The Bioinformatics Core at NYUAD CGSB provides computational infrastructure and services for sequence analysis to support a wide range of research projects. The team develops analytical pipelines, joint genomics resources, training programs, and data policies, and handles data management.
The team's mission is to:
- Establish and maintain high-throughput computational pipelines.
- Collaborate and support NYUAD’s multidisciplinary research programs.
- Provide scientific project management solutions to researchers.
- Establish and maintain data management solutions.
- Provide expert scientific consultation and advice.
- Provide bioinformatics training and personal development to the wider NYUAD community.
- Develop new tools and resources for the analysis, visualization and management of high throughput genomics datasets.
The team focuses on the following types of analysis:
- Resequencing and structural variation analysis.
- De novo genome and transcriptome assembly.
- Metagenomic (16s and 18s) analysis as well as metagenomic assembly.
- Epigenetic analysis.
- Gene finding and annotation.
- Expression analysis (differential gene expression and transcriptome profiling) on whole and Single Cell RNAseq.
Check out some of our online resource
- NASQAR (Nucleic Acid SeQuence Analysis Resource) is a dynamic web-based platform, which provides an intuitive interface that allows users to easily and efficiently explore their data in an interactive way using popular tools for a variety of applications, including Transcriptome Data Preprocessing, RNAseq Analysis (including Single-cell RNAseq), Metagenomics, and Gene Enrichment.
- BioSAILs (Bioinformatics Standardized Analysis Information Layers), a scientific workflow management system (WMS) developed by the Core Bioinformatics team at NYU Abu Dhabi. BioSAILs comprises two central components, BioX command and HPCRunner command, supported by BioStacks software stacks. BioSAILs is production-level software that has been in use as the main WMS at NYU Abu Dhabi for the past 2 years and is continuously developed and maintained by the core bioinformatics team.
- Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis Resources where we host an online learning resource created by the NYUNY and NYUAD core bioinformatics teams. This resource has been developed specifically to address high throughput genomics analysis.
The Bioinformatics Core team collaborate closely with the NYU New York Bioinformatics Core, and have a number of active projects. The projects focus on analytical pipelines, infrastructure development and joint genomics resources, data policies and data management, as well as web resources. For further information regarding current developments, including blog posts, training events and seminars, as well as a list of available resources, please follow the link to the joint NYU Genomics Core website.