Research Assistant
Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: BS University of Guadalajara, MInnov University of Guadalajara.
Research Areas: Neuroscience, Immunobiology, Genetic Edition, Novel systems for Laboratory Management
Dhylva Paola de la Garza has a Master's degree in Innovation and a BS in Biology from the University of Guadalajara.
She worked in 2008 as a research assistant while being an undergraduate student and after finishing her studies collaborating in different projects from immunosuppression in Tilapia fish to mesenchymal human cell culturing for stem cell therapy technique standardization to achieve successful cell growth, expansion, and differentiation.
From 2009 to 2012, she started a professional experience out of the academic environment as a microbiologist performing analysis of water, raw material, finished product, environmental monitoring, quality control, elaboration of standardized procedures, follow up of maintenance programs, and validation in Mexico and subsequently in Pakistan.
In the following years, she worked as well as a specialized texts translator for different national and international projects and as a patient coordinator acquiring abilities in customer relationship management systems, project management, and development of partnerships and alliances with diverse medical and private research facilities.
Her research interests focus on laboratory management and continuous improvement through innovative processes that impact the performance of novel cellular, molecular techniques, and methods utilizing bio active components applied in academic research.
She is currently working as a Lab Manager in the Center for Genomics and Systems Biology as a responsible for the administrative paperwork related to purchasing of consumables, import/export permits, acting as the liaison between the research team and other laboratory groups. She is also in charge of maintaining the lab space, including all chemicals and equipment, preparation of the fly food, and of the maintenance of the fly and antibody stocks.