Rachel Jamison

Instructor of Social Science Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: BA University of Minnesota; JD University of California, Berkeley

Research Areas: Argumentation, International Law, Women & the Law, Gender & Law, Humanitarian Law

Rachel is an Instructor in the Legal Studies program, teaching Speech, Debate, and Oral Argumentation. She also coaches the NYUAD Debate Union. She previously taught at universities in China, Tanzania, and the United States. Prior to entering academia, she was a human rights attorney and worked on projects regarding UN protections for women in conflict zones, appellate defense claims for LGBT clients in detention in Cameroon and Sierra Leone, refugee law protection in Uganda, and in the protection of miners in Afghanistan.

In academia, Rachel has focused on teaching skill-based courses and developed a Human Rights Practicum work for law students in China on human rights reports presented to the UN.

She holds a Juris Doctorate in Law from the University of California, Berkeley