* Indicates a required field.
Each business or individual ("Vendor") interested in conducting business with NYUADC must submit this application before an order or payment can be processed. NYUADC terms and conditions apply and prevail over any other terms and conditions of trading. Vendor registration in the NYUADC system does not guarantee a business engagement. A legal commitment will be only through the issuance of a Purchase order in accordance with the NYUADC Procurement policy and procedures.
It is the responsibility of the vendor to notify the NYUADC Procurement department of any changes, such as company name, address, telephone or fax number, bank details, or items or services you are interested providing. Failure to notify NYUADC Procurement of changes may result in delayed payment.
UAE Vendors should submit a copy of the vendor’s UAE Commercial License and VAT certificate.
* Indicates a required field.