
  • Shaikha Rashid Al Mazrou, Assistant Arts Professor of Visual Arts Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: shaikha.almazrou@nyu.edu
    Education: MA Chelsea University of the Arts London

    Research Interests: Sculpture, Installation, Mixed Media, Materiality

  • Gina Junghee Choi, Visiting Assistant Professor of East Asian Art History Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: g.choi@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Boston College; MA Tufts University; PhD Princeton University

    Research Interests: East Asian Art; Text-Image Relationship; Landscape Painting; Cultural Exchanges; Agency

  • Duygu Demir, Research Assistant Professor Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: duygudemir@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Columbia College, Columbia University; PhD MIT

    Research Interests: Art History, Modernisms, Contemporary Art

  • Vikram Divecha, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art and Art History Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: vd2277@nyu.edu
    Education: MFA in Visual Art from Columbia University

  • Reindert Falkenburg, Professor Emeritus of Early Modern Art and Culture Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: rlf9@nyu.edu

    Research Interests: visual arts, tensions and crises in late medieval and Renaissance art

  • Terri Geis, Co-Director of Masters of Fine Arts in Art and Media; Associate Professor of Arts Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: terri.geis@nyu.edu
    Education: BA St Andrews; MA Trinity College Dublin; PhD University of Essex

    Research Interests: Surrealism; Art of the Americas; Women Modernists

  • Fiona Kidd, Associate Professor of History and Art and Art History; Global Network Associate Professor in the Study of the Ancient World Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: fjk3@nyu.edu
    Education: BA (Hons) University of Melbourne; PhD University of Sydney

    Research Interests: identity, images and the built environment, craft production, pre-Islamic Central Asian visual art

  • Salila Kulshreshtha, Visiting Associate Professor of History and Art and Art History Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: salila.kulshreshtha@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University; MA Jawaharlal Nehru University; PhD Jawaharlal Nehru Uni...

    Research Interests: Art and archaeology of South Asia; History of the Indian Ocean; Museums and Heritage Studies

  • Salwa Mikdadi, Professor of Practice of Art History Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sm5436@nyu.edu
    Education: BA American University of Beirut; MA J. F. Kennedy University

    Research Interests: history of modern and contemporary art in the Arab world

  • Sandra Peters, Co-Program Head, Art and Art History; Associate Professor of Art and Art History Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sp159@nyu.edu
    Education: BFA ("Vordiplom") Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden; MFA ("Diplom“) Hochschule für Bildende Kün...

    Research Interests: art in architecture, sculpture, installation, moving images, performance

  • Goffredo Puccetti, Associate Professor of Practice of Visual Arts Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: goffredo.puccetti@nyu.edu
    Education: Laurea cum Laude in Italian Literature and Art History from the University of Rome 'La Sapienza'; Gr...

    Research Interests: corporate identity, branding, visual communications

  • Nada Shabout, Visiting Professor of Art History Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: nada.shabout@nyu.edu
    Education: PhD University of Texas at Arlington

    Research Interests: Modern Arab Art; Modern and Contemporary Art from West Asia and North Africa; Global Modernism; Orie...

  • Tina Sherwell, Co-Director of Masters of Fine Arts in Art and Media; Associate Arts Professor Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: ts4591@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Goldsmiths College, University of London, PhD University of Kent at Canterbury

    Research Interests: identity; landscape; Arab art; Palestinian art; visual culture

  • Gregor Stemmrich, Professor of Art and Art History Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: gs148@nyu.edu
    Education: Staatsexamen (degree for teaching art); PhD Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Postdoctoral lecture qualificat...

    Research Interests: new technologies in contemporary art (film and video), media theory, history of exhibitions and art ...

  • Denise-Marie Teece, Assistant Professor of Art History Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: dmt230@nyu.edu
    Education: MA, PhD New York University, Institute of Fine Arts

    Research Interests: art and architecture in the Islamic world

  • Johannes Andreas Valentin, Co-Program Head, Art and Art History; Visiting Professor of Arts and Humanities Affiliation: Visiting
    Email: jav4553@nyu.edu
    Education: BA Swarthmore College; MA Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro; PhD Universidade Federal ...

    Research Interests: Photography; Art History; Cultural Studies

  • Shamoon Zamir, Professor of Literature and Art History; Global Network Professor of Literature and Art History Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
    Email: sz42@nyu.edu
    Education: BA, University of London; MA, Institute of United States and Latin American Studies, London; PhD, Un...

    Research Interests: literature, photography, intellectual history

Adjunct Faculty and Instructors

Name Title
Jawad Ahmed Mahmoud Adjunct Lecturer of Art and Art History
Salha Reema Fadda Adjunct Lecturer of Art and Art History


Name Title
Erin Collins Instructor of Arts
William Cotton Adjunct Instructor of Scene Shop
Nelson Reyes Associate Instructor of Arts Workshop