Maurice Pomerantz
Executive Director of the NYUAD Institute, Professor of Literature and Arab Crossroads Studies
Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: BA, MA, and PhD University of Chicago
Research Areas: Arabic literature

Maurice Pomerantz is Professor of Literature and Arab Crossroads at New York University Abu Dhabi. He also serves as the Executive Director of the NYUAD Institute where he oversees a wide range of public lectures, academic conferences, and spearheads strategic initiatives.
Pomerantz is a noted expert in the literature of the Abbasid period. He completed his PhD, in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago in 2010 under the direction of Prof. Wadād al-Qāḍī. Throughout his career, Pomerantz has traveled, lectured, researched, and taught throughout the Middle East region.
He was a Fulbright Senior scholar in Lebanon and Jordan in 2012-3 and a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in 2015-2016. Since 2014, Pomerantz has been an editor of The Library of Arabic Literature published by NYU Press, a groundbreaking series of facing-page translations of the classic works of the Arabic Literary Heritage.
His first book is entitled Licit Magic: The Life and Letters of al-Ṣāḥib b. ʿAbbād. Leiden: Brill, 2016. Licit Magic is the first study of letters of the tenth-century vizier and littérateur al-Ṣāḥib b. ʿAbbād and their political, social and cultural dimensions. Exploring both the aesthetic and pragmatic sides of the vizier’s letters, the book portrays the vital role that literary eloquence played in early Muslim statecraft. The book was recently translated into Arabic with the title, al-Ṣiḥr al-Ḥalāl and published by Dār al-Mashriq in Beirut.
His most recent book, co-authored with Bilal Orfali, The Maqāmāt of Badīʿ al-Zamān al-Hamadhānī: Authorship, Texts, and Contexts, Reichert Verlag: Wiesbaden, 2022 explores important dimensions of the life of the picaresque tales known as maqāmāt. This book was translated into Arabic as Maqāmāt Badīʿ al-Zamān al-Hamadhānī and is published by al-Dār al-ʿArabiyya lil-ʿUlūm.
Courses Taught
This course provides an overview of Arabic literature since the nineteenth century. The transformation of poetic form and the emergence of modern genres, such as drama, the novel, and the short story, will be examined in relation to classical Arabic and European genres. We will also discuss the relationship between aesthetic developments and their historical, political, and intellectual contexts.
Previously taught: Fall 2016, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Fall 2022, Spring 2024
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks
Maya Kesrouany - MW 11:20 - 12:35 Taught in Abu Dhabi
This course appears in...
- Core Curriculum > Islamic Studies
- Majors > Arab Crossroads Studies
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Introductory Literature Electives
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Literature Topics
- Minors > Arab Crossroads Studies
- Minors > Arab Music Studies > Arab Crossroads Electives
- Minors > Literature
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks
Founded in the year 750 C.E., the Abbasid caliphate was one of the world's great empires. At the height of its strength, the Abbasid caliph ruled over a vast region extending from North Africa to Central Asia. This course will examine the historical rise of the Abbasids as a watershed moment in the history of Late Antiquity that would have a profound and lasting impact on the political, religious, intellectual life of Eurasia for the next millennium. Through an engagement with primary texts and secondary studies across a wide variety of Islamicate intellectual disciplines (historical writing, philosophy, law, theology, science, political theory and belles-lettres), students in this class will come to understand some of the complex dynamics that went into the formation of a distinctive Islamic state and society, and what consequences Abbasid rule would have for later generations.
Previously taught: Spring 2018
This course appears in...
- Core Curriculum > Islamic Studies
- Majors > Arab Crossroads Studies > History and Religion
- Majors > History > Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Sea World
- Majors > History > Pre-1800
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Introductory Literature Electives
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Literature Histories
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Pre-modern
- Majors > Social Research and Public Policy > Institutions and Public Policy
- Majors > Social Research and Public Policy > Social Structure and Global Processes Electives
The spring semester of the ACS Senior Capstone is composed of the student working in close consultation with a faculty member on their capstone project. It is expected that the student will meet weekly with their advisor.
Prerequisite: ACS-UH 4000
Previously taught: Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks
Justin Stearns - Taught in Abu Dhabi
This course appears in...
- Majors > Arab Crossroads Studies
Spring 2025;
14 Weeks
From mythological figures such as Coyote in North America, Hermes of Greek myth, and Eshu in West Africa, to modern icons of global pop culture like Charlie Chaplin, Bugs Bunny, and Bart Simpson, humans have long been fascinated with trickster characters who transgress boundaries, break rules, and unsettle fixed truths. Seemingly heedless of cultural norms, these characters in their many different guises point to the important role of play and disruption in the making of culture. In this course, students consider rogues, outlaws, and outsiders of various types from around the world and their portrayal in stories, novels, dramas, songs, and films. Building a repertoire of trickster characters, types, and tropes, students examine how these characters' dynamic roles relate to central problems of art, creativity, and life.
Previously taught: Spring 2021
This course appears in...
- Core Curriculum > Cultural Exploration and Analysis
What stories do you know and how do you know them? How have you lived with these stories over the span of your life? What stories will you tell in the future? In this course, "Once Upon a Time," we will consider storytelling as a complex human phenomenon by focusing on the rich heritage of folk and fairy tales that have been recorded around the globe. Students will be introduced to a wide range of methodological approaches drawn from diverse fields evolutionary biology, cognitive science, psychology, literary approaches, and media studies.
Previously taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2023
This course appears in...
- Core Curriculum > Cultural Exploration and Analysis
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Introductory Literature Electives
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Literature Topics
- Minors > Literature
This course introduces students to fundamental terms and critical methods employed by literary scholars through an examination of two case studies: epic and drama. Topics to be investigated include: the relationship between text and context, close versus distant reading, the nature of authorship; genre; the interplay of local, national, regional, and world modes of categorization; translation; book history; and the relationship between literature and other forms of art. Each unit of the course is constructed around an anchoring text or texts that will be contextualized both historically and generically through a wide range of primary and secondary readings.
Previously taught: Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023
This course appears in...
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Literature Histories
- Minors > Literature
This course explores a selection of canonical and non-canonical works of literature from pre-Islamic Arabia to the so-called 19th-century Arab Renaissance. Through this course students will examine poetic and prosaic texts, while revising their understanding of literary genres and categories, especially in relation to the tradition of Arabic literature. Students will also learn about the major approaches to the study of this literary tradition, while immersing themselves in its rich language, imagery and historical moment. Readings include selections from: pre-Islamic heroic poetry; Umayyad love poetry; Abbasid courtly poetry and its influence on the Andalus; libertine poetry in all its registers from the early Abbasid to the Mamluk period. Prose literature will include the Qur'an; hadith; apocrypha of the prophets; picaresque maqāmāt; The Arabian Nights; and proto-novels from the 19th century.
Previously taught: Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Fall 2024
Fall 2025;
14 Weeks
Maya Kesrouany - TR 12:45 - 14:00 Taught in Abu Dhabi
This course appears in...
- Core Curriculum > Islamic Studies
- Majors > Arab Crossroads Studies > Arts and Literature
- Majors > Arab Crossroads Studies > Pre-1800
- Majors > Art and Art History > Art History Electives
- Majors > Art and Art History > Pre-1800 Islamic World
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Advanced Literature Electives
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Pre-modern
Fall 2025;
14 Weeks
From the early Islamic poetry of Majnūn Layla to the modern poetry of Mahmoud Darwish, poets and writers in Arabic have long attempted to address the mysterious forces involved in creative expression. What did writers imagine was the origin of poetic inspiration? How did love (earthly or divine) figure in the poetic personae and works of writers? How was poetic creation different from other states such as madness or prophecy? How did medical, philosophical, legal and ethical discourses frame the questions of poetry and madness? Is the representation of poetic madness and inspiration in Arabo-Islamic discourse similar or different from other traditions? This course will explore these themes (and others) in great detail through the intensive study of early Islamic poetry, Sufi mystics, maqāmāt, The Arabian Nights, and Persian romances, as well as numerous philosophical, ethical, and medical treatises. Students will also be invited to draw comparisons with similar themes in other traditions of South Asia, East Asia, and Western Europe.
Previously taught: Spring 2017
This course appears in...
- Majors > Arab Crossroads Studies > Arts and Literature
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Advanced Literature Electives
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Literature Histories
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Pre-modern
This course is an introduction to questions that are central to both literary scholarship and creative writing. The course will foster an understanding not only of theoretical and methodological concepts, but also an understanding of practice and poetics. Through a range of readings and a variety of assignments, both analytical and practical, students will tackle issues of language, translation, interpretation, structure, and technique from methodological and practical perspectives. This course will prepare students for their capstone project and it is strongly suggested, although not required, that students take the course in their junior year.
Prerequisite: LITCW-UH 1001 or LITCW-UH 1002
Previously taught: Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023, Fall 2024
Fall 2025;
14 Weeks
Harshana Rambukwella - MW 08:30 - 09:45 Taught in Abu Dhabi
This course appears in...
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing > Advanced Literature Electives
Fall 2025;
14 Weeks
The capstone experience provides seniors with the opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor and to conduct extensive research on a topic of their choice or engage in an extended creative project. The program consists of a two-part capstone seminar and a year-long individualized thesis tutorial. (Students receive credit for the seminar in the fall and for the project in the spring.) During the fall semester, students define their projects, develop a bibliography, read broadly in their chosen topic, begin their research, and draft a substantial portion of the project.
Prerequisite: LITCW-UH 1000, LITCW-UH 1001, LITCW-UH 1002, LITCW-UH 1003, LITCW-UH 3000, and senior standing
Previously taught: Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024
Fall 2025;
14 Weeks
Gregory Anthony Pardlo - T 17:30 - 19:30 Taught in Abu Dhabi
This course appears in...
- Majors > Literature and Creative Writing
Fall 2025;
14 Weeks