Employment and Graduate Studies

Engineering programs at NYU Abu Dhabi provide a sound preparation for careers in research, academia, industry, or government. NYUAD Civil Engineering majors graduate prepared to apply to prestigious master's programs or enter the world of work.

Where Are They Now?

NYUAD Civil Engineering majors are employed and studying in countries around the world. This is just a small sample.

Grad Schools

  • NYU New York
  • Stanford
  • University College London
  • University of British Columbia


  • Uber
  • McKinsey & Company

The Career Development Center at NYU Abu Dhabi works with students to help improve interpersonal skills, find internship and job opportunities, and prepare for graduate school.

Doors Open with a NYUAD Degree 

Our alumni leave NYUAD with jobs and graduate schools lined up for them.


We need to think not only as engineers, but also adopt the mindsets of social scientists, economists, and end users all at once.

Alumnus Isaiah Mwamba, resident engineer, Kgosigadi Consulting Engineers

My Favorite Course in Civil Engineering

Course Spotlight

I really enjoyed the TED talk style presentations — it brought out a creative side from my classmates I had not seen before.