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Henry, P. J. "Antidominance as a Motive of Low-Power Groups in Conflict." In R. Schulze & H. Pishwa (Eds.), The Exercise of Power in Communication: Devices, Reception and Reaction London: Palgrave Macmillan (2015): 287.
Feygina, Irina, and P. J. Henry. "Culture and prosocial behavior." In D. Schroeder & B. Graziano (Eds.),, Oxford handbook of prosocial behavior (2015): 288-308 New York: Oxford University Press.
Henry, P. J. , "Culture and social class." In Adam. B. Cohen, Culture reexamined: Broadening our understanding of social and evolutionary influences. American Psychological Association, 2014.
Henry, P. J., and Felicia Pratto. "Power and racism." In A. Guinote & T. Vescio (Eds.), The social psychology of power (2010): 341-362, ew York: Guilford.
Henry, P. J., "Civil rights legislation." To appear in J. Levine & M. Hogg, The Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations. (2010) Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Henry, P. J. "Institutional bias." In J. F. Dovidio, M. Hewstone, P. Glick, & V. M. Esses (Eds.), The Sage handbook of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination (2010): 426-440. Sage Publishing, London.
Henry, P. J. "Modern racism." To appear in J. Levine & M. Hogg, The Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA (2010).
Zick, A., and P. J. Henry. "Nach oben buckeln, nach unten treten – Der deutsche Autoritarismus." (From above and below: German authoritarianism.) In W. Heitmeyer (Ed.), Deutsche zustände 2008 (German States, 2008), pp. 190-204. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Suhrkamp , (2009).
Sears, David O., Hillary Haley, and P. J. Henry. "Cultural diversity and sociopolitical attitudes at college entry" In J. Sidanius, S. Levin, C. van Laar, & D. O. Sears (Eds.), The diversity challenge (2008): 65-99. New York: Russell Sage Foundation
Sears, David O., and P. J. Henry. "The overall effects of college on students’ sociopolitical attitudes." In J. Sidanius, S. Levin, C. van Laar, & D. O. Sears (Eds.), The Diversity Challenge: Social Identity and Intergroup Relations on the Multiethnic Campus, New York: Russell Sage Foundation (2008): 100-35.
Sears, D. O., M. Y. Fu, P. J. Henry, and K. Bui. "The origins and persistence of ethnic identity among the 'new immigrant' groups." In J. Sidanius, S. Levin, C. van Laar, & D. O. Sears (Eds.), The diversity challenge: Social identity and intergroup relations on the multiethnic campus (pp. 136-162) (2008). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Henry, P. J., Robert J. Sternberg, and Elena L. Grigorenko. "Capturing successful intelligence through measures of analytic, creative, and practical skills." In O. Wilhelm & R. Engle (Eds.), Handbook of understanding and measuring intelligence (2005): 295-312, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Henry, P. J., and David O. Sears. "Symbolic and modern racism." In J. H. Moore (Ed.), Encyclopedia of race and racism 3 (2008): 111-112. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference.
Sears, D. O., and P. J. Henry, "Symbolic racism." In R. Baumeister & K. Vohs (Eds.) (2007), Encyclopedia of social psychology. Newbery Park, CA: Sage.
Sears, D. O., P. J. Henry and R. Kosterman, "Egalitarian values and the origins of contemporary American racism." In D.O. Sears, J. Sidanius, & L. Bobo (Eds.), Racialized politics: The debate about racism in America (pp. 75-117) (2000). University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
Henry, P. J., and Geoffrey Wetherell. "Countries with Greater Gender Equality Have More Positive Attitudes and Laws Concerning Lesbians and Gay Men." Sex Roles (2017): 1-10.
Brandt, Mark J., Geoffrey Wetherell, and P. J. Henry. "Changes in income predict change in social trust: A longitudinal analysis." Political Psychology 36, no. 6 (2015): 761-768.
Henry, P. J., Geoffrey Wetherell, and Mark J. Brandt. "Democracy as a legitimizing ideology. Peace and Conflict" Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 21, no. 4 (2015): 648.
Brandt, Mark J., P. J. Henry, and Geoffrey Wetherell. "The relationship between authoritarianism and life satisfaction changes depending on stigmatized status." Social Psychological and Personality Science 6, no. 2 (2015): 219-228.
Henry, P. J., Sarah E. Butler, and Mark J. Brandt. "The influence of target group status on the perception of the offensiveness of group-based slurs" Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 53 (2014): 185-192.
Brandt, Mark J., and P. J. Henry. "Gender inequality and gender differences in authoritarianism." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38, no. 10 (2012): 1301-1315.
Brandt, Mark J., and P. J. Henry. "Psychological defensiveness as a mechanism explaining the relationship between low socioeconomic status and religiosity" International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 22, no. 4 (2012): 321-332.
Henry, P.J., "The role of group-based status in job satisfaction: Workplace respect matters more for the stigmatized." Social Justice Research 24, no. 3 (2011): 231.
Henry, P. J. "The role of stigma in understanding ethnicity differences in authoritarianism" Political Psychology 32, no. 3 (2011): 419-438.
Henry, P. J., and David O. Sears. "The crystallization of contemporary racial prejudice across the lifespan" Political Psychology 30, no. 4 (2009): 569-590.
Henry, P. J. "Low-status compensation: A theory for understanding the role of status in cultures of honor" Journal of personality and social psychology 97, no. 3 (2009): 451.
Henry, Peter J. "College sophomores in the laboratory redux: Influences of a narrow data base on social psychology's view of the nature of prejudice" Psychological Inquiry 19, no. 2 (2008): 49-71.
Henry, Patrick J. "Student sampling as a theoretical problem." Psychological Inquiry 19, no. 2 (2008): 114-126.
Henry, Peter J., and Curtis D. Hardin. "The contact hypothesis revisited: Status bias in the reduction of implicit prejudice in the United States and Lebanon" Psychological Science 17, no. 10 (2006): 862-868.
Henry, P. J., and Andrea Saul. "The development of system justification in the developing world." Social Justice Research 19, no. 3 (2006): 365-378.
Reyna, Christine, P. J. Henry, William Korfmacher, and Amanda Tucker. "Examining the principles in principled conservatism: the role of responsibility stereotypes as cues for deservingness in racial policy decisions." Journal of personality and social psychology 90, no. 1 (2006): 109.
Alexander, Michele G., Shana Levin, and Peter J. Henry. "Image theory, social identity, and social dominance: Structural characteristics and individual motives underlying international images." Political Psychology 26, no. 1 (2005): 27-45.
Henry, Patrick J., Jim Sidanius, Shana Levin, and Felicia Pratto. "Social dominance orientation, authoritarianism, and support for intergroup violence between the Middle East and America." Political Psychology 26, no. 4 (2005): 569-584.
Reyna, Christine, Amanda Tucker, William Korfmacher, and P. J. Henry. "Searching for common ground between supporters and opponents of affirmative action." Political Psychology 26, no. 5 (2005): 667-682.
Sears, David O., and Patrick J. Henry. "Over thirty years later: A contemporary look at symbolic racism." Advances in experimental social psychology 37 (2005): 95-150.
Henry, P. J., Christine Reyna, and Bernard Weiner. "Hate welfare but help the poor: How the attributional content of stereotypes explains the paradox of reactions to the destitute in America." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 34, no. 1 (2004): 34-58.
Sidanius, Jim, Patrick J. Henry, Felicia Pratto, and Shana Levin. "Arab attributions for the attack on America: The case of Lebanese subelites." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 35, no. 4 (2004): 403-416.
Henry, P. J., "The lessons of politically twisting histories: Review of Kattago, S. Ambiguous memory: The Nazi past and German national identity", Contemporary Psychology, 48(2003) (6).
Levin, Shana, P. J. Henry, Felicia Pratto, and Jim Sidanius. "Social dominance and social identity in Lebanon: Implications for terrorism and counterterrorism support." Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 6, no. 4 (2003): 353-368.
Sears, David O., Mingying Fu, Peter J. Henry, and Kerra Bui. "The origins and persistence of ethnic identity among the" new immigrant" groups." Social Psychology Quarterly (2003): 419-437.
Sears, David O., and Patrick J. Henry. "The origins of symbolic racism." Journal of personality and social psychology 85, no. 2 (2003): 259-275.
Henry, Patrick J., and David O. Sears. "The symbolic racism 2000 scale." Political Psychology 23, no. 2 (2002): 253-283.