Promoted and Tenured Faculty, 2023-2024

Academic Year 2023-2024

NYU Abu Dhabi is proud to announce the advancement of 29 members of faculty through promotion, tenure, or both. These faculty represent dedication to teaching, creativity, innovation, excellent scholarship, and distinction in their service to the University, their discipline, and the local and global community. We congratulate them on their success.

Arts and Humanities

Fiona Kidd

Promoted to the position of Tenured Associate Professor of History and Art and Art History

Sarah Paul

Promoted to the position of Tenured Professor of Philosophy

Maurice Pomerantz

Promoted to the position of Tenured Professor of Literature and Creative Writing


Murat Uysal

Appointed to the position of Professor of Electrical Engineering with Tenure


Karim Ali

Appointed to the position of Associate Professor of Computer Science with Tenure

Karam Fayad

Promoted to the position of Lecturer of Mathematics

Daryl Fougnie

Promoted to the position of Tenured Associate Professor of Psychology

Taoufik Hmidi

Appointed to the position of Professor of Mathematics with Tenure

Sarah Nadi

Appointed to the position of Associate Professor of Computer Science with Tenure

Keith W. Ross

Appointed to the position of Professor of Computer Science with Tenure

Robert Volcic

Promoted to the position of Tenured Associate Professor of Psychology

Dan Ohtan Wang

Appointed to the position of Professor of Biology with Tenure

Science and Engineering

Kenichiro Kamei

Appointed to the position of Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Biology with Tenure

Social Science

Eric Hamilton

Promoted to the position of Senior Lecturer of Political Science

Nancy W. Gleason

Promoted to the position of Professor of Practice of Political Science

Jingoo Kang

Appointed to the position of Associate Professor of Business, Organizations and Society with Tenure

Anju Mary Paul

Appointed to the position of Professor of Social Research and Public Policy with Tenure

Luca Maria Pesando

Appointed to the position of Associate Professor of Social Research and Public Policy with Tenure

Blaine Robbins

Promoted to the position of Tenured Associate Professor of Social Research and Public Policy