
  • The research at NYUAD spans the full range of astrophysical phenomena including objects in our solar system, exoplanets, neutron stars and black holes within our own Galaxy, how matter falls into supermassive black holes in other galaxies, the formation and evolution of galaxies from the beginning of the Universe until the present day, and Dark Matter, which dominates the mass in the Universe.

    Principal Investigators

    Andrea Maccio

    Research Area:
    Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Galaxies, Black Holes

    Ingyin Zaw

    Research Area:
    Particle Physics; Astronomy

    Research Institute Centers

    Center for Astro, Particle, and Planetary Physics

    An alliance of faculty and scholars actively involved in research in astronomy, astrophysics, planetary, and particle physics. Their goal is to work toward providing answers to a series of fundamental questions related to the composition and evolution of our universe.