
With 115+ countries represented and languages spoken, NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) is committed to strengthening a university-wide culture of inclusion, diversity, belonging, equity and access/accessibility (IDBEA) within its staff, faculty, and students

The desire to belong and feel like we are part of a community is a basic human need; not only does the University strive to ensure this need is met, the goal is for community members to thrive and develop. Staff and administrators are essential for the operations of NYUAD, and the Office of Global Inclusion Abu Dhabi (OGI Abu Dhabi) works towards creating an inclusive and equitable environment.

BADCOA Event 2021
  1. Support staff professional development with Human Resources partners, such as the Office of Learning and Organizational Development 
  2. Develop staff IDBEA capacity and skills through initiatives such as the Intercultural Development Inventory and the Inclusion Partners model 
  3. Principles of shared governance represented by an elected Staff Council IDBE Chair to ensure the staff voice is heard in all conversations around institutional policy and governance
  4. Offer support and inclusion to those with commonalities and shared interests through Affinity Groups
  5. Raise awareness and build shared language regarding IDBEA through staff orientation

NYU Abu Dhabi Affinity Groups

An Affinity Group is a group of faculty and staff linked by a common purpose, ideology, or interest. Affinity Groups play a vital role in ensuring an inclusive environment where all are valued, included, and empowered to succeed. They can provide a collective voice for faculty and staff with common interests at NYUAD, and help us hold the institution accountable. Learn about the NYUAD affinity groups that provide ongoing opportunities to share experiences and traditions. Currently NYUAD has four affinity groups but looks forward to seeing this number grow.