Gina Junghee Choi

Visiting Assistant Professor of East Asian Art History Affiliation: Visiting
Education: BA Boston College; MA Tufts University; PhD Princeton University

Research Areas: East Asian Art; Text-Image Relationship; Landscape Painting; Cultural Exchanges; Agency

Gina Choi is a Visiting Assistant Professor of East Asian Art History at New York University Abu Dhabi. She specializes in premodern Korean and Japanese painting. She received her PhD in Art and Archaeology from Princeton University, MA in Art History from Tufts University, and BA in Art History and Philosophy from Boston College. Her current project, entitled Reaching "Peach Blossom Spring": Poetry and Painting in Fifteenth-Century Korea and Japan, explores a fifteenth-century Korean and Japanese phenomenon of envisioning an ideal place, representing it in poetry and painting, and combining the two into one unified work. Her research has been supported by the Japan Foundation, the Academy of Korean Studies, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Her research interests include comparative and transcultural studies of East Asian art, the relationship between image and text, and collective agency in art-making.

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