Panče Naumov 2009: Advances in the temperature-resolved in photocrystallography – Emerging techniques for direct observation of exotic molecular species (oral talk) International Symposium at Frontier Research Base for Global Young Researchers, Icho Lecture Hall, Osaka University, Osaka November 24 - 25.
Tomče Runčevski, Panče Naumov 2009: New Tetramorphic Photoactive Material Able for Multimode Switching in The Solid State (poster) Workshop ''From Molecules to Functionalised Materials'', Cluj-Napoca, Romania October 12 - 17.
Tomče Runčevski, Panče Naumov 2009: N-(3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene)-4-iodobenzene: A Multimode-Controlled Switching Material (oral presentation) VIIIth Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry for the Students of Macedonia (with international participation), Skopje, Macedonia October 8 - 10.
Michel Sliwa, Cyril Ruckebusch, Nicolas Mouton, Stéphane Aloïse, Olivier Poizat, Guy Buntinx, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Pance Naumov, Rémi Métivier, Keitaro Nakatani, Gotard Burdzinski 2009:
"Ultrafast Photodynamics of New Anils photochromic Materials" (oral) International Workshop on Organic Photoswitchable Multifunctional and Materials, Shanghai, China October 25 - 27, .
P. Makreski, Gj. Petruševski, G. Jovanovski, P. Naumov 2009: Minerals from Macedonia. XXV. In situ Raman spectroscopic study of the kinetics of phase transition realgar-pararealgar 5th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology, Bilbao, Spain September 14 - 18.
Michel Sliwa, Pance Naumov, et al. 2009: Ultrafast photodynamics of fluorescent and photochromic nanoparticles
Femtochemistry, Femtobiology, Femtochemistry, The 9th International Conference on Fundamental Ultrafast Processes in Chemistry, Biology and Physics, Beijing University, Beijing August 8 - 13.
Panče Naumov, Yutaka Ozawa, Shunichi Fukuzumi 2009: Structure and Spectroscopy of the Firefly Light Emitter Oxyluciferin: The First Structure Determination and Explanation of the Color Tuning Mechanism (poster) 238th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Washington Convention Center, Washington DC, USA August 16 - 20.
Panče Naumov 2009: Combining X-ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy to Study (Photo)dynamic Processes (oral) 25th European Crystallographic Meeting, Harbiye Military Museum & Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey, August 16 - 21.
Yildiray Topcu, Panče Naumov 2009: Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Photoinduced Orton Rearrangement of Substituted N-chloroanilides: A New Efficient, Selective, Solventless Method for Aromatic Chlorination (poster) 25th European Crystallographic Meeting, Harbiye Military Museum & Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey August 16 - 21.
Yuma Morimoto, Hiroaki Kotani, Pance Naumov, Yong-Min Lee, Wonwoo Nam, Shunichi Fukuzumi 2009: Structure and Reactivity of Metal Ion Complexes of Non-Heme Iron(IV)-Oxo Species (poster) 14th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry, Nagoya, Japan. July 25 – 30.
Michel Sliwa, Cyril Ruckebusch, Nicolas Mouton, Stéphane Aloïse, Olivier Poizat, Guy Buntinx, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Pance Naumov, Johan Hofkens, Keitaro Nakatani 2009: Ultrafast photodynamics of organic nanoparticles: example of fluorescent and photochromic nanoparticles (poster) XXIV International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP2009), Beatriz Hotel, Toledo, Spain July 19 – 24.
Panče Naumov 2009: Direct Observation of Dynamic Processes in Crystals: from the Topochemical Postulate to Ultrafast Time-Resolved Diffraction (invited plenary lecture) 18th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, Varaždin, Croatia June 17 – 21.
Panče Naumov 2009: X-ray photodiffraction – Emerging analytical technique for atomic-resolution study of photoinduced species: The first direct observation of photoinduced charge transfer between radical dimmers (oral) 11th JCF Fruehjahrssymposium, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany March 11 – 14.
Panče Naumov 2008: New insights in the reaction mechanism and first structure determination of the firefly bioluminescence emitter oxyluciferin (short oral and poster) Frontier Research Base for Global Young Researchers International Symposium, Icho conference Hall, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan December 15 – 16.
Panče Naumov 2008: X-ray Photodiffraction – an Emerging Analytical Technique for Direct Observation of Unstable, Metastable and Stable Photoinduced Species (invited lecture) The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2008, Nagoya Conference Center, Nagoya, Japan December 9 – 13.
Panče Naumov 2008: Direct atomic-scale observation of dynamics molecular processes in crystals by using diffraction methods (plenary lecture) International Conference on Molecular Chemistry, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia November 25 – 26.
Michel Sliwa, Cyril Ruckebush, Stéphane Aloïse, Olivier Poizat, Guy Buntinx, Pance Naumov, Gotard Burdzinski
Exploring the photochromism of salicylideneanilines with IR transient spectroscopies and chemometrics modeling
Meeting of the French Photochemistry Association, Palaiseau, France
November, 2008.
M. Sliwa, C. Ruckebusch, J. Réhault, S. Aloïse, O. Poizat, G. Buntinx, P. Naumov, G. Burdzinski 2008: Exploring the photochromism of salicylideneanilines with IR transient spectroscopies and chemometrics modeling New Horizons of Photochromism – From Design of Molecules to Applications, Hôtel du Golf, Arras, France October 12 – 15.
Panče Naumov 2008: Watching matter rearrange with X-ray photodiffraction (oral) 2nd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Lingotto Conference Center, Torino, Italy September 16 - 20.
Panče Naumov 2008: Powder X-ray photodiffraction: A new method for direct observation of photoinduced unstable and transient molecular species with atomic-scale resolution (oral) 2nd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Lingotto Conference Center, Torino, Italy September 16 - 20.
Gjorgi Petruševski, Panče Naumov, Gligor Jovanovski 2008: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis of the solvates and polymorphs of sodium valproate, active component of the anticonvulsant drug Epilim (poster) EUCMOS 2008, XXIX European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Opatija, Croatia August 31 – September 5.
Gjorgi Petrusevski, Panče Naumov, Gligor Jovanovski, Seik Weng Ng 2008: Crystal structure of sodium valproate – a hint in understanding the valproate physiological action? (poster) XXI Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Grand Cube Osaka, Osaka, Japan August 23 - 31.
Gligor Jovanovski, Panče Naumov 2008: Jahn-Teller distortions in mixed crystals, [CuxMn1-x(H2O)4(C7H4NO3S)2](H2O)2 (poster) XXI Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Grand Cube Osaka, Osaka, Japan August 23 - 31.
Petre Makreski, Panče Naumov, Gligor Jovanovski 2008: Direct atomic scale observation of photoinduced isomerization of realgar to pararealgar (poster) XXI Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Grand Cube Osaka, Osaka, Japan August 23 - 31.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai, Masahiko Tanaka, Hideyuki Hara 2008: Observation of aminyl radical during photoinduced Orton rearrangement in single crystalline state (poster) XXI Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Grand Cube Osaka, Osaka, Japan August 23 - 31.
Shi-Yao Yang, Panče Naumov 2008: Synthesis, structure and solid-state photochemistry of m-benzenediacrylic acid and its complexes (poster) XXI Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Grand Cube Osaka, Osaka, Japan August 23 - 31.
Michel Sliwa, Cyril Ruckebush, Julien Réhault, Stéphane Aloïse, Olivier Poizat, Panče Naumov, Keitaro Nakatani, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Hiroshi Masuhara 2008: Exploring the photochromism of salicylideneanilines with transient spectroscopies and chemometric modelling (poster) XXII IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Gothenburg Convention Centre, Göteborg, Sweden July 28 – August 1.
Panče Naumov 2008: Thermochromism, photochromism, phase transitions and broadband gas detection of coordinationally unsaturated copper(II) cations (poster) 38th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC38), Renaissance Ramada Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel July 20 – 25.
Panče Naumov 2008: New Analytical Methods for Studying Photofunctional Materials: X-ray Photodiffraction (oral)
1st International Symposium on Photofunctional Devices, Hotel Hankyu Expo Park, Osaka, Japan
March 14 – 15, 2008.
Panče Naumov, Jonathan P. Hill, Masahiko Tanaka, Kenji Sakurai 2008: Observation of the photoinduced phase transition of the spin-Peierls organic radical crystal TTTA with powder photodiffraction (poster) The 1st International Global Center of Excellence Symposium on Bio-Environmental Chemistry GCOEBEC-1, Hotel Hankyu Expo Park, Osaka, Japan January 27 – 29.
Panče Naumov, Jonathan P. Hill, Masahiko Tanaka, Kenji Sakurai 2007: Direct observation of photoinduced phase transition of stable organic radical with X-ray photodiffraction (oral) 18th Symposium of the Materials Research Society – Japan, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan December 7 – 9.
Panče Naumov 2007: Direct observation of photochromic molecular species with X-ray photodiffraction (oral)
International Symposium on Photochromism, Mariott Hotel, Vancouver, Canada October 7 – 10.
Gjorgi Petruševski, Panče Naumov, Gligor Jovanovski, Gordana Bogoeva-Gaceva, Seik Weng Ng 2007: On the polymorphism and the crystal structure of the anticonvulsant sodium valproate (oral) 7th Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry for the Students of Macedonia (with international participation), Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Skopje, Macedonia October 4 – 6.
Gligor Jovanovski, Panče Naumov 2007: On the origin of the overshort C—O bond in the binuclear copper(II) imidazole saccharinato complex (oral) 16th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, Hotel "Pinija", Petrčane, Croatia June 13 – 16.
Panče Naumov, Jonathan P. Hill, Masahiko Tanaka, Kenji Sakurai 2007: Observation of the photoinduced phase transition of the spin-Peierls organic radical crystal TTTA with powder photodiffraction (poster) 2nd International Advanced Materials Forum for Young Scientists and ICYS Workshop 2007, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan February 19 – 22.
Panče Naumov 2006: Direct observation of unstable and transient molecular species with X-ray (photo)diffraction (oral) Second Symposium of the Frontier Research Base for Global Young Researchers, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan April 6.
Panče Naumov, Gligor Jovanovski, Orhideja Grupče, Branko Kaitner, David A. Rae, Seik Weng Ng 2006: Small imperfection causes a very small molecule to pack in a very large cell: Sodium saccharinate 1.875 hydrate with unit cell of 15.6 nm3 (poster) Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Hotel Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, November 20 – 23.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai 2006: Reversible thermal gating of photoinduced proton transfer kinetics by cooperative molecular twists in a single crystal (poster) Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Hotel Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan November 20 – 23.
Panče Naumov, Gligor Jovanovski, Kenji Sakurai 2006: Thermally induced saccharinate ligand flips close to ambient temperature (poster) Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Hotel Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan November 20 – 23.
Panče Naumov, Jonathan P. Hill, Masahiko Tanaka, Kenji Sakurai 2006: Observation of the photoinduced phase transition of the spin-Peierls organic radical crystal TTTA with powder photodiffraction" (poster) Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Hotel Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan November 20 – 23.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai, Toru Asaka, Alexei A. Belik 2006: Structural basis for the phase switching of bisaminecopper(II) cations at the thermal limits of lattice stability (poster) Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association, Hotel Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan November 20 – 23.
Panče Naumov 2006: Flips, spins, twists, tumbles, wobbles and other acrobatics of molecules in crystals: Direct observation of molecular dynamics by diffraction Methods (invited plenary lecture) ICOSECS-5, 4th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries, Hotel Metropol, Ohrid, Macedonia September 10 — 14.
Panče Naumov, Jonathan P. Hill, Kenji Sakurai 2005: Direct observation of the photoinduced phase transition of the stable organic radical TTTA by powder photodiffraction (oral) XVIII International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Gromada Hotel, Warsaw, Poland August 20 — 25.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai, Yuji Ohashi 2005: Photoinduced Intramolecular nitro-assisted proton transfer in crystalline 2-nitrobenzylpyridines (poster) Seventh Tetrahedron Symposium "Challenges in Organic Chemistry", Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan May 25 — 26.
Panče Naumov 2005: Flips, spins, twists, tumbles, wobbles and other acrobatics of molecules in crystals: Direct observation of molecular dynamics by diffraction methods International Advanced Materials Forum for Young Scientists, Toray Human Resource Development Center, Mishima, Japan February 27 — March 1.
Panče Naumov, Gligor Jovanovski, Orhideja Grupče, Branko Kaitner, David A. Rae, Seik Weng Ng 2005: Crystalline solution": Gigantic modulated cell as an intermediate between complete and null disorders (poster) Annual Meeting of the Crystallographic Society of Japan, Egret Himeji, Himeji, Japan December 6 — 7.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai, Toru Asaka, Alexei A. Belik, Shinichi Adachi, Junichi Takahashi, Shin-ya Koshihara
2005: Towards photocontrollable Jahn-Teller switch: Cooperative spin re-ordering and distortion of d9 centers (poster) Annual Meeting of the Crystallographic Society of Japan, Egret Himeji, Himeji, Japan
December 6 — 7.
Panče Naumov, Alexei A. Belik, Akihiko Nukui, Masahiko Tanaka, Kenji Sakurai 2005: Structural Memory Effects upon Reversible Hydration with Drastic Color Change in the Solid State (poster) 2nd ICYS Symposium, Hotel Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan December 1.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai, Yuji Ohashi 2005: Photoinduced Intramolecular Nitro-Assisted Proton Transfer in Crystalline 2-nitrobenzylpyridines (poster) 3rd International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, World Convention Centre Summit, Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan November 24 — 25.
Panče Naumov, Gligor Jovanovski, Orhideja Grupče, Branko Kaitner, David A. Rae, Seik Weng Ng 2005: Crystalline solution: Gigantic modulated cell as an intermediate between complete and null disorder (poster) 3rd International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, World Convention Centre Summit, Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan November 24 — 25.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai, Toru Asaka, Alexei A. Belik, Shinichi Adachi, Junichi Takahashi, Shin-ya Koshihara 2005: Towards photocontrollable Jahn-Teller switch: Cooperative spin re-ordering and distortion of d9 centers (poster) 3rd International Symposium on Bioscience and Nanotechnology, World Convention Centre Summit, Phoenix Seagaia Resort, Miyazaki, Japan November 24 — 25.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai, Toru Asaka, Shin-ichi Adachi, Junichi Takahashi, Shin-ya Koshihara 2005: Towards photocontrollable Jahn-Teller switch: cooperative spin re-ordering and distortion of d9 centers (poster) World Materials Research Institute Forum, Epochal Okura Hotel, Tsukuba, Japan June 6 — June 7.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai 2005: Reversible thermal gating of photoreaction kinetics in a single crystal by cooperative molecular twists (poster) World Materials Research Institute Forum, Epochal Okura Hotel, Tsukuba, Japan June 6 — June 7.
Panče Naumov, Gligor Jovanovski, Orhideja Grupče, Branko Kaitner, David A. Rae, Seik Weng Ng 2005: Structure of sodium saccharinate 1.875 hydrate, Na64(C7H4NO3S)64∙120H2O (oral)
14th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, Vršar, Croatia June 15 — 17.
Panče Naumov, Kenji Sakurai, Toru Asaka, Shin-ichi Adachi, Junichi Takahashi, Shin-ya Koshihara 2005: Photoinduced structural cooling: Direct X-ray probing of the ligand-to-metal charge transfer and the cryogenically trapped long-lived metastable state of the bis(N,N diethylethylenediamine) copper(II) cation (oral) ICYS Workshop 2005, Toray Human Resource Center, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan March 2 — 4.
Panče Naumov 2008: The X-ray Photodiffraction Method - where Structural Chemistry Meets Photochemistry Organic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering "Babes-Bolyai" University Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania May 22.
Panče Naumov 2008: New Analytical Methods for Studying Photoactive Materials. Faculty of Mining and Geology, Goce Delčev University, Štip, Macedonia May 15.
Panče Naumov 2008: New Analytical Methods for Studying Photofunctional Materials:X-ray Photodiffraction;. Faculty of Biotechnology, The St. Clement of Ohrid University, Bitola, Macedonia May 13.
Panče Naumov 2007: The X-ray photodiffraction method – where structural chemistry meets photochemistry Material & Life Science Colloquia, Osaka University, Osaka December 11.
Panče Naumov 2007: Direct observation, with powder photodiffraction, of photoinduced suppression of spin-Peierls instability in organic radical crystal Beamline Users Presentation and Briefing Session, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan October 31.
Panče Naumov 2007: Photoinduced suppression of spin-Peierls instability in organic radical crystal ICYS seminar, ICYS, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan February 16.
Panče Naumov 2006: Structure of the commercial sweetener sodium saccharinate.1.875 hydrate with gigantic modulated unit cell Joint lecture course of Scientific Institutes from Macedonia, Germany and Romania, Institute of Chemistry, Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia March 27 — 31.
Panče Naumov 2006: Flips, spins, twists, tumbles, wobbles and other acrobatics of molecules in crystals ICYS seminar, ICYS, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan March 9.
Panče Naumov 2004: Watching matter rearrange: picosecond-scale ultrafast photodiffraction ICYS Seminar, ICYS, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan July 16.
Panče Naumov 2004: Watching matter rearrange: picosecond and sub-pisocesond-scale photocrystallography Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, Macedonia April 21.
Panče Naumov 2004: Watching matter rearrange: picosecond and sub-pisocesond-scale photocrystallography Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sv. Kiril i Metodij University, Skopje, Macedonia April 2004.
Panče Naumov 2004: Photoinduced nitro-assisted proton and hydrogen atom transfer in crystalline nitrobenzylpyridines (PhD thesis defense) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan January 16.
Panče Naumov 2003: Nanosecond time-resolved crystallography of photo-induced species Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan January 9.
Panče Naumov 2003: Laser-induced ferroelectric structural order in an organic charge-transfer crystal Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan July 25.
Panče Naumov 2003: Nitro-assisted proton transfer in nitrobenzylpyridines Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan January.
Panče Naumov 2003: Molecular compasses and gyroscopes with polar rotors: synthesis and characterization of crystalline forms Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan October 24.
Panče Naumov 2002: Getting more out of crystal structure analyses Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Panče Naumov 2002: Shorter, brighter, better Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan July 4.
Panče Naumov 2002: Photochromism and photofatigue of DNBP Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan July 24.
Panče Naumov 2002: All the reaction cavities: similarities and differences Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan May 16.
Panče Naumov 2002: Towards an in situ approach to single crystal diffraction study of photoinduced solid state proton transfer processes (III) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Panče Naumov 2001: Towards an in situ approach to single crystal diffraction study of photoinduced solid state proton transfer processes (I) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Panče Naumov 2001: Can we really see the orbitals? Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan December 13.
Panče Naumov 2000: How do the chemical bonds change with temperature? Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Panče Naumov 2000: Vibrational and spectra-structural studies of the saccharin (1,2-benzisothiazole-2(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide) system: potential carcinogen and a novel rigid basis for the crystal engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.