Hernan Lopez-Schier

Visiting Professor of Biology Affiliation: Visiting
Education: PhD University of Cambridge

Research Areas: Organization; mechanosensory organs; development; regeneration; collective behavior

Hernan López-Schier trained in biology and genetics as a visiting undergraduate student at the Rockefeller University (New York, U.S.A.) and then as a graduate student at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, U.K.). He did postdoctoral work on sensory neuroscience and mechanobiology at the Rockefeller University. In 2007 he established his independent group at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (Barcelona, Spain), and in 2012 moved as Director of a Research Unit at the Helmholtz Center in Munich (Germany). During 2019-2021 he was Visiting Professor at Harvard University (USA). He currently is Affiliate Professor of Life Sciences at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, and member of the Scientific Advisor Board of the biomedical company Sensorion (France). His group's research uses experimental and theoretical approaches to understand the mechanisms governing organization of gene-regulatory networks, sensory organs, and the  collective behavior of organisms.

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