
Physics is a broad discipline, that ranges from asking fundamental scientific questions to developing sophisticated technological applications. At its most basic, it is the study of matter and energy and their manifold interactions. Physicists at NYUAD study topics as wide-ranging as the underlying nature of space and time; the origins, large-scale structure, and future evolution of the universe; the behavior of stars and galaxies; the fundamental constituents of matter; the many different patterns in which matter is organized, including superconductivity, liquid crystals, or the various forms of magnetism in solids; the workings of biological matter, whether in molecules such as DNA, or cellular structures, or the transport of matter and energy in and across cells; and many others.


"Physics underlies all the phenomena in the universe. Physics majors learn fundamental laws of nature and get to pursue exciting research on topics such as black holes, pulsars, extra solar planets, galaxies, and dark matter.
More practically, physics students learn to wrestle difficult concepts, reason quantitatively, and develop programming skills which are useful in a variety of fields including finance and data science."

Ingyin Zaw, Program Head and Associate Professor of Physics

"Physicists don't all work in labs or teach physics, although many do, and love their jobs. Studying Physics strengthens quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills that are valuable in many different areas. Students who study Physics are prepared to work on forefront ideas in science and technology, in academia, the government, or the private sector."

Susan Burke, Instructor of Physics