Career Competencies

NYUAD Career Skills for Success

Career competencies represent the skills, experiences and attributes that will help you thrive in your post graduate futures. Mastering the competencies below will provide you with the foundation to transition and be successful throughout your career journey.

Career Competencies lay the foundation to prepare University students for successful entry into the workforce by:

  • Providing a common vocabulary to use when discussing post graduate readiness
  • Creating a framework for thinking about future focused skill building


Articulate ideas clearly and effectively, verbally and in writing.

Self Awareness

Identify and reflect on personal values, interests, skills, strengths, and growth areas.

  • Take career assessments such as the Strong Interest Inventory, 16 personalities, CliftonStrengths to help determine what occupations are a good “fit.”
  • Make use of our physical CDC library to investigate potential career paths in fields/industries of interest.
  • Connect with a CDC advisor to talk about your interests.
  • Reflect and record want you learned during your various academic, leadership, volunteering, and internship experiences.
  • Ask your student assistantship or internship supervisor for feedback.


Build collaborative partnerships and work together towards common goals while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.


Demonstrating competence, respect, and integrity in the workplace.

  • Review the CDC professional guidelines.
  • Review the NYUAD Student Conduct Policy.
  • Attend the Senior Transition Series.
  • Attend the workshop: "How to Talk to People You Don’t Know."
  • Participate in the biannual Networking Night.
  • Attend Employer Sessions.
  • Learn the bias of professional standards.

Career Management

Identify and pursue areas of professional development while persisting through setbacks.

Building Your Network

Build professional connections and share industry information for mutual benefit.

  • Join a relevant professional association and attend its workshops and conferences.
  • Participate in the biannual Networking Night.
  • Create/enhance your LinkedIn and online profiles.
  • Schedule informational interviews with professionals in fields or industries of interest.
  • Attend relevant CDC career chats and panels.
  • Read the Handshake article on Networking.
  • Attend Alumni events.
  • Attend industry-specific workshops.

Intercultural and Global Understanding

Apply cultural awareness and empathy across relationships and environments.


Maximize strengths and efforts of others towards achieving a common goal.

Critical Thinking

Exercise sound reasoning to analyze and evaluate circumstances.

Digital Fluency

Being aware of and able to navigate relevant technology.

  • Learn a new skill through LinkedIn Learning.
  • Review the Handshake article about digital literacy.
  • Review job listings in your field of interest to see what digital competencies are required.
  • Utilize the pre-skilling development fund to acquire future-ready job market skills (for graduate students and undergraduates when applicable).


Contributing in a creative and imaginative way.

  • Attend workshops or get involved with startAD.
  • Get involved with Hub71.
  • Take Arts, Design, and Technology courses at NYUAD.
  • Stay up to date on current trends in your field of interest (connect with professional organizations, join online discussions, follow trendsetters on LinkedIn).