Please note, registration is only open to NYUAD Faculty.
Need time to get a manuscript done or a chapter edited? Working on some analysis or a revise and resubmit? The Women Faculty Writing Group will meet on zoom every Friday from 2-5pm and provide space to sit in the quiet (virtual) company of other women faculty to work on your own research writing. All women with a faculty appointment are added to the calendar invitation for all sessions and are welcome to join one or all sessions. Zoom link and secret code to get a beverage to fuel your writing are provided in the calendar invitation.
Time: 2-5pm
Venue: Virtual
Open to all women with a faculty appointment, by invitation.
Contact Kirsten Edepli at
NYUAD Faculty Life Cycle Information Session for C-Faculty
Tuesday, May 2 | 3-4:20pm | Registration Required
Do you have questions about the timeline for 3rd year review, tenure, or promotion? Do you know how dockets are assessed? This session will provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD for all Tenured/Tenure Track (T-faculty), with plenty of time for questions. All Tenured/Tenure Track faculty are invited to attend.
Intended Audience: NYUAD standing continuing contract faculty
Venue: Experimental Research Building (C1), room 046
Need time to get a manuscript done or a chapter edited? Working on some analysis or a revise and resubmit? The Women Faculty Writing Group will meet on zoom every Friday from 2-5pm and provide space to sit in the quiet (virtual) company of other women faculty to work on your own research writing. All women with a faculty appointment are added to the calendar invitation for all sessions and are welcome to join one or all sessions. Zoom link and secret code to get a beverage to fuel your writing are provided in the calendar invitation.
Time: 2-5pm
Venue: Virtual
Open to all women with a faculty appointment, by invitation.
Contact Kirsten Edepli at
NYUAD Faculty Life Cycle Information Session for T-Faculty
Do you have questions about the timeline for 3rd year review, tenure, or promotion? Do you know how dockets are assessed? This session will provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD for all Tenured/Tenure Track (T-faculty), with plenty of time for questions.
Intended Audience: NYUAD standing tenured or tenure track faculty
Time: 10-11am
Venue: Social Science Building (A5), room 1139
Faculty Life Cycle Information Sessions and Workshops
This session will provide information on policies and procedures relevant to preparing a docket for tenure and/or promotion for T-Faculty. We will provide perspectives on how to approach this important milestone while retaining a sense of well-being. All T-faculty who are planning to submit a docket to the promotion and tenure committee this academic year will be invited to attend.
Intended Audience: NYUAD standing tenured or tenure track faculty
Time: 11:15am-12pm
Venue: Social Science Building (A5), room 1139
Need time to get a manuscript done or a chapter edited? Working on some analysis or a revise and resubmit? The Women Faculty Writing Group will meet on zoom every Friday from 2-5pm and provide space to sit in the quiet (virtual) company of other women faculty to work on your own research writing. All women with a faculty appointment are added to the calendar invitation for all sessions and are welcome to join one or all sessions. Zoom link and secret code to get a beverage to fuel your writing are provided in the calendar invitation.
Time: 2-5pm
Venue: Virtual
Open to all women with a faculty appointment, by invitation.
Contact Kirsten Edepli at
Throughout the month, the Vice Provost will have one-on-one meetings with new faculty.
Vice Provost, Faculty Advancement and Engagement; Professor of Biology
Phone: +971 2-628-4569
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
Provost Forum
This session will provide the opportunity for reflection and open discussion on the fall semester and a look forward to next semester with the Provost and Vice Provost.
Time: TBD
Venue: TBD
Writing Effective Teaching Statements
Tuesday, November 1 | 9:30-10:45am | Registration Required
Teaching statements are important data points that help you evidence your impactful teaching. This session will guide you on articulating your teaching philosophy as well as strategies to evidence its enactment in course design, pedagogy, and teaching methods. We will reflect together on our teaching practices and how they evolved over semesters. What innovations have we made in our courses? To what extent have we embraced experiential learning? How did we incorporate our research into teaching? The focus will be on providing evidence of the many ways in which you have reached your learners. We will go over a suggested list of topics to include in your statement and help you tailor it to the needs of your respective committee chairs.
Time: 9:30-10:45am
Venue: Library (C2), Hilary Ballon Center for Teaching and Learning center
Intended Audience: NYUAD Faculty preparing teaching statements for advancement.
Program Leadership Academy: Intercultural Development for Academic Leaders
Facilitated by: Office of Inclusion and Equity
November 10 | 11am-12:30pm | By Invitation
In this session, the team from the Office of Inclusion and Equity will review concepts and theories about inclusion, diversity, belonging and equity that are essential for academic leaders at NYUAD. Participants will take an Intercultural Development Inventory assessment, and will learn how this tool relates to effective leadership. Participants will reflect on their own socialization and identities and delve into research and tools to develop daily practices to begin their journey towards critical self awareness.The session will be followed by a networking lunch.
Time: 11am-12:30pm
Venue: Conference Center (A6), room 005
Intended Audience: Faculty with appointments as Program Head or Program Director
NYUAD Faculty Life Cycle Information Session for C-Faculty
Monday, November 14 | 11am-12:15pm | Registration Required
Do you have questions about the timeline for contract renewal? Do you have questions about preparing your docket for contract renewal or for promotion? This session will provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD for faculty who are on continuing contracts (C-faculty).
Intended Audience: NYUAD standing continuing contract faculty
Time: 11am-12:15pm
Venue: Experimental Research Building (C1), room 120
NYUAD Faculty Life Cycle Information Session for T-Faculty
November 16 | 11am-12:15pm | Registration required
Do you have questions about the timeline for tenure? Do you know what a 3rd-year review entails? Do you have questions about preparing your docket for promotion, or tenure? This session will provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD for faculty who are tenured or on the tenure track (T-faculty).
Intended Audience: NYUAD standing tenured or tenure track faculty
Time: 11am-12:15pm
Venue: Conference Center (A6), room 005
Drop-in Interfolio Information Session
This drop-in session starts with an overview of how to use Interfolio to upload material for tenure/tenure track faculty dockets for tenure and promotion. There will be time for questions related to docket submission and one-on-one help with your own Interfolio submission as needed. All faculty with dockets due in the upcoming semester have been added to the calendar invitation
9:30-10:10am, C-Faculty
10:15-10:45, T/TT Faculty
Venue: Virtual
Information Session, 3:30-5pm:
Through presentations and informal discussions, new faculty insight into living and working at NYUAD and in Abu Dhabi and the UAE. There will be plenty of time for questions and a review of UAE 101 Stories & Cultural Learnings which you were provided in your welcome bags.
Leading Through the Academic Strategy
Facilitated by Martin Klimke and Alex Sumner
Monday, October 24 | 12:30-2:15pm | BY INVITATION
The Academic Strategy is the university’s academic vision for the next decade and the Program Heads/Directors are instrumental in achieving the goals of this strategy for the next decade. This session will be an open discussion about how PH/Ds serve as the conduit to faculty engagement with the Academic Strategy and how this can be incorporated into the vision for leading programs.
Intended Audience: Faculty with appointments as Program Head or Program Director
Time: 12:30-2:15pm
Venue: Experimental Research Building (C1), room 120
The Women Faculty Writing Group meets throughout the semester as an accountability group for working on research-related writing projects and to create community among women faculty. All that is required to participate is the willingness to greet others in the group and then focus for the 3-hour session on writing, data analysis or other activities that contribute to academic productivity. Join one or all!
Time: 2-5pm
Venue: Virtual
Open to all women with a faculty appointment, by invitation.
Contact Kirsten Edepli at
Proactive Leadership for the Academic Year
Thursday, September 15 | 9-10:30am | BY INVITATION
The work of managing an academic program can be complex, and requires the Program Head/Director to be an effective and inclusive communicator, a fair delegator and to have the ability to set and maintain healthy boundaries. Discussion at this first meeting of the PLA engage all PH/Ds on identifying changes that this academic year brings, and will help to crystalize the vision each program leader has for managing these changes and their intended areas of growth.
Intended Audience: Faculty with appointments as Program Head or Program Director
Time: 9-10:30am
Venue: The Torch Club
Docket-prep Session for Contract Faculty
Contract renewal and promotion is an important milestone in the career trajectory of continuing contract faculty. This workshop will review the process for developing a compelling docket, the policies related to continuing contract renewal and promotion, and the practicalities of submitting a docket. All faculty who are submitting a docket in 2022 will be added to the calendar invite.
Time: 11am-12:15pm
Venue: Experimental Research Building (C1), room 120
Prof. Michael Purugganan, Academic Director 19 WSN
Are you interested in collaborating with NYU colleagues in New York? Putting on a conference, performance, or exhibit at NYUAD’s elegant events space on Washington Square? Conducting research or meetings in NY from an office in NYUAD’s home there? If any of these possibilities intrigue you, please join Michael Purugganan, Academic Director of 19 Washington Square North, to learn more about the Faculty Fellowships, Small Grants, Exhibit, and Space programs offered by NYUAD’s home in New York City. He will meet with interested faculty at the Torch Club on September 20.
Time: 3-4pm
Venue: The Torch Club, Washington Room
Inclusivity and Intercultural Development
Venue: The Arts Center, C3 006
Who is the NYUAD Learner?
Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: The Arts Center, C3 006
Campus Tour
Time: 1:15-1:45pm
Hosting a Successful First Week of Class
Presented by Hilary Ballon Center for Teaching and Learning
Time: 2-3:15pm
Venue: Library, C2
Meet the University Leadership
Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: The Arts Center, C3 006
Faculty Resources Fair
Time: 1-3pm
Venue: The Arts Center Atrium
These events are created and run by the office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement and Engagement AY 2021-2022 specifically for those who have an NYUAD faculty appointment. Some events are open to all while others are by invitation only. For questions, please contact Kirsten Edepli at
Special IDBE in Engineering Seminar Series: Conversation and Q&A Session
Women in Engineering | In celebration of the International Women’s Day
Speaker: Dr. Suaad Al Shamsi, Etihad Airways, UAE
In Conversation: Kirsten C. Sadler, Vice Provost of Faculty Advancement and Engagement
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Time: 5.30-6.30 pm
Please note, this event is only open to NYUAD Community.
The NYUAD Faculty Life Cycle Explained
Do you have questions about the timeline for contract renewal or tenure? Do you know what a faculty review committee is or what 3rd-year review entails? Do you have questions about preparing your docket for contract renewal, promotion or tenure? Each semester, information sessions for continuing contract faculty (C-faculty) and tenured/tenure track (T-faculty) will be hosted by the Vice Provost of Faculty Advancement and Engagement will provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD and panel discussions from fellow faculty will provide a personal perspective and experience with the process. These sessions are open to all standing faculty.
Naomi Munro, Director, Academic Appointments
Kirsten Edepli, Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement and Engagement; Professor of Biology
NYUAD Faculty Members
Venue: The Torch Club
*Open to all NYUAD Faculty, Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty — registration required
Do you have questions about the timeline for contract renewal or tenure? Do you know what a faculty review committee is or what 3rd year review entails? Do you have questions about preparing your docket for contract renewal, promotion or tenure? Each semester, information sessions for continuing contract faculty (C-faculty) and tenured/tenure track (T-faculty) will be hosted by the Vice Provost of Faculty Advancement and Engagement will provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD and panel discussions from fellow faculty will provide a personal perspective and experience with the process. These sessions are open to all standing faculty.
NYUAD Faculty Members
Venue: The Torch Club
*Open to all NYUAD Continuing Contract Faculty — registration required.
Faculty Life Cycle Information Sessions and Workshops
Promotion and tenure are major milestones in the academic career trajectory, and we want to be sure that NYUAD faculty are well positioned for this process. This session will provide information on policies and procedures relevant to preparing a docket for tenure and/or promotion.This session will allow plenty of time for questions. All Tenure/Tenure Track faculty who are planning to submit a docket to the promotion and tenure committee in this academic year will be invited to attend.
Faculty Life Cycle Information Sessions and Workshops
This drop-in session is for those who need help with how to use Interfolio to upload material for tenure/tenure track faculty dockets for tenure and promotion. There will be time for questions related to docket submission and one-on-one help with your own Interfolio submission as needed. Faculty with dockets due in the upcoming semester will be invited for the session.
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
There are many policies that provide structures for academic administration. Which ones are key to the work of Program Heads? This rapid review will highlight those policies that are essential working knowledge for all PHs, and will review where to find policies and guidelines that are relevant to managing academic programs.
Venue: TBD
Open to all current and incoming program heads, by invitation.
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
Open to all current and incoming program heads, by invitation.
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
Open to all current and incoming program heads, by invitation.
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
The PHA is a bespoke monthly series on leadership for NYUAD faculty serving as Program Heads. The focus of this series is to enhance engagement, provide clarity and expand leadership capacity. Through peer networking and mentoring, skill development workshops and open forum discussions with each other and senior leadership. Participating Program Heads who approach their work with a growth mindset will increase their personal and professional development as academic leaders.
Venue: TBD
Open to all current and incoming program heads, by invitation.
Food for Thought | A Series for Faculty Advancement
Food for Thought in Faculty Advancement Series
For: NYUAD faculty with social media influence
Do you tweet, post, and promote your research and academic accomplishments on social media? Are you looking to up your academic profile on social media? This interactive, hands-on session is for faculty looking to start using a social media campaign to gain recognition for their academic activities and for those who are already posting but want to enhance their presence, gain followers and join in conversation with shared academic interests. Participants will learn from experts in social media marketing about posting strategies and developing content and from fellow faculty who have a successful social media presence.
Food for Thought in Faculty Advancement Series
For: NYUAD faculty members with funding success
Academic scholarship typically requires funding, yet obtaining external funding remains a challenge for many faculty members. There are many resources on campus that can help faculty prepare and submit proposals, and this session will review these and provide answers to questions on where to apply and how to apply for research funding at NYUAD. Participants will discuss strategies with peers who have been successful in obtaining funding across all disciplines and will leave with a concrete idea about how to advance their research support.
The Women Faculty Writing Group meets throughout the semester as an accountability group for working on research-related writing projects and to create community among women faculty. All that is required to participate is the willingness to greet others in the group and then focus for the 3-hour session on writing, data analysis or other activities that contribute to academic productivity. Join one or all!
Open to all women with a faculty appointment, by invitation.
Contact Kirsten Edepli at
Part of the Food for Thought Series
1:15-2:45pm Abu Dhabi
5:15-6:45am New York
5:15-6:45pm Shanghai
VIRTUAL | Get Together! Strategies for Successful Collaborations
Research Ethics and Governance Manager, Lama Choufani
Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity, Kirsten Edepli
NYUAD Faculty members & their collaborators
Whether your research is intra- or inter-disciplinary, collaborations are effective pathways to advancing faculty scholarship. In many disciplines, collaborating is essential for success of research projects, and many faculty benefit from collaborative teaching. Building successful collaborations with colleagues on our own campus and with those across the globe requires skills beyond scholarship, including understanding global cultural norms and those of institutions and disciplines. This virtual platform will overview effective intercultural communication, awareness of ethical considerations in international settings and academic-industry partnerships. Discussion of how to have challenging conversations when the collaboration takes an unexpected turn and navigating pandemic-related restrictions will be discussed by experts from research ethics and by faculty across disciplines who have experience in navigating collaborations. Drawing on real life case studies, we will share best practices in establishing and maintaining productive and ethical collaborations.
Part of the Food for Thought Series
Sunday, February 21, 2021
1:14-2:45pm Abu Dhabi
5:15-6:45am New York
5:15-6:45pm Shanghai
Carol Genetti, Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Program; Professor of Linguistics
Panel Discussion:
Jaime Napier, Associate Professor of Psychology
Ali Trabolsi, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Jemima Frimpong, Associate Professor of Social Research and Public Policy
Faculty are trained to be excellent researchers, however, there is little preparation in graduate education for the skills needed to effectively mentor graduate students, post-docs and researcher staff and to lead a successful and productive research team. This workshop is designed to provide useful perspectives and practical approaches for faculty who serve as mentors to researchers. We will discuss the principles of trainee centered mentoring, which is rewarding for both the faculty member and the researcher. Participants will be introduced to evidence-based practices for successful mentoring, hear from colleagues who are effective mentors, and create a mentoring compact that explicitly communicates your expectations to members of your team.
Part of the Food for Thought Series
Sunday, March 28, 2021
1:14-2:45pm Abu Dhabi
5:15-6:45am New York
5:15-6:45pm Shanghai
Nancy Gleason, Director for the Hilary Ballon Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Associate Professor of Practice of Political Science
Fatiah Touray, Senior Director, Inclusion and Equity
Have you ever been in a classroom, meeting, or other interaction where a comment directed at you or someone is experienced as a slight? Have you experienced what appears to be well-meaning comments related to your identity make you feel excluded? Microaggressions are subtle, discriminatory actions or comments that serve to marginalize and insult the target. While often unintentional, microaggressions are real and harmful experiences. This interactive session is aimed at understanding, interrupting, and developing the skills needed to respond to microaggressions using a variety of scenarios that may show up in the classroom. We will discuss how to address the psycho-emotional and academic well-being of yourself when such interactions are directed against you or your students. Participants gain strategies to create inclusive classrooms and how to support colleagues you know who have been harmed by microaggressions.
Part of the Food for Thought Series
Sunday, April 25, 2021
1:14-2:45pm Abu Dhabi
5:15-6:45am New York
5:15-6:45pm Shanghai
Difficult Conversations
Tamara Johnson, MIR, LLB, BSW; Director, Employee Relations
Are you concerned about how to provide constructive feedback during the upcoming performance review discussions? Have you ever struggled with a challenging conversation? This session will provide supervisors with both a framework and practical tools to assist in delivering constructive feedback and having difficult conversations while considering the context of remote working.
The first meeting of the Program Head Academy will set the groundwork for the semester ahead and include hands-on work focusing on some common roles and responsibilities of Program Heads for this academic year. Discussions between new and experienced Program Heads will provide a platform to form working relationships for networks & peer mentoring, helping to develop a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities shared by all who serve in Program Head positions and to finalise the Program Head Academy Manual. The meeting will conclude with discussion of the format and selection of the topics for subsequent leadership workshops.
Part 1 of the Spring 2021 Program Head Academy Workshop: Staying On Track as a Leader in the Midst of Uncertainty
Please note that this is the first part of a two-part series. The second part will be small group meetings that will be scheduled for later in March or early April according to your availability.
Ahead of the workshop, we invite you to watch this 2 minute video and complete this 5 minute questionnaire.
Part 2 of the Spring 2021 Program Head Academy Workshop: Staying On Track as a Leader in the Midst of Uncertainty
This session will provide the opportunity for reflection and open discussion on the fall semester and a look forward to the spring semester with the Provost and Vice Provosts. This session will also provide an opportunity to present and review the finalized Program Head Manual.
Sunday, May 9, 2021
This session will provide information on policies and procedures relevant to preparing a docket for tenure and/or promotion. Additionally, a perspective from the Promotion and Tenure Committee chair and the Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity will be provided for insight into docket structure and content. Guidelines for the inclusion of a COVID19 impact statement will be discussed and there will be plenty of time for questions. All Tenure/Tenure Track faculty who are planning to submit a docket to the promotion and tenure committee in August 2021 or 2022 will be invited to attend.
Monday, June 28, 2021
This session will provide information on policies and procedures relevant to interfolio.
On the first Monday, third Tuesday and every Thursday, three-hour sessions are held during the academic year, providing a quiet space, refreshments and camaraderie of women faculty dedicated to scholarly writing productivity.
February 2021 was our Faculty Month of Mentoring, please see below for more information.
Mentors, mentees and those aspiring to engage in a productive mentoring relationship are invited to set aside two blocks of time this week of no more than 30 minutes each to review material on this Faculty Mentoring Resource Menu.
Resources to review during the first week of Faculty Mentorship Month:
NYUAD Faculty Mentoring Summit 2021
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 | 4:45-6:45pm in Abu Dhabi | 7:45-9:45am in New York | 8:45-10:45pm in Shanghai | Via Zoom
All NYUAD faculty are invited to the NYUAD Faculty Mentoring Summit on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, to enhance mentoring skills for both early career mentees and seasoned colleagues serving as mentors. Both those with strong mentoring relationships in place and those seeking to make these connections, will engage in hands-on work to take the next steps in their mentoring journey.
The summit will be led by: Karen Jackson-Weaver, Associate Vice President of Global Inclusive Faculty Engagement & Innovation Advancement at NYU
With a keynote address from Arlie Petters, NYUAD Provost
Sponsored and organized by: The Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity
Overview and Goals:
Cultivating a culture where active and engaged mentoring is the norm creates an environment where all faculty are equipped to develop and advance their best ideas to the forefront of their research and teaching. As faculty, we are continually growing, learning new skills and exploring new areas in the classroom, our research and as leaders. Mentoring is a cornerstone for success in all of these areas of faculty work. Most importantly, for a diverse community like NYUAD, mentoring engages across the academic career trajectory for those who can feel sidelined by a traditional academic career.
Engaging in an active mentoring relationship, helps the individual and the institution: mentees have a group of seasoned colleagues to provide guidance, mentors are enriched by passing on knowledge and perspectives gained along the course of their careers and gain valuable listening and coaching, and for the institution, the inclusivity of the community is broadened and research productivity is increased. It is exciting to imagine the output and outcomes for our individual faculty and for NYUAD as a whole if we optimized mentoring for our faculty.
This inaugural Faculty Mentoring Summit at NYUAD is designed for all faculty to engage and experience the benefits of a mentoring culture. We provide an interactive learning environment for all; from those who have not yet launched their mentoring network to seasoned faculty looking to enhance the benefits of mentoring for you and your mentees. Join us for this special gathering of faculty to learn from each other and from those who have a breadth of experience supporting effective mentoring.
Reach out to establish a connection with a colleague who is a part of your network of CAMS (coaches, advisors, mentors and sponsors). Ask them to join you for an hour over coffee any day this week, either virtual or socially distanced. We pay for the coffee! Contact Stephanie Pujol at for details on how to get your coffee covered.
Part of the Food for Thought Series
Sunday, February 21, 2021
1:15-2:45pm Abu Dhabi
5:15-6:45am New York
5:15-6:45pm Shanghai
Carol Genetti, Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Program; Professor of Linguistics
Panel Discussion:
Jaime Napier, Associate Professor of Psychology
Ali Trabolsi, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Jemima Frimpong, Associate Professor of Social Research and Public Policy
Join this interactive workshop and panel discussion to enhance the skills needed to effectively mentor graduate students, post-docs and researcher staff and to lead a successful and productive research team. Lunch provided for the first 10 registrants!
Faculty are trained to be excellent researchers, however, there is little preparation in graduate education for the skills needed to effectively mentor graduate students, post-docs and researcher staff and to lead a successful and productive research team. This workshop is designed to provide useful perspectives and practical approaches for faculty who serve as mentors to researchers. We will discuss the principles of trainee centered mentoring, which is rewarding for both the faculty member and the researcher. Participants will be introduced to evidence-based practices for successful mentoring, hear from colleagues who are effective mentors, and create a mentoring compact that explicitly communicates your expectations to members of your team.
6-7:15pm in Abu Dhabi
9-10:15am in New York
10-11:15pm in Shanghai
Rising to a leadership position is a common step in the faculty career trajectory. Join your fellow faculty from across the GNU to engage in a "watch party" to collectively view and discuss a video outlining essential capacities for taking a step into leadership, and discussing how mentoring can help you achieve your goals as an emerging leader. We will watch together, two portions of this webinar Managing Up Down and Across: Managing Up and Managing Across.
Live recordings of this 3 part series are available to watch on our YouTube Channel and on our Tandon Website, or by clicking on the links below:
Diversity in STEM Summit (DiSS) 2020 Pt. 1– Inclusion Innovators to Watch: Changing the Mindset
DiSS 2020 Pt. 2 – Reimagining the Building Industry: Engineers & Architects Motivating Change
DiSS 2020 Pt. 3 – Putting Intention into Action: Building a Diverse STEM Pipeline
Women are underrepresented in STEM fields in nearly every part of the world. The new documentary Picture a Scientist highlights the successes and struggles of three extraordinary women scientists building their careers in the US. NYUAD strives to close the gender gap in STEM through mentorship, supporting faculty advancement, addressing bias in hiring, identifying talent early in the career pipeline, and providing role models for women at all stages of the academic career path. A community dialog about this film for all faculty, staff, researchers, and graduate students will be held from 12:15-1:15pm on Tuesday, November 24 and will be facilitated by Professor of Biology and Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity Kirsten Edepli, and Visiting Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies, Henriette Mueller.
This page, available to NYUAD Faculty only, has all the information you need to start your journey through Faculty Orientation. Material is relevant for all new faculty whether you have been here before or are new to NYUAD.
Time | Description |
3:30pm | Welcome, Introduction and Opening of the Session Vice Provost, Kirsten Sadler Edepli |
3:40pm | Welcome Remarks Provost, Arlie Petters |
3:50pm | Introduction to Teaching & Learning, Online Teaching, Introduction of resources | Q&A Vice Provost Bryan Waterman |
4:20pm | Overview of the Onboarding Process for Spring 2021 | Q&A Associate Director of Academic Appointments, Naomi Munro |
4:45pm | Looking Forward: To Spring 2021 and Beyond Vice Chancellor, Mariët Westermann |
4:55pm | Closing and Next Steps Associate Director of Academic Academic Appointments, Naomi Munro |
This page has will have all the information you need to take the next steps in Faculty Orientation for Spring 2021. While most of you will not be preparing for take off in the literal sense, your journey continues as preparations for starting the semester and joining our community ramp up over the next several weeks. We will present information relevant to using our libraries and academic technology for research and teaching, an introduction to our research administration team and a Q&A with members of the HR and benefits team. Faculty will also have a chance to meet the administrative staff in the divisions where they will teach.
This stage of the orientation launches the academic year. It will take place in two parts; the first will provide an introduction to the university leadership and a further discussion of our academic mission. The second will provide vital information for all who are working at NYUAD and living in Abu Dhabi.
At this stage, all faculty should be able to feel comfortable navigating the intranet, should be prepared for the start of classes and, if included in the contract, can start to launch research efforts. Our goal in this session will be to provide an overview of how we embed the mission of NYUAD into our work across academic divisions and to introduce new faculty to members of the campus leadership.
At this stage you will have been oriented into NYUAD, settling in with classes up and running and will have received information about your teaching schedule and resources to support your teaching, research and career development and you have been invited to participate in the Faculty Governance activities (Faculty Forum, and Faculty Council) and have been introduced to new and current NYUAD faculty.
Part of the Food for Thought Series
Sunday, September 20, 2020
1:14-2:45pm Abu Dhabi
5:15-6:45am New York
5:15-6:45pm Shanghai
Associate Dean of Students, Michael Martinez
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Development, Bryan Waterman
NYUAD Students (Current & Alumni)
What do students wish the faculty knew about them, but fear they don’t? Where do our pedagogical efforts at diversity and inclusion best meet or sometimes fail to meet their needs? What commitments outside the classroom contribute most to their NYUAD years? Engage in a moderated conversation with current students and alumni in an effort to move beyond stereotypes and generate understanding of the holistic student experience. Participants will be provided with ample time to ask questions.
Part of the Food for Thought Series
Sunday, October 25, 2020
1:14-2:45pm Abu Dhabi
5:15-6:45am New York
5:15-6:45pm Shanghai
Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity; Professor of Biology, Kirsten Edepli
Vice Provost for Academic Policies and Governance; Program Head of Literature and Creative Writing; Associate Professor of History, Martin Klimke
Vice Provost for UG Academic Development, Bryan Waterman
Director for the Hilary Ballon Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Associate Professor of Practice, Nancy Gleason
Senior Vice Provost or Research; Managing Director, Research Institute: Professor of Biology, Sehamuddin Galadari
This interactive workshop overviews the resources at NYUAD and across the NYU global network that support the career development and advancement of faculty members at every stage of their career. Topics include excelling in teaching, research and service to the university and to the discipline, work-life balance and personal perspectives on what it means to thrive. A panel presentation with members of the administration who work to support faculty advancement and materials detailing these resources will be provided, followed by peer to peer discussion about strategies for thriving as a faculty member. Discussion will focus on developing and utilizing strategies and resources so that in your work as a faculty, you can not just survive, but thrive in the midst of global upheaval.
Part of the Food for Thought Series
Sunday, November 22, 2020
1:14-2:45pm Abu Dhabi
5:15-6:45am New York
5:15-6:45pm Shanghai
Director, Learning and Organizational Development, Natasha Putnins
Lecturer of Political Science, Eric Hamilton
Assistant Professor of Economics, Pablo Hernandez-Lagos
Associate Professor of Practice of Art History, Salwa Mikdadi
Faculty members are asked to lead in the classroom, in their units at the university level and as active members of their discipline. These leadership roles require distinct skills as well as a vision for aligning leadership practices with personal and institutional values. However, many faculty find that the deep expertise they have gained through years of work in their discipline and as teachers is insufficient preparation for the leadership roles that they are expected to take on as their career advances as few among us have had training in the interpersonal and strategic skills needed to be effective, value based leaders. This session will provide a platform for faculty to explore the benefits that taking on leadership roles at NYUAD can bring, and will review fundamental skills needed for emerging leaders. Faculty who complete this session will emerge with an understanding of inclusive and effective leadership in higher education.
Part of the Food for Thought Series
Virtual Workshop - December, 2020
Research Ethics and Governance Manager, Lama Choufani
Research Ethics and Governance Manager, Sikha Sreenivasan Pallithazath
NYUAD Faculty members & their collaborators
Whether your research is intra- or inter-disciplinary, collaborations are effective pathways to advancing faculty scholarship. In many disciplines, collaborating is essential for advancing a project. However, the journey is often met with challenges, from institutional or disciplinary culture shock to navigating conditions of distancing both locally and internationally. Building successful collaborations with colleagues on our own campus and with those across the globe requires skills beyond scholarship. This virtual workshop will overview effective intercultural communication, awareness of ethical considerations in international settings and academic-industry partnerships, the ability to have challenging conversations when the collaboration takes an unexpected turn, and navigating pandemic-related public health concerns and restrictions. Through a variety of content, experts from the NYUAD Office of Research will facilitate discussions with faculty across disciplines who have experience in navigating collaborations, drawing on real life case studies, to share best practices in establishing and maintaining productive and ethical research collaborations. Material will all be prerecorded so faculty can listen and learn on their own schedule.
Career Development Series for Continuing Contract Faculty: Renewal and Promotion | Fall 2020
Part 1 | Docket Preparation and Submission: Process, Policies and Practicalities | Tuesday, October 13 | 2:30-4pm | via Zoom
Contract renewal and promotion is an important milestone in the career trajectory of continuing contract faculty. This workshop will review the process for developing a compelling docket, the policies related to continuing contract renewal and promotion and the practicalities of submitting material on Interfolio.
Part 2 | HBC TeachTalks: Writing Effective Teaching Statements | Monday, October 19 | 5-6:15pm | via Zoom
Teaching statements are important data points that help you evidence your impactful teaching. This session will guide you on articulating your teaching philosophy as well as strategies to evidence its enactment in course design, pedagogy, and teaching methods. We will reflect together on our teaching practices and how they evolved over semesters. What innovations have we made in our courses? To what extent have we embraced experiential learning? How did we incorporate our research into teaching? The focus will be on providing evidence of the many ways in which you have reached your learners. We will go over a suggested list of topics to include in your statement and help you tailor it to the needs of your respective committee chairs.
Nancy W. Gleason, Director, Hilary Ballon Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Associate Professor of Practice, Political Science
Part 3 | Interfolio Overview and One on One Help Sessions | Thursday, November 26, 2020 | 1-2pm | via Zoom
This drop in session starts with an overview of using interfolio and then provides time for one-on-one help with your own interfolio submission.
Susan Wei, Director, Academic HR Affairs
Naomi Munro, Associate Director, Academic HR Affairs and Academic Partner
Part 4 | Writing Groups | Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | 1-3pm | Tuesday, November 24, 2020 | 10am-12pm | via Zoom
Writing groups are one way to make sure that writing goals are met on time. Join fellow contract faculty who are preparing dockets at a writing group. Commit to one or all of these writing sessions as a way to set aside dedicated time to preparing your docket.
This page, available to NYUAD Faculty only, has all the information you need to start your journey through Faculty Orientation. Material is relevant for all new faculty whether you have been here before or are new to NYUAD.
Time | Description |
6:30pm | Welcome, Introduction and Opening of the Session Vice Provost, Kirsten Sadler Edepli |
6:35pm | Welcome Remarks | Q&A Vice Chancellor, Mariët Westermann and Provost, Fabio Piano |
7pm | Introduction to Teaching & Learning, Online Teaching, Introduction of resources | Q&A Vice Provost Bryan Waterman |
7:30pm | Overview of NYUAD Virtual Faculty Orientation | Q&A Associate Director of Academic HR Affairs, Naomi Munro |
7:55pm | Closing and Next Steps Associate Director of Academic HR Affairs, Naomi Munro |
This page has all the information you need to take the next steps in Faculty Orientation for Fall 2020. While most of you will not be preparing for take off in the literal sense, your journey continues as preparations for starting the semester and joining our community ramp up over the next several weeks. We will present information relevant to using our libraries and academic technology for research and teaching, an introduction to our research administration team and a Q&A with members of the HR and benefits team. Faculty will also have a chance to meet the administrative staff in the divisions where they will teach.
Time | Description |
6:30pm | Welcome and Overview of the Session Vice Provost for Development and Diversity, Kirsten Sadler Edepli |
6:40pm | Introduction to the Library and Academic Technology Senior Director, Library Services, Ron Berry |
7:05pm | Q&A with Academic HR and Compensation and Benefits Team Associate Director AHRA, Naomi Munro Director, Compensation, Benefits and HRIS, Amani Mreish |
7:25pm | Introduction to Research Administration Post Award Research Administration Manager, Sana Ahmad Manager, Office of Research Appointments, Jovita Fernando |
7:35pm | Meet the Administrative Teams Faculty will reconvene in smaller groups with administration teams from the divisions where they will work. This is a great opportunity to discuss getting ready for teaching, research and other divisional activities. Social Science Janet Kelly, Operations Manager Arts and Humanities Jesusita Santillan - Assistant Dean Science Eve Johnson, Assistant Dean Engineering Sharon Angelica, Associate Director |
7:50pm | Reconvene and Next Steps Vice Provost for Development and Diversity, Kirsten Sadler Edepli |
This stage of the orientation launches the academic year. It will take place in two parts - the first will provide an introduction to the university leadership and a further discussion of our academic mission. The second will provide vital information for all who are working at NYUAD and living in Abu Dhabi.
At this stage, all faculty should be able to feel comfortable navigating the intranet, should be prepared for the start of classes and, if included in the contract, can start to launch research efforts.
At this stage you will have been oriented into NYUAD, settling in with classes up and running and will have received information about your teaching schedule and resources to support your teaching, research and career development and you have been invited to participate in the Faculty Governance activities (Faculty Forum, and Faculty Council) and have been introduced to new and current NYUAD faculty.
February 16, 2020 | Teaching an Inclusive Classroom |
December 5, 2019 | Go Get Funded: Applying for External Grants at NYUAD |
November 17, 2019 | Making the Most out of Mentoring |
October 13, 2019 | Challenging Conversations: When Students Surprises Us |
September 15, 2019 | Thriving as a Faculty Member at NYUAD |
Jan 6 to May 19, 2020 | Women Faculty Writing Group Sessions are held monthly on every first Monday in the mornings and third Thursdays in the afternoon throughout J-Term and the Spring semester. |
Mar 1 to May 31, 2020 | Eight Weeks of Writing |
Mar 1 to Mar 31, 2020 | Book Club “An Inclusive Academy” |
Jan 2 to Apr 30, 2020 | Office Hours with Vice Provost, Kirsten Sadler Edepli |
Sep 1 to Oct 31, 2020 | Faculty Open House Faculty members are invited to meet Vice Provosts, administrators and fellow faculty to learn about resources that support faculty careers at NYUAD. |
May 1 to Aug 31, 2020 | NYUAD Faculty Summer Scholar Awards AY2019-20 |
Jan 19 to Jul 23, 2020 | Global Inclusive Leadership Management Institute
January 19, 2020 | Women’s Leadership Forum |
April 1, 2020 |
Food for Thought | A Series for Faculty Advancement
Food for Thought in Faculty Advancement Series
For: NYUAD faculty with social media influence
Do you tweet, post, and promote your research and academic accomplishments on social media? Are you looking to up your academic profile on social media? This interactive, hands-on session is for faculty looking to start using a social media campaign to gain recognition for their academic activities and for those who are already posting but want to enhance their presence, gain followers and join in conversation with shared academic interests. Participants will learn from experts in social media marketing about posting strategies and developing content and from fellow faculty who have a successful social media presence.
Food for Thought in Faculty Advancement Series
For: NYUAD faculty members with funding success
Academic scholarship typically requires funding, yet obtaining external funding remains a challenge for many faculty members. There are many resources on campus that can help faculty prepare and submit proposals, and this session will review these and provide answers to questions on where to apply and how to apply for research funding at NYUAD. Participants will discuss strategies with peers who have been successful in obtaining funding across all disciplines and will leave with a concrete idea about how to advance their research support.
Faculty Life Cycle Information Sessions and Workshops
Faculty Life Cycle Information Sessions and Workshops
Contract renewal and promotion is an important milestone in the career trajectory of continuing contract faculty. This workshop will review the process for developing a compelling docket, the policies related to continuing contract renewal and promotion and the practicalities of submitting a docket. All faculty who are submitting a docket in 2021 will be added to the calendar invite.
Faculty Life Cycle Information Sessions and Workshops
Preparing a docket for 3rd year review is an important step in the faculty life cycle. All NYUAD faculty preparing a docket for submission in this academic year are invited to join this session to learn more about the process, components and other important information relevant to preparing a 3rd Year Review docket.
Do you have questions about the timeline for contract renewal or tenure? Do you know what a faculty review committee is or what 3rd year review entails? Do you have questions about preparing your docket for contract renewal, promotion or tenure? Information sessions provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD. Panel discussions from fellow faculty will provide a personal perspective and experience with the process.
Open to all NYUAD T/TT standing faculty, sign up on the intranet.
Do you have questions about the timeline for contract renewal or tenure? Do you know what a faculty review committee is or what 3rd year review entails? Do you have questions about preparing your docket for contract renewal, promotion or tenure? Information sessions provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD. Panel discussions from fellow faculty will provide a personal perspective and experience with the process.
Open to all NYUAD T/TT standing faculty, sign up on the intranet.
Faculty Life Cycle Information Sessions and Workshops
This drop in session starts with an overview of how to use interfolio to upload docket material for 3rd year review. There will be time for questions related to docket submission and one-on-one help with your own interfolio submission as needed. Open to all faculty with dockets due in 2021.
Faculty Life Cycle Information Sessions and Workshops
This drop in session starts with an overview of how to use interfolio to upload docket material for contract renewal and/or promotion. There will be time for questions related to docket submission and one-on-one help with your own interfolio submission as needed. Open to all faculty with dockets due in 2021.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Naomi Munro or the Academic Affairs business partner for your division.
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
The PHA is a bespoke monthly series on leadership for NYUAD faculty serving as Program Heads. The focus of this series is to enhance engagement, provide clarity and expand leadership capacity. Through peer networking and mentoring, skill development workshops, and open forum discussions with each other and senior leadership. Participating Program Heads who approach their work with a growth mindset will increase their personal and professional development as academic leaders.
Open to all current and incoming program heads, by invitation.
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
Open to all current and incoming program heads, by invitation.
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
There are many policies that provide structures for academic administration. Which ones are key to the work of Program Heads? This rapid review will highlight those policies that are essential working knowledge for all PHs, and will review where to find policies and guidelines that are relevant to managing academic programs.
Open to all current and incoming program heads, by invitation.
The Program Head Academy (PHA)
The PHA is a bespoke monthly series on leadership for NYUAD faculty serving as Program Heads. The focus of this series is to enhance engagement, provide clarity and expand leadership capacity. Through peer networking and mentoring, skill development workshops and open forum discussions with each other and senior leadership. Participating Program Heads who approach their work with a growth mindset will increase their personal and professional development as academic leaders.
Open to all current and incoming program heads, by invitation.
The Women Faculty Writing Group meets throughout the semester as an accountability group for working on research-related writing projects and to create community among women faculty. All that is required to participate is the willingness to greet others in the group and then focus for the 3-hour session on writing, data analysis or other activities that contribute to academic productivity. Join one or all!
Open to all women with a faculty appointment, by invitation.