Research Scientist
Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: PhD from University Essen, Habilitation from Hamburg University, Germany
Research Areas: Theoretical Physics and Algebraic Topology
Urs Schreiber is a theoretical physicist. His research revolves around applications of the mathematics of algebraic topology and geometric homotopy theory to foundational problems of fundamental physics in quantum field- and string theory.
In a long-term research project with Prof. H. Sati, Schreiber has developed foundations of strongly-interacting quantum vacua controlled by solitonic and other topological effects, first in fundamental high-energy physics (M-branes) and then applied to the theoretical solid-state physics of quantum materials (topological order).
With the team at the Research Center for Quantum and Topological Systems, Schreiber is currently using these results in the development of a topological quantum programming language that provides fine control over the peculiarities of the topological quantum hardware that may be expected to eventually support robust quantum computation.