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Bravo, Gwyneth"(Re)orchestrating Histories: An Interview with Cambodian Composer Him Sophy” in Music in Times of Crisis: Conflicts and Wars, Swiss Journal for Musicology, New Series 39 (2022-12-29): [4,500 words], DOI: 10.36950/sjm.39.8 Universität Bern Open Publishing, 2022. DOI: 10.36950/sjm.39 ISBN (elektronische Version) 978-3-03917-063-0. e-ISSN: 2235-7475. Edited by Margret Scharrer, Vincenzina C. Ottomano, Laura Moeckli, and Lea Hagmann. Production and typesetting: Helen Gebhart.

Co-producer, The Promise. 
Collaboratively produced a video emphasizing the 17 sustainable development goals. Worked alongside Paul Sidlo and in association with EMN8 Media Productions. Location: Abu Dhabi, May 2023.

Bravo, GwynethStaging Death: Opera’s Mortal Imagination in Works from Prague to Theresienstadt (In contract: 31 May 2024; forthcoming 2025).

Bravo, Gwyneth,  “"Viktor Ullmann.” Viktor Ullmann:” Orel Foundation (2010) [3275 words] Press on publication

Bravo, Gwyneth. “Pratt, Awadagin.” Grove Music Online. [450 words]:  In contract December 2023; completed May 2024; forthcoming September, 2024.

Fire Dance. Compact disco of cello and Celtic harp music with Christine Bonner, harp (Rainbow Music, 2001)

An Evening in Spain and Latin America. Compact disc of cello and guitar music with David Chapman, guitar (Sacramento, 1997)

Bravo, Gwyneth. "‘Sites of Memory’ - Memory from Darkness: Him Sophy’s Piano Trio as Autobiography and History of the Cambodian Genocide and the Khmer Rouge." Oxford Handbook of Music, Sound, and Trauma Studies, edited by Erin Brooks, Jill Rogers, Michelle Meinhart. Oxford Handbook on Music and Trauma My abstract was submitted as part of proposal; series now In Contract with Oxford University Press (April 2024); submission (October 2024), expected publication: 2027.

Bravo, Gwyneth. "Him, Sophy." Grove Music Online. 24 Jan. 2024. [450 words]: published: January 24, 2024.

Brennan, Sara; Chun, Elaine; Dlaske, Kati; Karrebæk, Martha Sif; Rambukwella, Harshana. “Authentic problems: Critical reflections on theorizing authenticity." in Critical sociolinguistic dialogues: The constitution of a field (book in honor of Monica Heller), ed., Mi-Cha Flubacher and Alfonso Del Percio, London: Bloomsbury. (2024, forthcoming).

E. Brite, F. Kidd, A. Betts and M. Negus Cleary. “Millet cultivation in Central Asia: a response to Miller et al”. The Holocene, 2017 1-8.

E. Brite, G. Khozhaniyazov, J. M. Marston, M. Negus Cleary and F. J. Kidd. “Kara-tepe, Karakalpakstan: Agropastoral Continuity and Change in a Central Eurasian Oasis in the 4th/5th century A.D.” Journal of Field Archaeology 2017 42.6, 514-529

Bsumek, Erika, Amy Hay, Sophia Kalantzakos, and Tania Katzschner. "A collaborative approach to environmental humanities: pedagogy and the radical hope syllabus project." In Toward an eco-social transition: transatlantic environmental humanities, pp. 197-203. Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Norteamericanos Benjamín Franklin, 2021.

A. Burke and W. Zimmerle, “A Prospectus on the Study of Warfare in the Ancient Near East,” Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Session Chairs: Warfare and Empire and their Impact on the Ancient Near East. ASOR Conference Paper (Published online). Atlanta, Georgia, 2012: 1-13.

Capela, Artur, Jaime Cardoso, , Ana Rebelo, and Carlos Guedes. Integrated Recognition System for Music Scores. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2008 (ICMC 2008), Belfast, Ireland.

Cardoso, Jaime, Artur Capela, Ana Rebelo, and Carlos Guedes. A Connected Path Approach for Staff Detection on a Music Score. Proceedings from the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2008), San Diego, USA

Shan Chou, Eva, and Lee GK Singh. "Archives of the Dance (27), The Establishment of Beijing Dance School in the First-Hand Report of Soviet Specialist OA Il'ina: Introduction, Translation, Notes." Dance Research 40, no. 1 (2022): 11-40.

Coffey, Kevin. "Theoretical Equivalence as Interpretative Equivalence" The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65, no. 4 (2014): 821-844.

Conze, Eckart, Martin Klimke, and Jeremy Varon, eds. Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Fear and the Cold War of the 1980s. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

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Coughlin, J. J., Foreword, Law As Vocation, 20 Notre Dame J. Of L., Ethics & Pub. Pol. 1-10 (2006).

Coughlin, J. J. , The Clergy Sexual Abuse Crisis and the Spirit of Canon Law. BCL Rev., 44, 977 (2002).

Coughlin, J. J., Natural Law, Marriage, and the Thought of Karol Wojtyla. Fordham Urb. LJ, 28, 1771 (2000).

Coughlin, J. J.,  Marriage and Mulieris Dignitatem. Ave Maria L. Rev., 8, 349 (2009).

Coughlin, J. J.  God Bless America, Introduction To September 11th Issue, 76 St. John’s L. Rev. 1-4 (2002).    

Coughlin, J. J., The Practical Impact of the Common Good in Catholic Social Thought. St. John's Law Review, 75(2), 14 (2012).

Coughlin, J. J., A Comparison of the Administrative Law of the Catholic Church and the United States. Loy. LAL Rev., 34, 81 (2000).

Coughlin, J. J., Pope John Paul II and the dignity of the human being. Harv. JL & Pub. Pol'y, 27, 65 (2003).

Coughlin, J. J., Catholic Health Care and the Diocesan Bishop. 40 Cath. Law. 85-95 (2000).

Coughlin, J. J.,  Sacrifice, the Common Good, and the Catholic Lawyer. U. St. Thomas LJ, 3, 6 (2005).

Coughlin, J. J.,  Law and theology: Reflections on what it means to be human from a Franciscan perspective.  John's L. Rev., 74, 609 (2000).

Coughlin, J. J., The Historical Development Of Administrative Law And The Future Of Regulatory Governance, 38 Idaho L. Rev. 89-133  (2001).

Coughlin, J.J., The Seven Fruits Of The Eucharist, Today’s Catholic May 29,, At 8-9, Also In Advocate Nostra, April, At 10-11 (2005).  

Coughlin, J.J. (1998).  Intervention Of The Holy See To The Plenary Session Of The Treaty Conference For The International Criminal Court, L'osservatore Romano July 16, At 2;

Coughlin, J.J., Religion, Education, And The First Amendment, America May 15, 12-15 (1993).

Coughlin, J.J. , Op-ed, Restoring The Faith, Responding To Clergy Sexual Abuse Through Justice, Redemption And Reconciliation, Jurist Nov. 11, At 1 Jurist.Law.Pitt.Edu (2002).     

Coughlin, J.J. (Fall 1996).  The Franciscan Theology Of The Sistine Chapel, 7 Friar Lines 1-9 (Spring 1996); Also In French: La Theologie Franciscaine De La Chapelle Sixtine, 3 Pierre D'angle 127-137 (Fall 1997).      

Coughlin, J.J. The Church And The Media, Today’s Catholic July 1, At 16 (2007).  

Coughlin, J.J., Reprinted L'osservator Romano, Eng.Weekly Edition July 22, At 2 (1998).  

Coughlin, J.J., The Perennial Value Of The Traditional Confessional, 9 Sacred Architecture Journal 9-10 ( 2011).  

Coughlin, John, Family Law: Natural Law, Marriage, and the Thought of Karol Wojtyla, in RECOVERING SELF EVIDENT TRUTHS: CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVES ON AMERICAN LAW (Michael A. Scaperlanda & Teresa Stanton Collett eds., Catholic University Press 2007); originally in 28 FORDHAM URBAN L. J. 1771-1786 (2001).

Coughlin, John, Evangelical and Franciscan Poverty, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1996 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COUNCIL OF MAJOR SUPERIORS OF WOMEN RELIGIOUS 57-77 (St. Louis, MO, Oct. 11-13, 1996).

Coughlin, JohnLawyers and Cooperation with Evil: Divorce Cases, in THE CATHOLIC CITIZEN, DEBATING THE ISSUES OF JUSTICE, ANNUAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF CATHOLIC SCHOLARS 151-64 (K. D. Whitehead ed., 2004).

Coughlin, John, Introduction, In Saint Paul And The Law (Robert Fastiggi Ed., Lexington Press 2011), Vii-xiv. The Foundation Of Human Rights And Canon Law, In Intractable Disputes About The Natural Law: Alasdair Macintyre And His Critics.

Coughlin, J.J., Review Of Before Dallas: The U.S. Bishops’ Response To Clergy Sexual Abuse Of Children, By Nicolas P. Cafardi, First Things 50-52 ( June/July 2008). 

Coughlin, J.J., Review Of The Battle For Rights In The United States, By Kevin E. Mckenna, America January 21, 35-36 (2008).

Coughlin, J.J.,  Student Book Note, The New Science And Ethics Of Reproduction, 21 Harv. C.R.-c.L. L. Rev. 742-745 (1986).

Coughlin, J.J. , Review Of A Sip From The Well Of Grace: Medieval Texts From The Apostolic Penitentiary, By Kirsi Salonen & Ludwig Schmugge, 102 Archivium Franciscanum Historicum 569-570 (2010).

Coughlin, J.J., Review Of L’esorcista, Gli Ossessi E L’esorcismo, Nel Canone 1172 De Codice Di Diritto Canonico Fonti E Legislatione Vigente, By Maurizio Bogetti, 72 The Jurist 313-314 (2013).

Coughlin, J.J., Review Of Ministerium Justitiae Jurisprudence Of The Supreme Tribunal Of The Apostolic Signatura, Official Latin With English Translation, Translated By William L. Daniel, 72 The Jurist 314-315 (2013).  

Coughlin, J. J., Divorce and the Catholic Lawyer. Jurist, 61, 290 (2001).

Coughlin, J. J., The Human Being, Catholic Social Teaching, and the Law. Journal of Catholic Social Thought, 1(2), 313-333 (2004).

Coughlin, J. J., Canon Law and the Human Person. Journal of Law and Religion, 19(1), 1-58 (2004).

Coughlin, J.J.,  The historical development and current procedural norms of administrative recourse to the Apostolica Signatura. II. Periodica de re canonica, 90(4), 661-690 (2001).

Coughlin, J. J.,  The historical development and current procedural norms of administrative recourse to the Apostolic Signatura. Periodica de re canonica, 90(3), 455-496 (2001).

Coughlin, J.J. Communio And Administrative Justice, 78 Apollinaris 715-43 (2002).      

Coughlin, J. J., Separation, Cooperation, and Human Dignity in Church-State Relations. Jurist, 73, 539 (2013).

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Coughlin, J. J.  Goods Of Marriage, (Available At Ssrn).    

Coughlin, J. J. Apostolic Signatura (Available At Ssrn).    

Coughlin, J. J.,  Responsa Ad Dubia, 6.  Diccinario General De Derecho Canónico 945-946 (Universidad De Navarra) (2013).

Coughlin, J. J., Maguire, Charles Bonaventure, The Encyclopedia Of American Catholic History (The Liturgical Press), 833 (1997).

Coughlin, J. J.Woywod, Stanislaus, The Encyclopedia Of American Catholic History (The Liturgical Press), 1523 (1997).

Coughlin, J. J., Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, 3.  Encyclopedia Of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, And Social Policy 38-39 (Scarecrow Press) (2011).

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Coughlin, J. J. Administrative Recourse (Available At Ssrn).    

Coughlin, J. J. Canon Law (Available At Ssrn).    

Coughlin, J. J., Matrimonio Legítimo, 5. Diccinario General De Derecho Canónico 316-319 (Universidad De Navarra) (2013).

Coughlin, JohnCanon Law: a comparative study with Anglo-American legal theory. Oxford University Press (2011).

Coughlin, John. Administrative Justice At The Apostolic Signatura And The United States Supreme Court: A Comparative Study.  Rome: Gregorian University Doctoral Dissertation. (2014)

Coughlin, John LAW, PERSON, AND COMMUNITY, Theological, Philosophical, and Comparative Perspectives on   Canon Law. Oxford University Press (2012).

Katalin Cseh-Varga, Martin Klimke, Burcu Peksevgen, Rolf Werenskjold and Marko Zubak, eds., “Creative Dissent: Alternative Cultures During Socialism and Beyond, 1945-1991” (in progress)

Davis, B., Mausbach, W., Klimke, M., & MacDougall, C. (Eds.). (2013). Changing the world, changing oneself: Political protest and collective identities in West Germany and the US in the 1960s and 1970s Vol. 3. Berghahn Books. Ebook

De Beukelaer, Christiaan, and Andrew J Eisenberg. 2018. “Mobilising African Music: How Mobile Telecommunications and Technology Firms Are Transforming African Music Sectors.” Journal of African Cultural Studies. Published online 26 Nov. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/13696815.2018.1546569.

De Genova, Nicholas. and Nathalie Peutz, eds.  The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement. Durham: Duke University Press, 2010. Winner: 2011 Bronze Award, The Association for Borderlands Studies.

Dias, Rui and Carlos Guedes. A Contour-based Jazz Walking Bass Generator. Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2013). Stockholm, Sweden 2013.

Dias, Rui, Telmo Marques, George Sioros, and Carlos Guedes. GimmeDaBlues: An intelligent Jazz/Blues player and comping generator for iOS.” Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR 2012), London, England 2012.

Dias, Rui, Carlos Guedes, and Telmo Marques. A computer-mediated interface for Jazz piano comping. Proceedings of the Joint International Computer Music and Sound and Music Computing Conference  (ICMC 2014-SMC 2014). 2014.

Dias, Rui, Telmpo Marques, George Sioros,  and Carlos Guedes. Gimme 'Da Blues: A Jazz/Blues Player and Automatic Comping Generator For iOS Multitouch Devices.” Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2011), Coimbra, Portugal 2011.

Doshi, Tishani. "How to write an elegy in the year of dying: Poet-novelist Tishani Doshi on the death of her dog", December 31, 2020.

Doshi, Tishani. "We Will Not Kill You. We'll Just Shoot You in the Vagina." Virginia Quarterly Review 95, no. 1 (2019): 56-57.

Doshi, Tishani. "Baby - Short Works (Radio)", BBC Sounds, December 18, 2020.

Doshi, Tishani. A God at the Door - poems. HarperCollins India, Bloodaxe UK, Copper Canyon Press USA (2021)

Huang, Mingchaun featuring Tishani Doshi in "Deepest Uprising" film. November 14, 2020
Part of 20 Asian women poets / and has been screened at the Taipei Poetry festival and will be shown at future festivals and tv release. (Tishani Doshi features at 4:20)

Doshi, Tishani. The Pleasure Seekers: A Novel. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2010.

Doshi, Tishani. "Out of Breath", Onion, May 13, 2021 

Doshi, Tishani. "Breast or Tooth", GRANTA, May 18, 2021. 

Doshi, T.  "Leaping, Fierce, Arrows: Tishani Doshi writes about a fresh reanimation of the Ramayana." The Poetry Review, (spring) 2022..

Eisenberg, Andrew J. and Bill Odidi. 2018. “The Mombasa Years of Andrew ‘Madebe’ Burchell” [two-part blog post for Afropop Worldwide]. Oct. 23/24.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2016. “A Tribute to Kenyan Taarab Legend Zein l’Abdin” [blog post], Music in Africa. July 26.

Music in Africa. 2016. “Digital Technology and the Music Recording Industry in Kenya” [blog post], Music in Africa. July 11. 

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2018. “The Kenyan Song You Need to Know,Explore Parts Unknown [website for CNN’s “Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown”]. Sept. 26.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2016. “Zein l’Abdin Ahmed is the Coastal Lute Player Who Popularised Taarab” [obituary], Daily Nation (Kenya), November 4.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2017. “Taarab.” In Shades of Benga: The Story of Popular Music in Kenya, edited by Ketebul Music, 287–307. Nairobi, Kenya: Ketebul Music.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2017. “The Swahili Art of Indian Taarab: A Poetics of Vocality and Ethnicity on the Kenyan Coast.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 37 (2): 336–54.

Eisenberg, Andrew J., Alex Perullo, Ryan Skinner, and Gavin Steingo. 2017. “Popular Music,” In Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies, ed. Thomas Spear. New York: Oxford University Press.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2015. “Traditional Music,” In Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies, ed. Thomas Spear. New York: Oxford University Press.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2013. “Islam, Sound, and Space: Acoustemology and Muslim Citizenship on the Kenyan Coast.” In Music, Sound, and Space: Transformations of Public and Private Experience, edited by Georgina Born, 186–202. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2010. “Toward an Acoustemology of Muslim Citizenship in Kenya.” Anthropology News Dec. 51 (9): 6.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2015. “Space.” In Keywords in Sound, edited by David Novak, and Matt Sakakeeny, 193–207. Durham: Duke University Press.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. "A Feeling for the Boundaries.Sounding the Indian Ocean: Musical Circulations in the Afro-Asiatic Seascape (2023): 54.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. "Hip-Hop and Cultural Citizenship on Kenya's ‘Swahili Coast’." Africa 82, no. 4 (2012): 556-578.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2024. Sounds of Other Shores: The Musical Poetics of Identity on Kenya's Swahili Coast. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press.

El Khatib, Randa, Julia El Zini, David Wrisley, Mohamad Jaber, and Shady Elbassuoni. "TopoText: Interactive Digital Mapping of Literary Text." In COLING 2016, 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference System Demonstrations, pp. 189-193. 2016.

Eleftheriadis, PavlosA Union of Peoples: Europe as a Community of Principle.  Oxford University Press, 2020.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. Legal Rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Legal Judgment as Self‐Mastery." Ratio Juris 36, no. 2 (2023): 113-135.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Cosmopolitanism" in Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, edited by Jan M. Smits, Jaakko Husa, Catherine Valcke, and Madalena Narciso. pp, 445–452. London: Elgar, 2023. 

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Can that be law for me?." Jurisprudence (2023): 1-16.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Citizenship and Obligation." THE PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EUROPEAN UNION LAW, Julie Dickson & Pavlos Eleftheriadis, eds., Oxford University Press, Forthcoming, Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper 45 (2011).

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Hart on sovereignty." Forthcoming in Andrea Dolcetti, Luís Duarte d’Almeida and James Edwards (eds), Reading HLA Hart's' The Concept of Law'(Hart Publishing 2013)., Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper 85 (2013).

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Constitutional change through deliberation." The Cambridge handbook of deliberative constitutionalism. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2018): 191-202.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Global Rights and the Sanctity of Life." (2013).

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Constitutional rights as moral judgments." In The Quest for Rights, pp. 64-87. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.

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Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Law and sovereignty." Law and Philosophy 29, no. 5 (2010): 535-569.

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Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Rights in the Balance," Ius Cogens 4 (2022): 181.

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Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "The Primacy of EU Law: Interpretive, not Structural." European Papers-A Journal on Law and Integration 2023, no. 3 (2024): 1255-1291.

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Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Natural Reason and the Ethical Foundations of European Law." RED 2, no. 1 (2021): 14-19.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "The idea of a European Constitution." Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 27, no. 1 (2007): 1-21.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "In Defence of Constitutional Law." Mod. L. Rev. 81 (2018): 154.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "The Structure of European Union Law." Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 12 (2010): 121-150.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Power and principle in constitutional law." Neth. J. Legal. Phil. 45 (2016): 37.

Eleftheriadis, Pavlos. "Legality and Reciprocity: A Discussion of Lon Fuller’s The Morality of Law.Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 10, no. 1 (2014): 1-17.

Eleftheriadis P. "Two Doctrines of the Unwritten Constitution." European Constitutional Law Review. 2017;13(3):525-550.

Evrard, Camille, and Erin Pettigrew. "Encore une nouvelle victime... Le long chemin d’une législation à l’égard des femmes en Mauritanie." L’Année du Maghreb 23 (2020): 271-302.

Evrard, Camille, and Erin Pettigrew. "Femmes du Sahara-Sahel: transformations sociales et conditions de vie." LOuest Saharien 16, no. 1 (2022): 13-31.

Fahlenbrach, Kathrin, Martin Klimke, and Joachim Scharloth, eds. Protest Cultures: A Companion. Vol. 17. Berghahn Books, 2016.

Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Martin Klimke, Joachim Scharloth, and Laura Wong. The Establishment Responds: Power, Protest and Politics since 1945,  New York/London: Palgrave Macmillan (2012). Ebook

Familiar, Laila and Tanit Assaf (editors). Saud al-Sanousi’s Saaq al-Bamboo: The Authorized Abridged Edition for Students of Arabic, Georgetown University Press (2016).

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Familiar, Laila (editor). Hoda Barakat’s Sayyidi wa Habibi: The Authorized Abridged Edition for Students of Arabic, Georgetown University Press (2013).   

Familiar, Laila. Contemporary Arabic Fiction: A Frequency Dictionary. Routledge (Taylor & Francis). Forthcoming spring 2019.

Life Worlds of Middle Eastern Oil: Histories and Ethnographies of Black Gold (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023) with Mandana E. Limbert, eds

Violence and the City in the Modern Middle East (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016) N. Fuccaro, ed.

The Middle East in London / Oil - Past, Present and Future (London: The London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 2014) with H. Hakimian, eds

The Middle East in London / Iraq: People and Heritage (London: The London Middle East Institute, SOAS, 2015) Nelida Fuccaro, ed.

‘Histories of Oil and Urban Modernity in the Middle East’ Thematic issue in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 33/1 (2013). N. Fuccaro, ed.

Urban Violence in the Middle East: Changing Cityscapes in the Transition from Empire to Nation State (Oxford; New York: Berghahn, 2015) with U. Freitag, C. Ghrawi and N. Lafi, eds

The Other Kurds: Yazidis in Colonial Iraq (London: I.B.Tauris, 1999)

      (Turkish Translation) Öteki Kürtler. Sömürge Irak’inda Yazidiler (Istanbul: Boğaziçi Gösteri Sanatları Topluluğu, 2011)

Histories of City and State in the Persian Gulf: Manama since 1800 (Cambridge Middle East Studies, n. 30. Cambridge: CUP, 2009) Paperback 2011

‘Scouting for Oil in the Middle East’ with Mandana E. Limbert in N. Fuccaro and Mandana E. Limbert (eds), Life Worlds of Middle Eastern Oil: Histories and Ethnographies of Black Gold (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023), pp. 3-27.

‘The Oil Company’s Fields of Vision: Public Relations and Labour Images in the Arab World’ in N. Fuccaro and Mandana E. Limbert (eds), Life Worlds of Middle Eastern Oil: Histories and Ethnographies of Black Gold (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023), pp. 87-119.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Gautam Lali, Akshay Anantapadmanabhan, and Carlos Guedes. A passive approach to evaluating Mridangam transcription via perceptual experiment. In International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC-ESCOM), Hyderabad, India. 2021.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Oscar Gomez, Leonid Kuzmenko, and Carlos Guedes. Developing immersive VR experience for visualizing cross-cultural relationships in music. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 401-406). IEEE. 2020.

Ganguli, Kautuv, Sertan Sentürk, Aandrew Eisenberg, and Carlos Guedes. Computational approaches to aid ethnographic research on Maqam melodies. Accepted for publication in First (1st) Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (SoMoS), Stockholm, Sweden. 2020.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Christos Plachouras, Sertan Sentürk, Andrew Eisenberg, and Carlos Guedes. Mapping Timbre Space in Regional Music Collections using Harmonic-Percussive Source Separation (HPSS) Decomposition. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Timbre (Timbre 2020), Thessaloniki, Greece. 2020.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Akshay Anantapadmanabhan, and Carlos Guedes. Fractal Modeling of Carnatic Rhythm Sequence: Case-study on a Generative Model. Proceedings of the International Society of Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2019), Delft, The Netherlands. 2019.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Akashay Anantapadmanabhan, and Carlos Guedes. Questioning the fundamental problem-definition of mridangam transcription. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Timbre (Timbre 2020), Thessaloniki, Greece 2020.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Akshay Anantapadmanabhan, and Carlos Guedes.  An approach to adding knowledge constraints by fractal analysis on a generative model of Carnatic rhythm sequence. Accepted for publication in Analytical Approaches to World Music Conference (AAWM), Paris, France 2021.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Sertan Sentürk, and Carlos Guedes. Critiquing task- versus goal-oriented approaches: a case for makam recognition. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2022). Bengaloru, India.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, and Carlos Guedes. "An approach to adding knowledge constraints to a data-driven generative model for Carnatic rhythm sequence." Trends in Electrical Engineering 9, no. 3 (2019): 11-17.

‘Oilmen, Petroleum Arabism and OPEC: New Political and Public Cultures of Oil in the Arab World, 1959-1964’ in G. Garavini and D. H. Claes (eds), Handbook of OPEC and the Global Energy Order: Past, Present and Future Challenges (Routledge, 2020), pp. 15-30.

Gascoigne, A., D. Thomas and F. Kidd,  "In the Trenches: Rescue Archaeology at the Bala Hissar, Kabul". Iran 51, (2013) 151-196.

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Philipp Gassert and Martin Klimke, eds., “1968: On the Edge of World Revolution,” 2nd edition (Black Rose Press/University of Chicago Press, 2018)

Gershenson, O. and D. Hudson (2008). “Влюбленные по собственному желанию: иммиграция, гендер, кино” (Vlyublennyye po sobstvennomu zhelaniyu: immigratsiya, gender, kino) [“In Love Voluntarily: Immigration, Gender, Cinema”].

  • Russian translation by P. Barskova. In: Израиль через “русских”: кулътypа и идентичностъ (Izrail’ cherez “russkikh”: kul’tura i identichnost) [Israel through “Russians”: Culture and Identity]. Ed. E.E. Nosenko. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies and Russian Academy of Sciences: 377–398. [link]

Gershenson, O. and D. Hudson (2019). “Nightmares of a Nation: Israeli Horror-Satires: Rabies and Big Bad Wolves.” Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 59(1): 44–65. [link]

O. Gershenson and D. Hudson (2008). “New Immigrant, Old Story: Framing Russians on the Israeli Screen.” Journal of Film and Video 60(3–4): 25–41.[link]

O. Gershenson and D. Hudson (2007). “Absorbed by Love: Russian Immigrant Women in Israeli Film.” Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 6(3): 301–315. [link]

Gomez, Oscar, Kaustuv Ganguli, Leonid Kuzmenko, and Carlos Guedes. Exploring Music Collections: An Interactive, Dimensionality Reduction Approach to Visualizing Songbanks. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion. IUI 2020. Association for Computing Machinery, p. 138-139 2 p. (International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Proceedings IUI), Cagliary, Italy. 2020.

Guedes, Carlos. Composing and improvising. In real time. in Music Technology with Swing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11265) (2018), pp. 445-453. New York: Springer.

Guedes, Carlos (2015). Canon a 4 con uccelli obbligati in Disposifónicos: Acumuladores de objectos sonantes. (2019) [LP]. Porto: Sonoscopia

SSS-Q + Carlos Guedes. (2017). SSS- Q+Carlos Guedes [LP]. Porto: Wasserbassin.

Guedes, Carlos (2015). Happy Miso 25! In Cadavres Exquis: Portuguese Composers of the 21st century [CD].  Lisbon: Miso records

Guedes, Carlos (2019). Unsolvable problems [CD]. [music for big band and for big bang and string quartet]. Porto: Improbable Records

Guedes, Carlos (2017). Phobia robotica. Piece for dysfunctional robotic orquestra in Disposifónicos: Acumuladores de objectos sonantes. (2019) [LP]. Porto: Sonoscopia

SSS-Q + Carlos Guedes. (2021). Becoming space [online edition].  

Chess. (2021). Shadows and reflections [CD]. [Nikolaj Hess: piano; Carlos Guedes: live electronics]. Copenhagen: Gateway records

Guedes, Carlos and Rui Dias. The Program in Electronic Music Composition and Musical Production at the School of the Arts of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. Proceedings from the Sound and Music Computing 2007(SMC 2007). pp. 378-381 and Proceedings of  The International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2007) Copenhagen, Denmark. 2007.

Guedes, Carlos. Translating Dance Movement into Musical Rhythm in Real Time: New Possibilities for Computer-Mediated Collaboration in Interactive Dance Performance. Proceedings of The International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2007) Copenhagen, Denmark 2007.

Guedes, Carlos, Konstantinos Trochidis, and Akshay Anantapadmanabhan.  Challenges in computational modelling and generation of Carnatic percussion music. Challenges in Carnatic Music generation. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Analytical Approaches to World Music, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2018.

Guedes, Carlos. The m-objects: A Small Library for Musical Rhythm Generation and Musical Tempo Control from Dance Movement in Real Time.” Proceedings from the International Computer Music Conference, International Computer Music Association, 2005, pp. 794-797 (2005)

Guedes, Carlos, Konstantinos Trochidis, and Akshay Anantapadmanabhan. Modeling Carnatic Rhythm Generation: A Data-Driven approach based on Rhythmic Analysis. Proceedings of the 15th Sound & Music Computing Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 2018

Guedes, Carlos. Establishing a Musical Channel of Communication between Dancers and Musicians in Computer-Mediated Collaborations in Dance Performance. Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME07), New York, NY, USA pp. 417-418 2007.

Bernardes, Gilberto, Diogo Cocharro, Carlos Guedes, and Matthew Davies. Conchord: An Application for Generating Musical Harmony by Navigating in a Perceptually Motivated Tonal Interval Space. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research 2015 (CMMR 2015) 2015.

Guedes, Carlos and Kirk Woolford. Controlling Aural and Visual Particle Systems through Human Movement. Proceedings from the Sound and Music Computing 2007(SMC 2007), Lefkada, Greece. pp. 200-203 and Proceedings of The International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2007), Copenhagen, Denmark 2007.

Guedes, Carlos. Real-Time Composition, why it still matters?: A look at recent developments and potentially new and interesting applications. Proceedings of the 2017 International Computer Music Conference. 2017.

Guedes, Carlos. Extracting Musically-Relevant Rhythmic Information from Dance Movement by Applying Pitch-Tracking Techniques to a Video Signal. Sound and Music Computing Conference 2006 Proceedings, pp. 25-33 (2006).

Guedes, Carlos, Konstantinos Trochidis, and Akshay Anantapadmanabhan. CAMeL: Carnatic Percussion Music Generation Using N-Gram and Clustering Approaches. Abstract of presentation at the 16th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop. 2017.

Guedes, Carlos.  Controlling Musical Tempo from Dance Movement in Real-Time: A Possible Approach.” Proceedings from the International Computer Music Conference, International Computer Music Association, 2003, pp. 453-457 (2003)

Guedes, Carlos, and Pedro Rebelo. "Reflections on music programming for conferences: The case of smc 2009." Computer Music Journal 34, no. 3 (2010): 10-19.

Guedes, Carlos. "Real-time composition: Its applications and educational potential." Journal of Power Electronics 9, no. 2 (2019): 33-40.

Hamilton-Giachritsis, Catherine, Domna Banakou, Manuela Garcia Quiroga, Christos Giachritsis, and Mel Slater. "Reducing risk and improving maternal perspective-taking and empathy using virtual embodiment." Scientific Reports 8, no. 1 (2018): 1-10.

‘Oil Towns and Petro-Histories’ in C. Hein (ed.) The Global Petroleumscape: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Spaces and Imaginaries of Oil (Routledge, 2021), pp. 129-144.

Honeck, Mischa, Martin Klimke, and Anne Kuhlmann, eds. Germany and the Black diaspora: points of contact, 1250-1914. Vol. 15. Berghahn Books, 2013.

Horta, Paulo Lemos , Marvellous Thieves: Secret Authors of the Arabian Nights, Harvard University Press (2017).

Hudson, D. (2017). Review of i-docs: The Evolving Practice of Interactive Media, ed. J. Aston, S. Gaudenzi, and M. Rose (Wallflower, 2018). Post-Script 36(2–3): 126–129.

Hudson, D. (2008). “Migrations and Mediations.” Report on The Age of Migration, 54th annual Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, Colgate University. Afterimage 36(2): 2. [link]

Hudson, D. (2005). “Privileged Play Spaces.” Review of Interactive Realism: The Poetics of Cyberspace by D. Downes (McGill-Queen’s UP, 2005). Afterimage 33(3): 53–54.

Hudson, D. (2009). “Digital Performances.” Review of Lossless: Rebecca Baron and Doug Goodwin at the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard University. Afterimage 36(5): 22–23. [link]

Hudson, D. (2010). “Review of African Film and Literature: Adapting Violence to the Screen by L. Dovey (Columbia UP, 2009).” African Studies Review 53(1): 235–237.

Hudson, D. (2010). Report on 5o Congreso Internacional de Teoría y Análisis Cinematográfico, Morelia, Michoacán, México. Scope: An Online Journal of Film & TV Studies 16.[link]

Hudson, D. (2006).  “Grounding Internet Theory.” Review of Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a Borderless World by J. Goldsmith and T. Wu (Oxford UP, 2006). Afterimage 34(3): 48–49.

Hudson, D. (2007). “Deterritorializing Cinema Studies.” Report on South of the Other, the 53rd annual Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, Vassar College. Afterimage web version. [link]

Hudson, D. (2013). Review of Lamma Shoftak/When I Saw You (Jordan-Palestine-UAE-Greece 2012;  dir. Annemarie Jacir). Jadaliyya;[link] republished in Ahram Online [link].

Hudson, D. (2015). Report on Transnational Cinema/Media Studies Conference, NYUAD Institute, United Arab Emirates. Transnational Cinemas 6(1): 84–96. [link]

Hudson, D. (2005). “Future Perfection.” Report on Future Perfect: Contemporary Chinese Art and the Question of the Archive, an international workshop on art and curating at Cornell University. Afterimage 33(3): 7–8.

Hudson, D. (2015). “Leila Sansour’s Open Bethlehem: Making Palestine Legible and Bethlehem Accessible.” Review of Open Bethlehem (Palestine 2014; dir. Leila Sansour). Jadaliyya. [link]

Hudson, D. (2017). “Locating Emirati Filmmaking within Globalizing Media Ecologies.” In: Media in the Middle East: Activism, Politics, and Culture. Ed. N. Lenze, C. Schriwer, and Z.B.A. Jalil. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 165–202. [link]

Hudson, D. (2020). “Post-utopian Interventions by Students: Interactive Documentary and Micro-revolutions.” In: Utopia and Reality: Documentary, Activism and Imagined Worlds. Ed. S. Spiegel, A. Reiter, and M. Goldberg. Cardiff: Wales University Press: 207–232.  [link}]

Hudson, D., C.C. Pederson, and P.R. Zimmermann (2016). “Iterações Ambientais: Habitats Digitais e a Construção de Mundos de Telas Múltiplas”. Portuguese translation by L.O. Nicolo. In: Cinemas em redes: Tecnologia, estética e política na era digital. Ed. G.Al. Sobrinho. São Paulo: Papirus Editora/SOCINE: Sociedade Brasileira de estudos de cinema e audiovisual: 31–50. [link]

Hudson, D. (2021). “Patty Sent Me.” In Flash Flaherty: Tales from the Film Seminar. Ed. S. MacDonald and P. R. Zimmermann. Bloomington: Indiana University Press: 275–278; originally published as (2017). “My First Flaherty.” In Flaherty Stories: Voices from the Robert Flaherty Film Seminar. [Link]

Hudson, D. (2014). “Vampires and Transnational Horror.” In: A Companion to the Horror Film. Ed. H.M. Benshoff. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell: 463–482. [link]

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2019). “Writing about Digital and Interactive Media.” In: Writing About Screen Media. Ed. L. Patti. New York: Routledge: 131–136. [link]

Hudson, D. (2009). “Modernity as Crisis: Goeng si and Vampires in Hong Kong Cinema.” In: Draculas, Vampires, and Other Undead Forms: Essays on Gender, Race, and Culture. Ed. J.E. Browning and C.J. (Kay) Picart. Lanham. Scarecrow Press: 203–233. [link]

Russian translation. (2021). “Модерность как кризис: кён-си и вампиры в гонконгском кино” (Modernost’ kak krizis: kon-si i vampiry v gonkongskom kino) Corpus Mundi 2(4): 112-142.

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2020). “An Archive of Small Media during First-Wave COVID-19: Productive Memories of the Global Trauma.” In Memory and Aesthetic Experience. Ed. F. Martins. Porto: Faculty of Arts, University of Porto: 143–170. [link]

Hudson, D. (2013). “Horrors of Anthropocentrism: ‘Improved Animals’ on the Islands of Dr. Moreau.” In: Transnational Horror across Visual Media: Fragmented Bodies. Ed. D. Och and K. Strayer. New York: Routledge: 209–227. [link]

Hudson, D. (2007). “Vampires of Color and the Performance of Multicultural Whiteness.” In: The Persistence of Whiteness: Race and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema. Ed. D. Bernardi. New York: Routledge: 127–156. [link]

Hudson, D. and A. Yunis (2020). “Bahrain,” “Emirates Film Competition,” “Film Festivals,” “Jordan,” “Qatar,” “Saudi Arabia,” “United Arab Emirates”, “Yemen,” “Nawaf Al Janahi,” “Nujoom Alghanem,” “Haifaa Al-Mansour,” “Bassam Al-Thawdi,” “Ali F. Mostafa,” and “Khalifa Shaheen.” In Historical Dictionary of Middle Eastern Cinema, second edition. Ed. T. Ginsberg and C. Lippard. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield: 75–76, 170–171, 191–196, 274–277, 397–398, 430–433, 490–493, 517–519, 34, 44¬–45, 49, 50, 348, 438–439 [link]

Hudson, D. (2011). “Race and Labor, Unplugged: Alex Rivera’s Sleep Dealer.” Flow 15(04). [link]

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2020). “First Wave COVID-19 Playlist: Music.” Media Playlists, Centre for Screen Cultures, University of St. Andrews [link]

Hudson, D. (2013). Supplementary web materials for “Beyond the Page” related to article for American Quarterly special issue on Species/Race/Sex. Eds. C. Feccero and C.J. Kim. [link]

Hudson, D. (2012). “Surveillance and Disinformation, Hacked: Nadia El Fani’s Bedwin Hacker.” Flow 15(12). [link]

Hudson, D. (2018). “What is Open Space New Media Documentary?: A Conversation with Authors Helen De Michiel and Patricia R. Zimmermann.” Immerse 19, lead story. [link]

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2020). “First Wave COVID-19 Playlist: Information.” Media Playlists, Centre for Screen Cultures, University of St. Andrews [link]

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2020). “Digital and Interactive Media Projects that Think Through the Environment.” Media Playlists, Centre for Screen Cultures, University of St. Andrews [link]

Hudson, D. and C.C. Pederson (2017). “New Media, Collaboration, and the Anthropocene.” 20 on 20: Essays in Celebration of FLEFF. Ed. S. Tropiano and P.R. Zimmermann. Twentieth Anniversary Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival.

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2015). “Precious Images,” expanded essay on Chuck Workman’s Precious Images (USA 1986). National Film Preservation Board of the National Film Registry, Library of Congress. [link] [index]

Hudson, D. (2012). “Biometrics and Machinima, Reanimated: Jacqueline Goss’s Stranger Comes to Town.” Flow 15(07). [link]

Hudson, D. and S.L. Tay (2009–2010). “Digital Spaces: Speculations on Digital Art and Viral Spaces.” Blog posts on new media art and environmentalism. Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival.

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2015). Thinking through Digital Media: Transnational Environments and Locative Places. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [link]

  • chapter “Tactical Engagement through Gaming and Narrowcasting” deposited Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Initiative by United States Office for Science and Technology Policy and National Science and Technology Advisors (March 2020)
  • review in Film Quarterly (2016)

Hudson, D. (2017). Vampires, Race, and Transnational Hollywoods. Traditions in American Cinema Series. Ed. L. Badley and R.B. Palmer. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. [link]   

  • chapter “Blood, Bodies, and Borders” reprinted in Global Horror Hybridity and Alterity in Transnational Horror Film. Ed. S. Alkassim and Z. El-Bayoumi Foty. San Diego: Cognella, 2023: 20–50.
  • conclusion “History and Hollywood, Mashed-up” included in Black Liberation Reading List, an open library by JSTOR and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (February 2021)
  • review in Journal of Film and Video (2020)
  • review in The Journal of Popular Culture (2018)
  • review in The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory (2018)
  • profiled in Abu Dhabi Weekly (2017)
  • profiled in The Page 99 Test (2017)

Hudson, D. (2020). “UAE Filmmaking beyond Arabization, Cosmopolitanism, and Exceptionalism.” Arabian Humanities 14 special issue “La culture pop dans la péninsule Arabique, Ed. F. Lagrange and C. Chaveneau: 1–27. [link]

Hudson, D. and P. R. Zimmermann (2019). “States of Environmentalist Media.” States of Media and Environment. Media and Environment 1(1) inaugural issue. [link]

Hudson, D. (2019). “Songs from India and Zanzibar: Documenting the Gulf in Migration.” Studies in South Asian Film and Media 10(2): 91–112. [link]

Hudson, D. (2021). “Mapping Palestine/Israel through Interactive Documentary,” Journal of Palestine Studies 50(1): 51–76. [link]

Hudson, D. (2008). “Undisclosed Recipients: Database Documentaries and the Internet,” an essay in dialogue with S.L. Tay, “Undisclosed Recipients: Documentary in an Era of Digital Convergence.” Studies in Documentary Film 2(1), ed. C. Hight: 79–98. [link]

Hudson, D. and P. R. Zimmermann (2021). “Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Big and High, Small and Low.” Jump Cut 60. [link]

Hudson, D. (2006). “‘Just Play Yourself, “Maggie Cheung”’: Irma Vep, Unthinking National Cinemas, and Rethinking Transnational Stardom.” Screen 47(2): 213–232. [link]

Hudson, D. (2009). “Undesirable Bodies and Desirable Labor: Documenting the Globalization and Digitization of Transnational American Dreams in Indian Call Centers.” Cinema Journal 49(1): 82–102. [link]

Hudson, D. (2004). “Between Consumerism, Resistance, and Outreach: Online Vampire Subcultures.” Refractory: A Journal of Entertainment Media 6, “Fandom and Space.”

Hudson D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2009). “Cinephilia, Technophilia, and Collaborative Remix Zones.” Screen 50(1), “Screen Theorizing Today: A Celebration of Screen’s Fiftieth Anniversary,” ed. A. Kuhn: 135–146. [link]

Hudson, D. and P. R. Zimmermann (2019). “Insurgent Habitats: On Media and Environment.” Film Quarterly 72(3), special issue on Cinema of Urgency: 38–41. [link]

Hudson, D. (2020). “Toward a Cinema of Contact Zones: Intersecting Globalizations, Dubai, and City of Life.” Afterimage 47(4): 26–49. [link]

Hudson, D. (2020). “Interactive Documentary at the Intersection of Performance and Mediation: Navigating ‘Invisible’ Histories and ‘Inaudible’ Stories in the United States.” Studies in Documentary Film 14(2): 128–146. [link]

Hudson D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2009). “Taking Things Apart: Migratory Archives, Locative Media, and Micropublics.” Afterimage 36(4): 14–19. [link]

Hudson, D. (2013). “‘Of Course There Are Werewolves and Vampires’: True Blood and the Right to Rights for Other Species.” American Quarterly 65(3), special issue on Species/Race/Sex, Ed. C. Feccero and C.J. Kim: 661–683. [link]

Hudson, D. (2011). “Transpolitical Spaces within Transnational French Cinemas: Vampires and the Illusions of National Borders and Universal Citizenship.” French Cultural Studies 22(2): 111–126. [link]

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2021). Review of Swampscapes (USA, 2018; Elizabeth Miller, Kim Grinfelder, and Juan Carlos Zaldivar). Afterimage 48(4): 43–60 [link]

Hudson, D. (2022), review of Annie Dell’Aria, The Moving Image as Public Art: Sidewalk Spectators and Modes of Enchantment (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). Afterimage 49(2): 114–116 [link]

Hudson, D. (2021). “Interactive Documentary: Reactivating the Past to Claim a Future in the Postcolonial/Transnational United States.” Chinese trans. In Frontiers in Documentary Theory and Practice. Ed. Bao F. Beijing: China International Broadcasting Press: 223–240.

Hudson, D. and A. Yunis (forthcoming, 2023). “Introduction: Interconnecting Histories and Migrating Cultures.” In Reorienting the Middle East: Film and Digital Media Where the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean Meet. Ed. D. Hudson and A. Yunis. Bloomington: Indiana University Press: in press.

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2022). “Ten Propositions.” In Labour in a Single Shot: Critical Perspectives on Antje Ehmann and Harun Farocki’s Global Video Project. Ed. R. Grundemann, P. Schwartz, and G.H. Williams. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press: 207–234. [link]

Yunis, A. and D. Hudson (2021). eds. (2021), “Film and Visual Media in the Gulf: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives,” special double issue of Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 14(1–2): 10 articles plus editors’ introduction. [link]

Hudson, D. (2022). “The World Is Burning, and Whatever Tops the BFI’s ‘Best Films of All Time’ Isn’t Going to Help Us.” The Edge (December 06). [link]

Hudson, D. (2022). “How Aquariums and Conventional Nature Films Greenwash Animal Pain.” The Edge (July 22). [link]

Hudson, D. (2022). “Value-added Cinema,” in 25 for 25: Celebrating FLEFF’s Transformative Vision, Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival. [link]

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2020). “The Urgency of Participatory Small Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Park Center for Independent Media, Ithaca College. [link]

Hudson, D. (2022). “Black Pain and Punishment at the Oscar.” CounterPunch (April 15). [link]

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2020). “First Wave COVID-19 Playlist: Satire.” Media Playlists, Centre for Screen Cultures, University of St. Andrews. [link]

Hudson, D. (2021). “Listening to What Is Shared: From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf as Documentary Co-creation.” Visible Evidence Forum. [link]

Hudson, D. and P.R. Zimmermann (2022). “Bablyon’13: Small Media of Urgent Utility.” Docologue (May 01).  [link]

Hudson, D. and A. Yunis, eds. (forthcoming 2023). Reorienting the Middle East: Film and Digital Media Where the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean Meet. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Hudson, D. (2022). “Untangling Fact, Fiction, Fantasy—and Outright Lies: Compilation Films as Archival Piracy.” Social Research 89(4) special issue on Photography and Film as Evidence, ed. P. Kottman, 1055–1083 [link]

Hudson, D. (2022). “#OscarMustFall: On Refusing to Give Power to Unjust Definitions of ‘Merit’.” Jump Cut 61 [link]

Hudson, D. (2023). “U.S. Education Needs Land Acknowledgements; Forget McCarthy’s ‘Woke Indoctrination’.” The Edge (10 January).

‘Situating the Gulf in Critical Area Studies’ D. Hudson and A. Younis (eds), Film and Visual Media in the Gulf (Indiana University Press: 2023)

Höhn, Maria, and Martin KlimkeEin Hauch von Freiheit? Afroamerikanische GIs, die US-Bürgerrechtsbewegung und Deutschland, (Bielefeld: transcript) (2016).

Höhn, Maria, and Martin Klimke. A breath of freedom: the civil rights struggle, African American GIs, and Germany. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2010).

Isleem, Nasser M., and  Ghazi Abu Hakemah. Teachers Guide, Kalima Wa Nagham with Audio, Textbook for beginner learners of Arabic with DVD, volume 1 (UT press, 2016).

Isleem, Nasser M. Yalla Narmis: The Top 2,000+ Words and Expressions for Understanding Emirati Dialect (Arabic Edition). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (May 30, 2018)

Isleem, Nasser M. Colloquial Palestinian Arabic: An Introduction to the Spoken Dialect, with DVD. Norwell, MA: Alucen Learning, 2010.

Isleem, Nasser M. Popular Proverbs: An Entrance to Palestinian Culture, with DVD. Norwell, MA: Alucen Learning, 2008; revised and reprinted, 2009

Isleem, Nasser M., and  Ghazi Abu Hakemah. Kalima wa nagham, Textbook for beginner/Intermediate learners of Arabic with DVD and answer key, volume 2 (UT press, 2016).

Isleem, Nasser M. Popular Proverbs: An Entrance to Emirati Culture, (Amazon, 2017)

Isleem, Nasser M., and Hajer Madhi. Arabic Language in Emirati Films, Linguistic and Cultural Window on Emirati Films (Amazon, 2016)

Isleem, Nasser M., Ghazi Abu Hakemah and Raed Qasem. Kalima wa nagham, Textbook for beginner learners of Arabic with DVD and answer key, volume 1 (UT press, 2014).

Isleem, Nasser M., and Ayesha Al Hashemi. Ramsah with Audio, An Entrance to Learning Emirati Dialect and Culture (Kuttab Publishing House) 2015.

Isleem, Nasser M., and  Zainab Alwani and Mbarek Sryfi. Perspectives: Arabic Language and Culture in Film, Norwell, MA: Alucen Learning, 2009.

Isleem, Nasser M., Ghazi Abu Hakemah and Raed Qasem. Hakini Arabi, Palestinian and Jordanian Colloquial Arabic for beginners with Audio, (Amazon, 2015).

Isleem, Nasser M., and Ayesha Al Hashemi. Ramsah with Audio, An Entrance to Learning Emirati Dialect and Culture (Second Edition, Amazon) 2018.

Isleem, Nasser M.  Popular Proverbs: An Entrance to Palestinian Culture. USA: Alucen Learning, 2009.

Jian, Chen, Masha Kirasirova, Martin, Klimke, Mary Nolan, Marilyn Young, Joanna Waley-Cohen. The Routledge Handbook of the Global Sixties: Between Protest and Nation-Building (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2018). 

Jian, Chen, Masha Kirasirova, Martin Klimke, Mary Nolan, Marilyn Young, Joanna Waley-Cohen. The Routledge Handbook of the Global Sixties: Between Protest and Nation-Building (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge (2018).

Jänicke, Stefan, and David Joseph Wrisley. "Visualizing Mouvance: Toward a visual analysis of variant medieval text traditions." Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32, no. suppl_2 (2017): ii106-ii123.

Kalantzakos, Sophia,  Η Ενεργειακή Σκακιέρα το 2016, OpEd, ΒΗΜΑ της Κυριακής, 17 Ιανουαρίου 2016.

Kalantzakos, Sophia,  Ας αλλάξουμε αφήγημα για το δημογραφικόΚαθημερινή, 5 Ιανουαρίου, 2020 (με την Αλεξάνδρα Τραγάκη)

Kalantzakos, Sophia,  Νέες Προοπτικές Οταν οι Κοινωνίες Αλλάζουν, Καθημερινή, 12 Αυγούστου 2019.

Kalantzakos, Sophia. Αστέρης Χουλιάρας και Σοφία Καλαντζάκου, «Οι Σχέσεις ΕΕ-Αφρικής», στο Σ. Μπλαβούκος, Δ. Μπουραντώνης και Π. Τσάκωνας, επιμ. Εξωτερικές Σχέσεις της ΕΕ, Αθήνα: Ι. Σιδέρης, 2019, σελ. 195-210.

Kalantzakos, SophiaAfter Arab Spring, an EU Winter?, November 18, 2011.

Huliaras, Asteris, and Sophia Kalantzakos. "Looking for an Oasis of Support: Greece and the Gulf states." In Foreign Policy Under Austerity, pp. 49-76. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.

Kalantzakos, Sophia, “Introduction to Energy and Environmental Transformations in a Globalizing World: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue” (co-editor with N. Farantouris) Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2015, pp. xi-xv.

Kalantzakos, Sophia, and Asteris Huliaras, "The Gulf States and the Horn of Africa: A New Hinterland?”.  Middle East Policy, December 2017.

Kalantzakos, Sophia, and Asteris Huliaras, Rethinking the Collapse of the first East African Community (1967-1977): Lessons for the EU,”, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the University of the Peloponnese, The Jean Monnet Papers on Political Economy, 19/2019.

Kalantzakos, Sophia. "The Geopolitics of Critical Minerals." IAI Papers 19/27 -December 2019.

Kalantzakos, Sophia , Energy & Environmental Transformation in a Globalizing World, 2017

Kalantzakos, Sophia, “Greece and the GCC: Looking for an Oasis of Support” with A. Huliaras, GreeSE Paper No.96, Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe (January, 2016) pp. 1-34.

Kalantzakos, Sophia, Energy and Environmental Transformations in a Globalizing World: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue (co-editor with N. Farantouris) Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2015.

Kalantzakos, Sophia, The EU, US, and China Tackling Climate Change: Policies and Alliances for the Anthropocene , Routledge, 2017.

Kalantzakos, Sophia, China and the Geopolitics of Rare Earths (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018; rev. 2021). Translations: Kína és a ritkaföldfémek geopolitikája (Budapest, Hungary: Pallas Athéné, 2018); Terre Rare: La Cina e la geopolitica dei minerali strategici (Milan, Italy: Bocconi University Press, 2021).

Kalantzakos, Sophia. “China's Ecological Civilization: A National Narrative with Global Ambitions,” in eds. Debajyoti Biswas, Panos Eliopoulos, and John Ryan, International Perspectives on Nationalism: Literature, Philosophy and Political Theory (Routledge Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, ed. Timofey Agarin) Routledge, December 2022.

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Unnikrishnan, Deepak. “Gulf Return” & “Water.” Guernica Magazine. November 2014.

Unnikrishnan, Deepak. “Pravasis”, “Pravasis?” & “Nalinakshi.” The Penguin Book of Migration Literature: Departures, Arrivals, Generations, Returns, ed. Dohra Ahmad. New York: Penguin Classics, 2019.

Unnikrishnan, Deepak. “Sarama.” The Apex Book of World Speculative Fiction: Volume 4, ed. Mahvesh Murad. Lexington, KY: Apex Books, 2015.

Unnikrishnan, Deepak. “Birds.” Berlin Quarterly. Berlin: June 2017. 

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Unnikrishnan, Deepak. "Foreword." Balkrishna Doshi – Mother Tongue, photography exhibit by Danko Stjepanović, Oris House of Architecture, June 18, 2019, Zagreb, Croatia. 

Unnikrishnan, Deepak. “Pravasis.” Album: More Arriving, collaboration with Sarathy Korwar. July 2019, The Leaf Label, UK.

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Unnikrishnan, Deepak. “Euology 1-4”, “Whaat is Plan”, “Bullet Points About Pady Sopnams”, “Gulf Return.” Rock, Paper, Scissors: Positions in Play. The National Pavilion of the UAE, Venice Biennale, 2017.

Unnikrishnan, Deepak. "Cat." Gross Ideas: Tales of Tomorrow’s Architecture. Oslo Architecture Triennale, 2019.

Unnikrishnan, Deepak. “An Arabikatha.” THE STATE Volume IV: Dubai. Dubai: April 2013.

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Unnikrishnan, Deepak. “Gulf Return.” Himal Southasian, Vol. 23. Kathmandu: December 2010. 

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Woolford, Kirk and Carlos Guedes. Particulate Matters: Generating Particle Flows from Human Movement. Proceedings from the ACM Multimedia Conference 2007, Augsburg, Germany 2007.

Wrisley, David Joseph. "Locating Medieval French, or Why We Collect and Visualize the Geographic Information of Texts." Speculum 92, no. S1 (2017): S145-S169.

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Zimmerle, William. “The Impact of Neo-Assyrian Imperialism on Iron Age Jordan” W.F. Albright Newsletter Fellow’s Report, Jerusalem: 2011. 

Zimmerle, William Gerard. "Ethnographic light on the form, function, and decoration of'Arabian-style'cuboid incense burners from first-millennium BC Nippur." In Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, pp. 337-351. Archaeopress, 2014.

Zimmerle, William. “Evidence for the Arabian Spice Trade in the Southern Levant: Incense Altars and Alabaster Jars from the Axial Age (8th-4th Century B.C.E.)” W.F. Albright Newsletter Fellow's Report, Jerusalem: 2012. 

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Zimmerle, William G. "From History to Heritage: The Arabian Incense Burner." in The Gulf in World History: Arabia at the Crossroads. 2018. Ed. by A. Fromherz. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2018

Zimmerle, William. "Orontes" Encyclopedia of Ancient History. 2012. Edited by R. S. Bagnall. New York: John Wiley & Sons:4940.

Zimmerle, William. "Camel" Encyclopedia of Ancient History, 2012. Edited by R. S. Bagnall, et al. New York: John Wiley & Sons:1281-1282.

Zimmerle, William. "Ashdod" Encyclopedia of Ancient History, 2012. Edited by R. S. Bagnall. New York: John Wiley & Sons:816-817.

Zimmerle, William. "Red Sea" Encyclopedia of Ancient History. 2012. Edited by R. S. Bagnall. New York: John Wiley & Sons:5752-5753.

Zimmerle, William. "Perfumes and Unguents." Encyclopedia of Ancient History. 2012. Edited by R. S. Bagnall. New York: John Wiley & Sons:5151–5152.

Zimmerle, William. "Ethiopia." Encyclopedia of Ancient History. 2012. Edited by R. S. Bagnall. New York: John Wiley & Sons:1-2.

Zimmerle, William. "Ezekiel" Encyclopedia of Ancient History. 2012. Edited by R. S. Bagnall. New York: John Wiley & Sons:2607-2608.

Zimmerle, William G. "Crafting Cuboid Incense Burners in the Land of Frankincense: The Dhofar Ethnoarchaeology Preservation Project". 2017. English/Arabic. Washington: Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center/Liberty House Press. ISBN: 978-0997271317

Zimmerle, William. "Cultural Treasures from the Cave Shelters of Dhofar: Photographs and Texts from the Rock Art Heritage of Southern Oman." (2017). English/Arabic. Washington: Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center/Liberty Press. ISBN: 9780997271324.

W. Zimmerle, "Incense Burners-A Special Study," in Final Report of Excavations on the Hill of the Ophel by R.A.S. Macalister and J. Garrow Duncan 1923–1925 by G. Gilmour. Catalogue and Examination of the Finds in the Collections of the Palestine Exploration Fund, 2024.

W. Zimmerle, "Canaanite Deities," "Peraea Transjordan," "Egyptian Deities," "Mesopotamian Deities," "Mesopotamian Creation Myths," "Exodus," "Patriarchal Travel Narratives," Classical Traditions 1000 BCE - 300 CE: World History Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara: ABC Clio, 2008.

Zimmerle, W.G.. "Terracotta Cuboid Incense Burners and their Aromatics as Evidence for the 'Seafaring Merchants of Ur' in the 1st Millennium BCE," in Archaeology from Every Angle. Papers in Honor of Richard Zettler. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: Penn Museum Publications, 2024 (Chapter 17).

W. Zimmerle, Liaqat Ali, Matthew O'Connor and Muhammad Shiraz Ali. July 2024. "Incense Burners--A Special Study. Addendum: Sample Extraction and Scientific Analysis," in Final Report of the 1923-1925 R.A.S. Macalister’s Palestine Exploration Fund. edited by G. Gilmour. London: The Palestine Exploration Publications XIX, Chapter 6: 293 - 296.

Zimmerle, William G. with Liaqat Ali, Matthew O'Connor, and M. Shiraz Al. July 2024.“Incense Burner TWL Reg. No. 195,” in Petra's Temple of the Winged Lions: Excavation and Conservation Projects 1973 - 2005 and 2009 - 2021, Vol. 2: The Finds and Community Engagement. edited by P. Paul Creasman, Noreen Doyle, and China Shelton. Amman, Jordan-Alexandria, VA: The American Center of Research, 2024, Chapter 9, pp. 485-498.

dos Santos Cardoso, Jaime, Artur Capela, Ana Rebelo, Carlos Guedes, and Joaquim Pinto da Costa. "Staff detection with stable paths." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31, no. 6 (2009): 1134-1139.

Faculti (2019). “Vampires, Race, and Transnational Hollywoods,” video interview on Vampires, Race, and Transnational Hollywoods, Faculti [link]

Watson, R. (2019). “Interview with Dale Hudson and Patricia R. Zimmermann,” Studies in Documentary Film 13(3): 250–267 [link]

Baltazar, André, Carlos Guedes, Bruce Pennycook, and Fabien Gouyon. A real-time human body skeletonization algorithm for max/msp/Jitter. Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2010), Stony Brook, NY 2010.

Bello, Juan P., Robert Rowe, Carlos Guedes, and Godfried Toussaint. "Five perspectives on musical rhythm." Journal of New Music Research Special Issue: “Cross-Disciplinary and Multi-Cultural Perspectives on Musical Rhythm” 44, no. 1 (2015): 1-2.

Bello, Juan P., Rowe Rowe, Carlos Guedes, and Godfried Toussaint. (Eds). "Cross-disciplinary and Multi-cultural Perspectives on Musical Rhythm", Special Issue of the Journal for New Music Research 2015, 44/1

Bernardes, Gilberto, Guedes, Carlos and Bruce Pennycook. EarGram: An Application for Interactive Exploration of Concatenative Sound Synthesis in Pure Data. in From Sounds to Music and Emotions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7900) 2013, pp.110-129. New York: Springer.

Bernardes, Gilberto,  Carlos Guedes, and Bruce Pennycook. Style emulation of drum patterns by means of evolutionary methods and statistical analysis. Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2010). Barcelona, Spain 2010.

Bernardes, Gilberto, Carlos Guedes, and Bruce Pennycook. EarGram: an Application for Interactive Exploration of Large Databases of Audio Snippets for Creative Purposes. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR 2012), London, England 2012.

Bernardes, G., M. Davies, and C. Guedes. Automatic musical key estimation with adaptive mode bias. Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. (2017).

Bernardes, Gilberto, Diogo Cocharro, Marcelo Caetano, Carlos Guedes, and Matthew EP Davies. "A multi-level tonal interval space for modelling pitch relatedness and musical consonance." Journal of New Music Research 45, no. 4 (2016): 281-294.

Bernardes, Gilberto, Diogo Cocharro, Carlos Guedes, and Matthew EP Davies. "Harmony generation driven by a perceptually motivated tonal interval space." Computers in Entertainment (CIE) 14, no. 2 (2016): 1-21.

Bravo, Gwyneth. Requiems to ‘Memory Spaces’: Music, Trauma, and Commemoration, Post 1945.
This book examines symphonic and choral works commemorating traumas of the 20th and 21st centuries, as a framework for exploring the complex interplay between memory and history in the analysis of several works. 
(in discussion with press - prospectus and first chapter submitted in 2024.)

Bravo, Gwyneth.  “Hilda Klestadt-Jonas” in Arbeitsgruppe Exilmusik am Musikwissenschaftlichen Institut (ed.) in: Lebenswege von Musikerrinen im Dritten Reich und im Exil"  (Hamburg: von Bockel Verlag, 2000), pp. 254-280.

Bravo, Gwyneth and Brian S. Locke. “Mortal Encounters, Immortal Rendezvous: Literary-Musical Counterpointsbetween Erwin Schulhoff’s Flammen and Karel Josef Beneš’s Don Juan” (co-author Brian Locke) in New Paths in Opera: Martinů, Burian, Hába, Schulhoff, Ullmann, edited by Kelly St. Pierre and Helena Spurná, 127-173. Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2022. [30,000 words] Publication August 2022.

Radio Interview, Abu Dhabi Classics FM, Radio Interview with Gwyneth Bravo, Anniversary Edition of the Birth of Leonard Bernstein (Abu Dhabi, UAE, August 25, 2016)

Radio Interview, Abu Dhabi Classic FM, Radio Interview with Gwyneth Bravo and Narek Hakhnazyaran (Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 9, 2015)

Bravo, Gwyneth. “Recovered Voices” in NYUAD Arts and Humanities Year in Review, 2018 [200 words]

Bravo, Gwyneth"(Re)orchestrating Histories: An Interview with Cambodian Composer Him Sophy” in Music in Times of Crisis: Conflicts and Wars, Swiss Journal for Musicology, New Series 39 (2022-12-29): [4,500 words], DOI: 10.36950/sjm.39.8 Universität Bern Open Publishing, 2022. DOI: 10.36950/sjm.39 ISBN (elektronische Version) 978-3-03917-063-0. e-ISSN: 2235-7475. Edited by Margret Scharrer, Vincenzina C. Ottomano, Laura Moeckli, and Lea Hagmann. Production and typesetting: Helen Gebhart.

Co-producer, The Promise. 
Collaboratively produced a video emphasizing the 17 sustainable development goals. Worked alongside Paul Sidlo and in association with EMN8 Media Productions. Location: Abu Dhabi, May 2023.

Bravo, Gwyneth. “Pratt, Awadagin.” Grove Music Online. [450 words]:  In contract December 2023; completed May 2024; forthcoming September, 2024.

Fire Dance. Compact disco of cello and Celtic harp music with Christine Bonner, harp (Rainbow Music, 2001)

An Evening in Spain and Latin America. Compact disc of cello and guitar music with David Chapman, guitar (Sacramento, 1997)

Bravo, Gwyneth. "Him, Sophy." Grove Music Online. 24 Jan. 2024. [450 words]: published: January 24, 2024.

Capela, Artur, Jaime Cardoso, , Ana Rebelo, and Carlos Guedes. Integrated Recognition System for Music Scores. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2008 (ICMC 2008), Belfast, Ireland.

Cardoso, Jaime, Artur Capela, Ana Rebelo, and Carlos Guedes. A Connected Path Approach for Staff Detection on a Music Score. Proceedings from the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2008), San Diego, USA

De Beukelaer, Christiaan, and Andrew J Eisenberg. 2018. “Mobilising African Music: How Mobile Telecommunications and Technology Firms Are Transforming African Music Sectors.” Journal of African Cultural Studies. Published online 26 Nov. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/13696815.2018.1546569.

Dias, Rui and Carlos Guedes. A Contour-based Jazz Walking Bass Generator. Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2013). Stockholm, Sweden 2013.

Dias, Rui, Telmo Marques, George Sioros, and Carlos Guedes. GimmeDaBlues: An intelligent Jazz/Blues player and comping generator for iOS.” Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR 2012), London, England 2012.

Dias, Rui, Carlos Guedes, and Telmo Marques. A computer-mediated interface for Jazz piano comping. Proceedings of the Joint International Computer Music and Sound and Music Computing Conference  (ICMC 2014-SMC 2014). 2014.

Dias, Rui, Telmpo Marques, George Sioros,  and Carlos Guedes. Gimme 'Da Blues: A Jazz/Blues Player and Automatic Comping Generator For iOS Multitouch Devices.” Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2011), Coimbra, Portugal 2011.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. and Bill Odidi. 2018. “The Mombasa Years of Andrew ‘Madebe’ Burchell” [two-part blog post for Afropop Worldwide]. Oct. 23/24.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2016. “A Tribute to Kenyan Taarab Legend Zein l’Abdin” [blog post], Music in Africa. July 26.

Music in Africa. 2016. “Digital Technology and the Music Recording Industry in Kenya” [blog post], Music in Africa. July 11. 

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2018. “The Kenyan Song You Need to Know,Explore Parts Unknown [website for CNN’s “Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown”]. Sept. 26.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2016. “Zein l’Abdin Ahmed is the Coastal Lute Player Who Popularised Taarab” [obituary], Daily Nation (Kenya), November 4.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2017. “Taarab.” In Shades of Benga: The Story of Popular Music in Kenya, edited by Ketebul Music, 287–307. Nairobi, Kenya: Ketebul Music.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2017. “The Swahili Art of Indian Taarab: A Poetics of Vocality and Ethnicity on the Kenyan Coast.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 37 (2): 336–54.

Eisenberg, Andrew J., Alex Perullo, Ryan Skinner, and Gavin Steingo. 2017. “Popular Music,” In Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies, ed. Thomas Spear. New York: Oxford University Press.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2015. “Traditional Music,” In Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies, ed. Thomas Spear. New York: Oxford University Press.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2013. “Islam, Sound, and Space: Acoustemology and Muslim Citizenship on the Kenyan Coast.” In Music, Sound, and Space: Transformations of Public and Private Experience, edited by Georgina Born, 186–202. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2010. “Toward an Acoustemology of Muslim Citizenship in Kenya.” Anthropology News Dec. 51 (9): 6.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2015. “Space.” In Keywords in Sound, edited by David Novak, and Matt Sakakeeny, 193–207. Durham: Duke University Press.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. "A Feeling for the Boundaries.Sounding the Indian Ocean: Musical Circulations in the Afro-Asiatic Seascape (2023): 54.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. "Hip-Hop and Cultural Citizenship on Kenya's ‘Swahili Coast’." Africa 82, no. 4 (2012): 556-578.

Eisenberg, Andrew J. 2024. Sounds of Other Shores: The Musical Poetics of Identity on Kenya's Swahili Coast. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Gautam Lali, Akshay Anantapadmanabhan, and Carlos Guedes. A passive approach to evaluating Mridangam transcription via perceptual experiment. In International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC-ESCOM), Hyderabad, India. 2021.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Oscar Gomez, Leonid Kuzmenko, and Carlos Guedes. Developing immersive VR experience for visualizing cross-cultural relationships in music. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 401-406). IEEE. 2020.

Ganguli, Kautuv, Sertan Sentürk, Aandrew Eisenberg, and Carlos Guedes. Computational approaches to aid ethnographic research on Maqam melodies. Accepted for publication in First (1st) Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (SoMoS), Stockholm, Sweden. 2020.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Christos Plachouras, Sertan Sentürk, Andrew Eisenberg, and Carlos Guedes. Mapping Timbre Space in Regional Music Collections using Harmonic-Percussive Source Separation (HPSS) Decomposition. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Timbre (Timbre 2020), Thessaloniki, Greece. 2020.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Akshay Anantapadmanabhan, and Carlos Guedes. Fractal Modeling of Carnatic Rhythm Sequence: Case-study on a Generative Model. Proceedings of the International Society of Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2019), Delft, The Netherlands. 2019.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Akashay Anantapadmanabhan, and Carlos Guedes. Questioning the fundamental problem-definition of mridangam transcription. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Timbre (Timbre 2020), Thessaloniki, Greece 2020.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Akshay Anantapadmanabhan, and Carlos Guedes.  An approach to adding knowledge constraints by fractal analysis on a generative model of Carnatic rhythm sequence. Accepted for publication in Analytical Approaches to World Music Conference (AAWM), Paris, France 2021.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, Sertan Sentürk, and Carlos Guedes. Critiquing task- versus goal-oriented approaches: a case for makam recognition. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2022). Bengaloru, India.

Ganguli, Kaustuv, and Carlos Guedes. "An approach to adding knowledge constraints to a data-driven generative model for Carnatic rhythm sequence." Trends in Electrical Engineering 9, no. 3 (2019): 11-17.

Gomez, Oscar, Kaustuv Ganguli, Leonid Kuzmenko, and Carlos Guedes. Exploring Music Collections: An Interactive, Dimensionality Reduction Approach to Visualizing Songbanks. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion. IUI 2020. Association for Computing Machinery, p. 138-139 2 p. (International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Proceedings IUI), Cagliary, Italy. 2020.

Guedes, Carlos. Composing and improvising. In real time. in Music Technology with Swing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11265) (2018), pp. 445-453. New York: Springer.

Guedes, Carlos (2015). Canon a 4 con uccelli obbligati in Disposifónicos: Acumuladores de objectos sonantes. (2019) [LP]. Porto: Sonoscopia

SSS-Q + Carlos Guedes. (2017). SSS- Q+Carlos Guedes [LP]. Porto: Wasserbassin.

Guedes, Carlos (2015). Happy Miso 25! In Cadavres Exquis: Portuguese Composers of the 21st century [CD].  Lisbon: Miso records

Guedes, Carlos (2019). Unsolvable problems [CD]. [music for big band and for big bang and string quartet]. Porto: Improbable Records

Guedes, Carlos (2017). Phobia robotica. Piece for dysfunctional robotic orquestra in Disposifónicos: Acumuladores de objectos sonantes. (2019) [LP]. Porto: Sonoscopia

SSS-Q + Carlos Guedes. (2021). Becoming space [online edition].  

Chess. (2021). Shadows and reflections [CD]. [Nikolaj Hess: piano; Carlos Guedes: live electronics]. Copenhagen: Gateway records

Guedes, Carlos and Rui Dias. The Program in Electronic Music Composition and Musical Production at the School of the Arts of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. Proceedings from the Sound and Music Computing 2007(SMC 2007). pp. 378-381 and Proceedings of  The International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2007) Copenhagen, Denmark. 2007.

Guedes, Carlos. Translating Dance Movement into Musical Rhythm in Real Time: New Possibilities for Computer-Mediated Collaboration in Interactive Dance Performance. Proceedings of The International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2007) Copenhagen, Denmark 2007.

Guedes, Carlos, Konstantinos Trochidis, and Akshay Anantapadmanabhan.  Challenges in computational modelling and generation of Carnatic percussion music. Challenges in Carnatic Music generation. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Analytical Approaches to World Music, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2018.

Guedes, Carlos. The m-objects: A Small Library for Musical Rhythm Generation and Musical Tempo Control from Dance Movement in Real Time.” Proceedings from the International Computer Music Conference, International Computer Music Association, 2005, pp. 794-797 (2005)

Guedes, Carlos, Konstantinos Trochidis, and Akshay Anantapadmanabhan. Modeling Carnatic Rhythm Generation: A Data-Driven approach based on Rhythmic Analysis. Proceedings of the 15th Sound & Music Computing Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 2018

Guedes, Carlos. Establishing a Musical Channel of Communication between Dancers and Musicians in Computer-Mediated Collaborations in Dance Performance. Proceedings of the 2007 Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME07), New York, NY, USA pp. 417-418 2007.

Bernardes, Gilberto, Diogo Cocharro, Carlos Guedes, and Matthew Davies. Conchord: An Application for Generating Musical Harmony by Navigating in a Perceptually Motivated Tonal Interval Space. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research 2015 (CMMR 2015) 2015.

Guedes, Carlos and Kirk Woolford. Controlling Aural and Visual Particle Systems through Human Movement. Proceedings from the Sound and Music Computing 2007(SMC 2007), Lefkada, Greece. pp. 200-203 and Proceedings of The International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2007), Copenhagen, Denmark 2007.

Guedes, Carlos. Real-Time Composition, why it still matters?: A look at recent developments and potentially new and interesting applications. Proceedings of the 2017 International Computer Music Conference. 2017.

Guedes, Carlos. Extracting Musically-Relevant Rhythmic Information from Dance Movement by Applying Pitch-Tracking Techniques to a Video Signal. Sound and Music Computing Conference 2006 Proceedings, pp. 25-33 (2006).

Guedes, Carlos, Konstantinos Trochidis, and Akshay Anantapadmanabhan. CAMeL: Carnatic Percussion Music Generation Using N-Gram and Clustering Approaches. Abstract of presentation at the 16th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop. 2017.

Guedes, Carlos.  Controlling Musical Tempo from Dance Movement in Real-Time: A Possible Approach.” Proceedings from the International Computer Music Conference, International Computer Music Association, 2003, pp. 453-457 (2003)

Guedes, Carlos, and Pedro Rebelo. "Reflections on music programming for conferences: The case of smc 2009." Computer Music Journal 34, no. 3 (2010): 10-19.

Guedes, Carlos. "Real-time composition: Its applications and educational potential." Journal of Power Electronics 9, no. 2 (2019): 33-40.

Kapchan, Deborah A., and Driss Marjane. "Poetic Justice: An Anthology of Moroccan Contemporary Poetry." (2019).

Naveda, Luis, Fabien Gouyon, Carlos Guedes,  and Marc Leman. Multidimensional microtiming in Samba music. Brazilian Symposium in Computer Music, 2009.

Naveda, Luiz, Fabien Gouyon, Carlos Guedes, and Marc Leman. "Microtiming patterns and interactions with musical properties in samba music." Journal of New Music Research 40, no. 3 (2011): 225-238.

Penha, Rui, Paulo Rodrigues, Fabien Gouyon, , Luis Martins, Carlos Guedes,  and Álvaro Barbosa. Studio Report: Digitópia at Casa da Música. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2008 (ICMC 2008), Belfast, Ireland.

Perullo, Alex, and Andrew J. Eisenberg. 2014. “Musical Property Rights Regimes in Tanzania and Kenya After Trips.” In Sage Handbook of Intellectual Property, edited by Matthew David, and Deborah Halbert, 148–63. Sage.

Rebelo, Ana, Filipe Paszkiewicz, Carlos Guedes, André Marcal, and Jaime Cardoso, J. A Method for Music Symbols Extraction based on Musical Rules. Proceedings of the BRIDGES 2011 - Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture Conference. Coimbra, Portugal 2011.

Rebelo, Ana, Atur Capela, J. Costa, Carlos Guedes, Eurico Carrapatoso,  and Jaime Cardoso. A Shortest Path Approach for Staff Line Detection. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (AXMEDIS 2007), Barcelona, Spain 2007.

Rebelo, Ana, Ichiro Fujinaga, Filipe Paszkiewicz, Andre RS Marcal, Carlos Guedes, and Jaime S. Cardoso. "Optical music recognition: state-of-the-art and open issues." International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval 1, no. 3 (2012): 173-190.

Sioros, George. and Carlos Guedes. Syncopation as Transformation. in Music, Sound and Motion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8905) 2014, pp.635-658. New York: Springer.

Sioros, George and Carlos Guedes. Generation and control of automatic rhythmic performances in Max/MSP. Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2011). Coimbra, Portugal 2011.

Sioros, George and Carlos Guedes. Automatic Rhythmic Performance in Max/MSP: the kin.rhythmicator. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2011). Oslo, Norway (2011).

Sioros George and Carlos Guedes. Complexity-driven recombination of MIDI loops. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2011). Miami, USA 2011.

Sioros, George and Carlos Guedes. A formal approach for high-level automatic rhythm generation. Proceedings of the BRIDGES 2011 - Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture Conference. Coimbra, Portugal 2011.

Sioros, George and Carlos Guedes. Transforming musical rhythms: meter and syncopation. Proceedings of the Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2014). 2014.

Sioros, George, Marius Miron, Diogo Cocharro, Carlos Guedes, and Fabien  Gouyon. Syncopalooza: Manipulating the Syncopation in Rhythmic Performances. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR 2013), Marseille, France 2013.

Sioros, George, Andre Holzapfel, and Carlos Guedes. On measuring syncopation to drive an interactive music system. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2012). Porto, Portugal 2012.

Sioros, George, Matthew EP Davies, and Carlos Guedes. "A generative model for the characterization of musical rhythms." Journal of New Music Research 47, no. 2 (2018): 114-128.

Trochidis, Konstantinos, Carlos Guedes. Rhythmic Analysis of Carnatic Style Percussive Music Using an Adaptive Time Domain Decomposition Method Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music 2016 (AAWM 2016). 2016.

Trochidis, Konstantinos, Beth Russell, Andrew Eisenberg, Kaustuv Ganguli, , Oscar Gomez,  Christos Plachouras, Carlos Guedes, and Virginia Danielson.  Mapping the Sounds of the Swahili coast and the Arab Mashriq: Music research at the intersection of computational analysis and cultural heritage preservation. Proceedings of the Digital Libraries for Musicology Workshop (DLfM), November 9, 2019, The Hague, Netherlands. 2019.

Trochidis, Konstantinos, Carlos Guedes, Akshay Anantapadmanabhan, and Andrija Klaric. CAMeL: Carnatic Percussion Music Generation Using N-Gram Models. Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing 2016 (SMC 2016), Hamburg. 2016.

Trochidis, Konstantinos, Carlos Guedes, Andre Holzapfel, Akshay Anantapadmanabham, and Andrija Klaric. Analysis by synthesis of rhythm in South Indian art percussion performances by means of statistical analysis. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music 2016 (AAWM 2016). 2016.

Woolford, Kirk and Carlos Guedes. Particulate Matters: Generating Particle Flows from Human Movement. Proceedings from the ACM Multimedia Conference 2007, Augsburg, Germany 2007.

dos Santos Cardoso, Jaime, Artur Capela, Ana Rebelo, Carlos Guedes, and Joaquim Pinto da Costa. "Staff detection with stable paths." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31, no. 6 (2009): 1134-1139.