Petrology Saw/Grinder - Bueller Petrothin
- Plasma Processor- Femto Science Cute
- Potentiostat/Galvanostat- BioLogic Sp-300
- Pycnometer - Micromeritics Accupyc 1340
- Raman Microscope - Witec Alpha 300
- SAXSpoint 5.0 Small Angle X-ray Scattering System Anton-Paar
- Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction System - Bruker D8
- Surface Characterization- Micromeritics 3Flex
- Surface Characterization-Degas Station
- Surface Tensometer - Biolin Sigma 701
- Tensile stage - MTI Instuments MTEST
- Thermal Analysis F1 209 Libra
- Thermal Analysis-TGA - TA Instruments Q600
- Thermal Conductivity Analyzer - C-Therm TCI
- Thermo FEI Apreo 2 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- Tomography setup on TEM
- Vacuum Evaporator -Denton DV-502B
- Vapor Adsorption Analyzer
- Video Based Optical Contact Angle - DataPhysics OCA 15EC
- X-ray Powder Diffraction - Malvern Panalytical Empyrean 3 (New PXRD)
- X-ray Powder Diffraction (Reflection Mode) Empyrean 2
- XRF - Rigaku NEC GC
- XRF - Bruker Tracer 5i hand-held XRF
Electron Microscopy
- Critical Point Dryer - Leica CPD300
- Cryo Ultramicrotome Leica EM UC7/FC7
- Cryostat- Leica CM1950
- Dual Beam Scanning Electron Microscope - ThermoFischer Scios
- Freeze Substitution system - Leica AFS2
- High Pressure Freezer - Leica ICE
- NX70 Cryostat
- Poseidon Select Liquid Cell Holder
- Quorum Cryo System
- Rotary Microtome (100 microns sections) - Leica RM2265
- Scanning Electron Microscope - ThermoFischer Quanta3D
- Target sample Preparation Device - Leica EM-TXP
- Transmission Electron Microscope - ThermoFischer Talos F200X
- Vitrobot FEI Mark IV