Faculty Recognition and Awards

1. The Palm Teaching Award

The Palm Teaching Award will recognize outstanding contributions to the educational mission of NYUAD. This award will honor faculty for excellence in liberal arts education, research mentorship, creativity, and innovation in teaching for both undergraduate and graduate students.

To Be Considered for an Award

  1. The standing faculty member needs at least one nomination from another NYUAD faculty member. Self-nominations are not allowed.
  2. The standing faculty member must have taught for at least four years (which may be non-consecutive) at NYUAD.

On accepting a nomination, a faculty member will additionally provide the award selection committee with the following:

  1. A three-page (max 1500 words) statement of teaching philosophy
  2. A sample of full evaluations from 2-3 recent courses that demonstrate teaching strengths and/or 2-3 letters of recommendation from NYUAD alumni, ideally demonstrating the impact of the faculty member's teaching beyond the university.

The winner will be selected by a committee, in light of the quality of the evidence provided by the nominators and the candidate. They will be recognized at an annual awards ceremony, and have their name listed on an Honors wall at NYUAD's CFA.

2. The Rayhan Mentorship Awards

The Faculty Rayhan Awards recognize the excellent mentorship of faculty at NYU Abu Dhabi.  Colleagues will be honored for their generosity with time, energy, and career advice toward their faculty mentees.

To Be Considered for an Award

  1. The nominee must be an NYUAD standing faculty member.
  2. The nominee must be nominated by at least two other NYUAD faculty members who have benefited from the nominee's mentorship, either formally or informally.

Multiple faculty can receive Rayhan mentorship awards in a given year, and a faculty member can receive multiple awards but only one per year. A selection committee will select winners based on the quality of the evidence provided in the nominations. They will be recognized at an annual awards ceremony, and have their name listed on an Honors wall at NYUAD's CFA.

Winners, Academic Year 2022-2023

  • Transformative Research Award
    • Kemal Celik, Assistant Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering, Engineering Division
    • Marsha Ginsberg, Associate Arts Professor of Theater, Arts and Humanities Division
    • Justin Stearns, Professor of Arab Crossroads, Arts and Humanities Division
  • Award for Teaching Excellence
  • Distinguished Service Award
    • Olivier Bochet, Associate Professor of Economics, Social Science Division
    • Nizar Habash, Professor of Computer Science, Science Division