
Faculty Diversity and Inclusion


The values of inclusion, diversity and equity and access/accessibility (IDBEA) are embedded in all the work that we do at NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), and are central to the University's mission. NYUAD is home to faculty of more than 50 nationalities. We believe that diversity is essential for excellence, and the Office of Global Inclusion Abu Dhabi (OGI Abu Dhabi) works to enhance faculty achievement and talent through creating a climate of inclusion and belonging that aims to recruit and retain innovative faculty from across the globe.

The OGI Abu Dhabi offers access to materials and resources, as well as hosts trainingsevents and workshops, and is available for consultation. 

NYU Abu Dhabi Commencement 2023

Our Approach

The OGI Abu Dhabi works in collaboration with The Office of the ProvostAcademic Appointments, Faculty Advancement and Engagement, and the Hilary Ballon Center for Teaching and Learning, and members of NYUAD Senior Leadership to actualize these goals through multiple approaches, including:

  1. Development of a Toolkit for Recruiting Diverse Faculty at NYUAD
  2. One-on-one consultation with all stakeholders involved in faculty recruitment
  3. Regular workshops on best practices for inclusive faculty searched and recruitment
  4. Development of “Step 3: Reaching Cruising Altitude: Inclusivity and Intercultural Development” for the New Faculty Orientation 
  5. A dedicated Faculty Diversity Liaison from each academic division
  6. Research, teaching, and project funding
    1. Fund for Inclusion and Innovation (please note that further information and eligibility to apply, is open to, and accessible by NYUAD community members only)
    2. Support for faculty led projects and conferences 

Faculty Diversity Liaisons

In fall 2021, NYUAD launched a Faculty Diversity Liaison initiative within each academic division, to enhance and further the Vice Chancellor's Commitment to a Truly Inclusive NYUAD as well as the core principle of diversity and inclusion in the Academic Strategy. These faculty members have demonstrated a commitment to enhance IDBEA within their respective academic divisions and contribute to fostering these values on an institutional level.

Faculty Diversity Liaisons for Academic Year 2023-2024

Justin Stearns

Arts and Humanities

Associate Professor in Arab Crossroads; Global Network Associate Professor of Arab Crossroads Studies

Mohamed Qasaimeh


Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering

Melina Platas

Social Science

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Faculty Diversity Liaisons are responsible for some of the following:

  1. Assisting the division with strategies that support the University's commitment to building and strengthening a culture of IDBEA
  2. Collaborating and meeting on a monthly basis with the OIE to recommend and execute academic programming and embed strategies within the divisions
  3. Overseeing the implementation of inclusive and non-biased academic search practices and peers’ participation in the search committee workshops 
  4. Providing periodic reports to the Deans
  5. Working in close partnership with the Office of the Provost and the OIE regarding progress and challenges in relation to inclusion and equity within their divisions
  6. Participating in the selection committee for the Fund for Inclusion and Innovation 

An Inclusive Classroom and Curriculum

The OGI Abu Dhabi works closely with the Hilary Ballon Center for Teaching and Learning and the Core Curriculum to provide NYUAD faculty and instructors with resources for inclusive teaching methods, classroom design, and course design.