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Hisham Sati
Center Director & Principal Investigator, Professor of Mathematics
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Fall 2023 , Wednesdays throughout the semester
In this talk, Mayuko Yamashita will explain works with Y. Tachikawa to study anomalies in heterotic string theory via homotopy theory, especially the theory of Topological Modular Forms (TMF). TMF is an E-infinity ring spectrum which is conjectured by Stolz-Teichner to classify two-dimensional supersymmetric quantum field theories in physics. In the previous work (link), we proved the vanishing of anomalies in heterotic string theory mathematically using TMF. Additionally, we have a recent update on the previous work (link). Due to the vanishing result, we can consider a secondary transformation of spectra, which coincides with the Anderson self-duality morphism of TMF. This allows us to detect subtle torsion phenomena in TMF by differential-geometric methods.
Speaker: Mayuko Yamashita (Kyoto University, Japan)
Twisted K-theory is a variant of topological K-theory that allows local coefficient systems called twists. For spaces and twists equipped with an action by a group, equivariant twisted K-theory provides an even finer invariant. Equivariant twists over Lie groups gained increasing importance in the subject due to a result by Freed, Hopkins and Teleman that relates the corresponding K-groups to the Verlinde ring of the associated loop group. From the point of view of homotopy theory only a small subgroup of all possible twists is considered in classical treatments of twisted K-theory. In this talk I will discuss an operator-algebraic model for equivariant higher (i.e. non-classical) twists over SU(n) induced by exponential functors on the category of vector spaces and isomorphisms. These twists are represented by Fell bundles and the C*-algebraic picture allows a full computation of the associated K-groups at least in low dimensions. I will also draw some parallels of our results with the FHT theorem. This is joint work with D. Evans.
Speaker: Ulrich Pennig (Cardiff University, UK)
Urs Schreiber will recall some of the theory of "quantum channels" and then explain how it is captured by "monadic computation" with the linear version of the "State monad" — the "QuantumState Frobenius monad."
Speaker: Urs Schreiber (NYU Abu Dhabi)
By recalling the textbook description of a (variational) classical field theory and its critical locus of on-shell fields, I will list desiderata for a category in which this can rigorously take place. This category will consist of generalized smooth spaces, completely determined by `how they may be smoothly probed by finite dimensional manifolds'. By expanding on this intuition, I will describe how one naturally arrives at the definition of a smooth set as a "sheaf over the site of Cartesian spaces''. I will then explain how the sheaf topos of smooth sets satisfies the desiderata of (variational) classical field theory. Time permitting, I will indicate how the setting naturally generalizes to include the description of fermionic fields, and (gauge) fields with internal symmetries.
Speaker: Grigorios Giotopoulos (NYU Abu Dhabi)
In modern homotopy theory, spaces are represented by combinatorial models called simplicial sets. Their elegant formulation gives them great expressive power to capture spaces up to homotopy. Simplicial distributions are basic mathematical objects that mix simplicial sets with probabilities. That is, they model probability distributions on spaces. In my talk, I will show how simplicial distributions provide a framework for studying a central quantum feature associated with probabilities, known as contextuality. A typical measurement scenario consists of a set of measurements and outcomes, whereas simplicial distributions can be defined for spaces of measurements and outcomes. Our approach unifies and goes beyond two earlier approaches: the sheaf-theoretic (Abramsky-Brandenburger) and group cohomological (Okay-Roberts-Bartlett-Raussendorf.
Speaker: Cihan Okay, Bilkent University, Turkey
In their 1967 book Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory, P. Gabriel and M. Zisman introduced calculus of fractions as a tool for understanding the localization of a category at a class of weak equivalences. While powerful, the condition of calculus of fractions is quite restrictive and it is rarely satisfied in various homotopical settings, like model categories or Brown's categories of fibrant objects, where one instead has homotopy calculus of fractions.
This talk is based on a recent preprint arXiv:2306.02218, which aims to reconcile the two. We define calculus of fractions for quasicategories and give a workable model for marked quasicategories satisfying our condition. Although we have already found several applications of this result, we would be very interested in getting feedback from the audience and exploring new applications from diverse areas.
Speaker: Chris Kapulkin, Western University, Canada
In their 1967 book Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory, P. Gabriel and M. Zisman introduced calculus of fractions as a tool for understanding the localization of a category at a class of weak equivalences. While powerful, the condition of calculus of fractions is quite restrictive and it is rarely satisfied in various homotopical settings, like model categories or Brown's categories of fibrant objects, where one instead has homotopy calculus of fractions.
This talk is based on a recent preprint arXiv:2306.02218, which aims to reconcile the two. We define calculus of fractions for quasicategories and give a workable model for marked quasicategories satisfying our condition. Although we have already found several applications of this result, we would be very interested in getting feedback from the audience and exploring new applications from diverse areas.
Speaker: Daniel Carranza, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Ultra Unification, and Noninvertible Symmetry of the Standard Model from Gravitational Anomaly Abstract: In the Standard Model, the total "sterile right-handed" neutrino number n_{νR} is not equal to the family number Nf. The anomaly index (-Nf+n_{νR}) had been advocated to play an important role in the previous work on Cobordism and Deformation Class of the Standard Model [arxiv:2112.14765, arxiv:2204.08393] and Ultra Unification [arxiv:2012.15860], in order to predict new highly entangled sectors beyond the Standard Model. Ultra Unification would combine the Standard Model and Grand Unification, particularly for the models with 15 Weyl fermions per family, without the necessity of right-handed sterile neutrinos, by adding new gapped topological phase sectors (in 4d or 5d) or new gapless interacting conformal sectors (in 4d) consistent with the nonperturbative global anomaly cancellation and cobordism constraints (especially from the mixed gauge-gravitational anomaly, such as a ℤ_{16} class anomaly, associated with the baryon minus lepton number B−L and the electroweak hypercharge Y).
Moreover, for the Standard Mode alone, the invertible B−L symmetry current conservation can be violated quantum mechanically by gravitational backgrounds such as gravitational instantons, hypothetically pertinent for leptogenesis in the very early universe. In specific, we show that a noninvertible categorical counterpart of the B−L symmetry still survives in gravitational backgrounds. In general, we construct noninvertible symmetry charge operators as topological defects derived from invertible anomalous symmetries that suffer from mixed gravitational anomalies. Examples include the perturbative local and nonperturbative global anomalies classified by ℤ and ℤ_{16} respectively.
For this construction, we utilize the anomaly inflow concept, the 4d Pontryagin class and the gravitational Chern-Simons 3-form, the 3d Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev-type topological quantum field theory with a framing anomaly corresponding to a 2d rational conformal field theory with an appropriate chiral central charge, and the 4d Z_4^{TF}-time-reversal symmetric topological superconductor with 3d boundary topological order [arxiv:2302.14862].
Speaker: Juven Wang, Harvard University
Hilbert spaces form more than a category: their morphisms maps can be composed, but also every morphism $f : X \to Y$ has a distinguished "adjoint" $f^\dagger : Y \to X$, making it into a "dagger category." This extra data is important for axiomatizing functional analysis, quantum mechanics, quantum information theory... However, the assignment $f \mapsto f^\dagger$ is unsatisfying from a higher category theorist's perspective because it is "evil," i.e., it violates the principle of equivalence: a category equivalent to a dagger category may not admit a dagger structure. This in particular interferes with generalizing the notion of dagger category to the (non-strict) higher categories necessary for axiomatizing fully-local quantum field theory. In this talk, I will propose a manifestly non-evil definition of "dagger $(\infty,n)$-category." The same machinery also produces non-evil definitions of "pivotal $(\infty,n)$-category" and helps to clarify the relationship between reflection positivity and spin-statistics. This is based on joint work with B. Bartlett, G. Ferrar, B. Hungar, C. Krulewski, L. Müller, N. Nivedita, D. Penneys, D. Reutter, C. Scheimbauer, L. Stehouwer, and C. Vuppulury.
Speaker: Theo Johnson-Freyd, Dalhousie University and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada
Manifold diagrams are the higher categorifications of string diagrams. They lie at the intersection of several interesting topics, such as:
Nonetheless, the precise role of manifold diagrams in these topics remains largely mysterious. In this talk, we will focus on describing the basic interplay between (stratified) geometry, combinatorics, and (directed) cell complexes, exposed by the mathematical framework of manifold diagrams. This will include, in particular, two equivalent definitions of manifold diagrams, one geometric and one combinatorial, as well as a discussion of how these relate to the above topics
Speaker: Christoph Dorn, Oxford University, UK
The BV formalism and its shifted versions in field theory have a nice compatibility with boundary structures. Namely, one such structure in the bulk induces a shifted (possibly degenerated) version on its boundary, which can be interpreted as aPoisson structure (up to homotopy). Cattaneo presented the results for some field theories, in particular, 4D BF theory and 4D gravity.
Speaker: Alberto Cattaneo, Zurich University, Switzerland
I will begin by explaining the construction of a category CofCos, whose objects are topological spaces and whose morphisms are cofibrant cospans. Here the identity cospan is chosen to be of the form $X\to X\times [0,1]\rightarrow X$, in contrast with the usual identity in the bicategory Cosp(V) of cospans over a category V. The category CofCos has a subcategory HomCob in which all spaces are homotopically 1-finitely generated. There exist functors into HomCob from a number of categorical constructions which are potentially of use for modelling particle trajectories in topological phases of matter: embedded cobordism categories and motion groupoids for example. Thus, functors from HomCob into Vect give representations of the aforementioned categories.
I will also construct a family of functors $Z_G\colon HomCob\to Vect$, one for each finite group $G$, and show that topological quantum field theories previously constructed by Yetter, and an untwisted version of Dijkgraaf-Witten, generalise to functors from HomCob. I will construct this functor in such a way that it is clear the images are finite dimensional vector spaces, and the functor is explicitly calculable. I will also give example calculations throughout.
Speaker: Fiona Torzewska, University of Leeds, UK
Classically, since Z/p is a field, any module over the Eilenberg—MacLane spectrum HZ/p splits as a wedge of suspensions of HZ/p itself. Equivariantly, the module theory of G-equivariant Eilenberg—MacLane spectra is much more complicated. For the cyclic group G=C_p and the constant Mackey functor Z/p, there are infinitely many indecomposable HZ/p-modules. Previous work together with Dugger and Hazel classified all indecomposable HZ/2-modules for the group G=C_2. The isomorphism classes of indecomposables fit into just three families. By contrast, we show for G=C_p with p an odd prime, the classification of indecomposable HZ/p-modules is wild. This is joint work in progress with Grevstad.
Speaker: Clover May, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Spring 2024 , Wednesdays throughout the semester
Over a field of positive characteristic p, restricted Lie algebras are of prime interest, mainly due to their link to algebraic groups and their role in representation theory and classification. The cohomology associated with restricted Lie algebras is considerably more complicated than the ordinary Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology and explicit formulas are only known up to order 2. In this talk, I will explain how to build the first and second restricted cohomology groups for restricted Lie superalgebras in characteristic p greater than 3, modifying a previous construction. I will explain how these groups capture some algebraic structures, such as restricted extensions. Further, I will show how to apply this construction to classify p-nilpotent restricted Lie superalgebras up to dimension 4 over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p greater than 3. This is a joint work with Sofiane Bouarroudj (NYU Abu Dhabi).
Speaker: Quentin Ehert, NYU Abu Dhabi
Our understanding of M-theory is based on a duality web connecting different limits of the theory. I'll discuss the extension of this duality web to a wide variety of decoupling limits related by duality to the null reduction of M-theory (and hence to the proposal that M-theory can be described by Matrix theory). From a modern perspective, these limits involve non-relativistic geometries, leading to new variants of supergravity in 11- and 10-dimensions. I'll discuss how to systematically explore these corners of M-theory, following the roadmap of
Speaker: Chris Blair, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
This talk is based on arXiv:2211.08549, in which we explore the Lie higher-algebraic and higher-geometric structures that arise from a procedure we dub “gauging the gauge”, and study the resulting 2- and 3-gauge theory. The homotopy weakening of algebraic properties afforded by Lie L_n-algebras is tied to violation of geometric higher-Bianchi conditions. In this talk, I will focus on the application of this observation to two specific cases, and examine its consequences. First, for the monopole U(1) gauge theory, the above observation gives rise to the 2-group Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation (Benini-Cordova-Intriligator 2019), and the associated dipole conservation laws exhibit mobility restriction akin to fractonic matter (Slagel-Kim 2017). Second, for the string 2-gauge theory, we find a 3-group worth of charges exhibiting novel and intricate mobility restrictions and, under certain assumptions, the resulting 3-gauge theory achieves a higher-monopole charge which matched the fractional Pontrjagyn class 1/2p_1. This gives a way in which the string structure of a spin manifold X can be probed dynamically by a 3-group gauge theory.
Speaker: Hank Chen, University of Waterloo, Canada
I will talk about Liouville conformal blocks with degenerate primaries and one operator in an irregular representation of the Virasoro algebra. Using an algebraic approach, we derive modified BPZ equations satisfied by such blocks and subsequently construct corresponding integral representations based on integration over non-compact Lefschetz cycles. The integral representations are then used to derive novel types of flat connections on the irregular conformal block bundle.
Speaker: Babak Haghighat, Tsinghua University, China
We formalize Feynman's construction of the path integral in the context of Lie algebroid-valued sigma models. To do this, we use the pair groupoid and the van Est map to define integration on manifolds in a coordinate-free way. We discuss applications to Brownian motion and the Poisson sigma model.
Speaker: Joshua Lackman, Peking University, China
In this talk, we will explore a novel approach to study supersymmetric quantum field theories using tools from stable homotopy theory. We will explain how this approach leads to new invariants that can be used to detect subtle differences between phases that escape the detection of more conventional invariants.
Speaker: Du Pei, Centre for Quantum Mathematics, University of Southern Denmark
Fall 2023 , Mondays throughout the semester
Urs Schreiber will recall some of the theory of "quantum channels" and then explain how it is captured by "monadic computation" with the linear version of the "State monad" — the "QuantumState Frobenius monad."
Speaker: Urs Schreiber (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Higher-order topology generalizes the bulk-boundary correspondence of topological phases of matter, by allowing topological modes to be localized at corners and hinges instead of edges and surfaces. I will introduce the theory behind this concept, both for noninteracting as well as interacting systems and consecutively discuss two realizations in rather distinct setups. First, as-grown crystals of bismuth, grey arsenic, as well as bismuth bromide are demonstrated to display the essential physics of higher-order topological insulators. Second, it is shown that lattices of so-called Shiba bound states induced by magnetic adatoms in conventional superconductors can be brought into a higher-order superconducting phase. I will report on experimental progress for both system types based on spanning probe as well as transport measurements.
Speaker: Titus Neupert (University of Zurich)
We present the quantum teleportation and superdense coding protocols in the context of topological qudits, as realized by anyons. The simplicity of our proposed realization hinges on the monoidal structure of Tambara-Yamagami categories, which readily allows for the generation of maximally entangled qudits. In particular, we remove the necessity for the braiding of anyons, an operation which typically underpins any computation. Both protocols find a natural interpretation in the graphical calculus for these categories.
Speaker: Sachin Valera (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Given that reliable cloud quantum computers are becoming closer to reality, the concept of delegation of quantum computations and its verifiability is of central interest. Many models have been proposed, each with specific strengths and weaknesses. Here, we put forth a new model where the client trusts only its classical processing, makes no computational assumptions, and interacts with a quantum server in a single round. In addition, during a set-up phase, the client specifies the size n of the computation and receives an untrusted, off-the-shelf (OTS) quantum device that is used to report the outcome of a single constant-sized measurement from a predetermined logarithmic-sized input. In the OTS model, we thus picture that a single quantum server does the bulk of the computations, while the OTS device is used as an untrusted and generic verification device, all in a single round.
In this talk, we will show how the delegation of quantum computations can be achieved in the OTS model, and furthermore how to make this protocol zero-knowledge. The emphasis will be on the concepts that contribute to this result; these concepts are drawn from a long line of research related to blind and delegated quantum computation, as well as quantum zero-knowledge proofs. Based on joint work with Arthur Mehta and Yuming Zhao.
Speaker: Anne Broadbent, University of Ottawa, Canada
Quipper is a functional programming language for quantum computing. Proto-Quipper is a family of languages aiming to provide a formal foundation for Quipper. By virtue of being a circuit description language, Proto-Quipper has two separate runtimes: circuit generation time and circuit execution time. Values that are known at circuit generation time are called parameters, and values that are known at circuit execution time are called states. Dynamic lifting is an operation that enables a state, such as the result of a measurement, to be lifted to a parameter, where it can influence the generation of the next portion of the circuit. As a result, dynamic lifting enables Proto-Quipper programs to interleave classical and quantum computation.
In his talk, Dr. Frank will describe how to extend Proto-Quipper-M with dynamic lifting. He will explain the syntax of a language named Proto-Quipper-Dyn. Its type system uses a system of modalities to keep track of the use of dynamic lifting. Then, he will discuss the categorical semantics for dynamic lifting. Finally, if time permits, Dr. Frank will give some examples of Proto-Quipper-Dyn programs.
Speaker: Frank (Peng) Fu, University of South Carolina
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) point defect in diamond has emerged as a new class of quantum sensors. The technique is based on optically detected magnetic resonance of the NV electronic spins, which can be used to detect magnetic fields on unprecedented length scales. In my talk, I will briefly introduce the basics of NV-based quantum sensing, its hardware and review recent highlights in the field. In the second part, I will discuss recent developments in my research group, including quantum sensing in microfluidics for lab-on-a-chip applications and an outlook for single-cell NMR metabolomics.
Speaker: Dominik Bucher, Technical University, Munich
Quantum Computing (QC) claims to improve the efficiency of solving complex problems, compared to classical computing. When QC is applied to Machine Learning (ML) applications, it forms a Quantum Machine Learning (QML) system. After discussing the basic concepts of QC and its advantages over classical computing, this talk reviews the key aspects of QML in a comprehensive manner. We discuss different QML algorithms and their domain applicability, quantum datasets, hardware technologies, software tools, simulators, and applications. Valuable information and resources are provided to jumpstart into the current state-of-the-art techniques in the QML field.
Speaker: Alberto Marchisio, NYU Abu Dhabi
A central goal in quantum computing research is to protect and control quantum information from noise. This talk will provide recent progress on the developing field of topological superconductivity where we can encode information in spatially separated Majorana zero modes (MZM). We show that topological superconductivity can be achieved in certain hybrid materials where the topological properties are not found in the constituent materials. These special MZMs are formed at the location of topological defects (e.g. boundaries, domain walls,..) and manifest non-Abelian braiding statistics that can be used in noise-free unitary gate operations. We show by engineering a reconfigurable domain wall on a Josephson junction we can create a scalable platform to study MZM properties and their applications in quantum information science.
Speaker: Javad Shabani, NYU
Isolated electronic spins such as donors in silicon and defects like the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond are promising platforms for some quantum technologies. The decoherence of these spins is often dominated by interactions with other electronic or nuclear spin species present in their vicinity. For example, silicon-29 nuclear spins can limit the coherence times of donors in silicon, and substitutional nitrogen or P1 centers often limit the coherence times of NV centers in diamond. In this talk I will describe two recent sets of experiments from our group where we are able to extend the coherence times of the central spin by engineering these spin-bath interactions. First, I show how the coherence times of phosphorus donors in silicon are influenced by low-power above-bandgap optical excitation. Next, I describe the use of dynamical decoupling techniques to suppress NV-P1 interactions in diamond. In addition to extending coherence times, these decoupling techniques can be used to measure time-dependent magnetic fields, a form of AC-sensing or noise spectroscopy.
Speaker: Sekhar Ramanathan, Dartmouth College
Spring 2024 , Mondays throughout the semester
Topological data analysis (TDA) enhances the analysis of objects by embedding them into a simplicial complex and extracting useful global properties such as the Betti numbers, i.e. the number of multidimensional holes, which can be used to define kernel methods that are easily integrated with existing machine-learning algorithms. These kernel methods have found broad applications, as they rely on powerful mathematical frameworks which provide theoretical guarantees on their performance. However, the computation of higher-dimensional Betti numbers can be prohibitively expensive on classical hardware, whereas quantum algorithms can approximate them in polynomial time in the instance size. In this work, we propose a quantum approach to defining topological kernels that is based on constructing Betti curves, i.e. topological fingerprint of filtrations with increasing order.
Speaker: Alessandra Di Pierro, Verona University, Italy
Let C be a quantum circuit and let G be a set of quantum gates. A catalytic embedding of C over G is a pair (D,v) consisting of a state v and a circuit D over G such that for every state u we have
Because the state v is left unchanged by the application of D, it is known as a catalyst. Catalytic embeddings are useful when the circuit C cannot be exactly represented over the gate set G. In such cases, one can leverage the catalyst to implement (any number of occurrences of) C using circuits over G.
In this talk, I will present the theory of catalytic embeddings and discuss applications to the exact and approximate synthesis of quantum circuits.
Speaker: Julien Ross, Dalhousie University, Canada
Coherence is a well-known feature of quantum systems. An information theoretic investigation of quantum coherence was initiated in [1] from a resource theory perspective. In this talk, I will provide an outline of quantifying coherence, the two different forms corresponding to it namely the intrinsic coherence and local coherence, and trade-off relation between these two types of coherence [2]. As an application, I will talk about the role of quantum coherence in the study of quantum synchronization. First, I will give an overview of synchronization. Then considering an open quantum system comprising of a two-level system interacting with an external environment, I will show how it exhibits phase preference in the long-time limit. While this phase preference, which we identify as quantum phase localization, shows features like Arnold tongue, which is considered as an identifier for quantum synchronization, I present evidence to show that it is not quantum synchronization [3]. Finally, I will discuss the challenges remaining to be addressed in connecting these two related phenomena of quantum phase localization and quantum synchronization.
[1] T. Baumgratz, M. Cramer and M.B. Plenio, Physical Review Letters 113, 140401 (2014).
[2] R. Chandrashekar, P. Manikandan, J. Segar and Tim Byrnes, Physical Review Letters 116, 150504 (2016).
[3] Md. Manirul Ali, Po-Wen Chen, R. Chandrashekar, Physica A 633, 129436 (2024).
Speaker: Chandrashekar Radhakrishnan, NYU Shanghai
Delving into the atomic secrets encoded within nuclear spins necessitates a quantum leap in sensitivity. My research endeavors to achieve this leap through Pulsed Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP), an emerging technique that harnesses quantum-controlled electron spins to hyperpolarize nuclear spins, overcoming inherent sensitivity challenges in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
In this presentation, I demonstrate a novel quantum mechanical scheme: broad-band pulsed DNP sequences. Comprising carefully choreographed sequences of quantum gates or pulses, each precisely controlled in phase and time, these sequences represent a pivotal advancement beyond conventional DNP methods. Through density matrix-based theoretical analyses and numerical simulations, I navigate the intricacies of these sequences, offering a deeper comprehension of their foundational principles and the quantum symphony they orchestrate in enhancing nuclear spin sensitivity.
Speaker: Venkata SubbaRao Redrouthu, NYU Abu Dhabi
One perspective on quantum algorithms is that they are classical algorithms having access to a special kind of memory with exotic properties. This perspective suggests that, even in the case of quantum algorithms, the control flow notions of sequencing, conditionals, loops, and recursion are entirely classical. There is, however, another notion of execution control flow that is itself quantum. In this talk, we shall overview the two paradigms and discuss the issues specific to quantum control.
Speaker: Benoit Valiron Université Paris-Saclay, France
Symmetry-breaking quantum phase transitions lead to the production of topological defects or domain walls in a wide range of physical systems. In second-order transitions, these exhibit universal scaling laws described by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism, but for first-order transitions a similarly universal approach is still lacking. Here we propose a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate as a testbed system where critical scaling behavior in a first-order quantum phase transition can be understood from generic properties. We generalize the Kibble-Zurek mechanism to determine the critical exponents for: (1) the onset of the decay of the metastable state on short times scales, and (2) the number of resulting phase-separated ferromagnetic domains at longer times, as a one-dimensional spin-1 condensate is ramped across a first-order quantum phase transition. The predictions are in excellent agreement with mean-field numerical simulations and provide a paradigm for studying the decay of metastable states in experimentally accessible systems.
Speaker: Hayder Salman, University of East Anglia
Hisham Sati
Center Director & Principal Investigator, Professor of Mathematics
For general inquiries, please email