Computer Engineering Major

NYU Abu Dhabi’s Computer Engineering program prepares graduates to apply knowledge of discrete mathematics, differential calculus, integral calculus, probability and statistics, sciences, computer science, and engineering topics necessary to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices, software, and systems containing hardware and software components.

Computer Engineering majors study:

  • machine architecture and logic design
  • robotics
  • multimedia
  • computer networks
  • operating systems
  • database systems
  • programming systems and languages
  • digital devices and circuits
An engineering student from NYU Abu Dhabi tests haptic computer technology.

NYU Abu Dhabi offers six engineering degree programs: General EngineeringBioengineeringCivil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

Each program is designed to create technological leaders with a global perspective, a broad education, and the capacity to think creatively. The uniqueness of the program lies in the integration of invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship into all phases of study. Students enjoy a learning environment conducive to creativity, which is at the heart of tomorrow’s technological innovations and enterprises.

The Computer Engineering program at NYU Abu Dhabi is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, and the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA). Graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree.