
In The News

What Would a U.S. War—or Peace—with Iran mean for China?
China is the largest buyer of Iranian oil, Iran’s largest trading partner, and arguably its most important positive political relationship. What do Trump’s statements mean for China’s relationship with Iran, and with the greater Middle East? And how would war—or peace—between the United States and Iran affect China’s interests?
ChinaFile | August 1, 2018

Le dur combat des femmes musulmanes contre la tradition
La place des femmes dans les sociétés musulmanes a longtemps été déterminée par la tradition religieuse, dont la nature est de résister à toute réforme au nom de l’unité des croyants. Aujourd’hui, ces sociétés sont mises au défi de la modernité et d’une mondialisation accélérée et vivent déjà d’importantes transformations. Dans ce contexte, qu’en est-il du combat des femmes dans l’islam ?
OrientXXI | June 15, 2018

China's Civilizational Diplomacy
China's leadership on the world stage differs notably from the West's. because it relies on addressing prospective partners on a more equal footing. In particular, China's emphasis on highlighting historical and cultural similarities helps to explain how it has expanded its sphere of influence its sphere of influence so widely in recent years.
Project Syndicate | December 16, 2015

What price dignity?
Tying dignity to external factors such as work, nationalism, or state policy, impedes efforts towards a universal understanding of dignity for all.
openDemocracy | October 20, 2015

Allah, the state, or Mom?
Three characteristics are often viewed as important in Arab societies: concern over politics, the place of religion, and the importance of family. Investigation of these 'Arabness' features in Morocco produces some intriguing results.
openDemocracy | May 14, 2014