Bioengineering Major

The field of Bioengineering utilizes engineering principles into applications in biological and medical fields, and includes solving problems at multiple scales; ranging from the molecular and cellular levels to large-scale problems such as prosthetics and medical devices. Bioengineering is very broad by nature, which may include components from mechanical, chemical, computer, and electrical engineering, and elements from physics, chemistry, biology, and material sciences. Bioengineering slightly differentiates from Biomedical engineering in the sense that it includes not just biomedical devices, but biological devices that apply to basic science research and methods as well. The scope of Bioengineering is broader.

NYU Abu Dhabi offers six engineering degree programs: General Engineering, Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

Each program is designed to create technological leaders with a global perspective, a broad education, and the capacity to think creatively. The uniqueness of the program lies in the integration of invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship into all phases of study. Students enjoy a learning environment conducive to creativity, which is at the heart of tomorrow’s technological innovations and enterprises.

The Bioengineering program at NYU Abu Dhabi is accredited by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA). Graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree.  

The Bioengineering Program has been accredited till September 30, 2027. This accreditation action extends retrospectively from May 1, 2022.
