Festival Programming: Mobility, Currency and Oxygen, panel discussion curated by June Tan in the frame of Bangkok International Performing Arts Meeting (BIPAM), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2018.
Artist as Time Traveler: Reflecting on Time and History to Expand our Understanding of Contemporary Culture, panel discussion curated by Allison Nance, in the frame of “Micro-monuments II: Underground” exhibition at the International Arts & Artists’ Contemporary Arts Center. In collaboration with the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University, Washington, USA, October 2018.
Fast Forward Festival: Politics and aesthetics in the Athenian urban landscape, public lecture in the frame of Prague Quadrennial’s international symposium “Porous Borders”. Prague, Czech Republic, October 2017.
Spatial practices and social engagement in contemporary performing arts, public lecture organized by Saison Foundation and Goethe-Institut “theater anders denken”/ “theatre thought differently”, Tokyo, Japan, June 2016.
Arts, politics and the social turn: Some reflections on an agonistic curatorship, intervention in “Together in Solitude: Public Engagement in Interactive and Participatory Art” seminar, York St John University, York, UK, May 2015.
Tragedia Endogonidia: Introduction to the work of Romeo Castellucci, public lecture at the occupied theatre Embros, Athens, Greece, January 2011.
Faust Salpêtrière or the theatre as a landscape. Gilles Aillaud with Gertrude Stein, public lecture in the frame of “Mental landscape and scenography” symposium, Art History department, Villa Medici – France Academy, Rome, Italy, March 2007.
International academic conferences
The Migration of Stories: On Wael Shawky’s Intercultural Narratives, in the frame of the International Federation for Theatre Research annual conference “Theatre and Migration”, Belgrade, Serbia, July 2018.
The encountered Other. On Brett Bailey’s performative installations, in the frame of the International Federation for Theatre Research annual conference “Unstable Geographies, Multiple Theatricalities”, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2017.
Performing Athens: Reconsidering the social turn in site-specific public works, international conference “Le développement de l’être ensemble”, Université Paris 8/Théâtre de la Commune, Paris, France, December 2015.
Precarious archives: on Rabih Mroué’s non-academic lectures, The Berkeley Conference on “Precarious Aesthetics”, UC Berkeley, USA, October 2015.
Uncanny presences: On Kris Verdonck’s urban installations, “Corps en scène: L’acteur face aux écrans [Prise 2] ” international conference, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 /Université du Québec à Montréal, Paris, France, June 2015.
Rimini Protokoll’s Situation Rooms: Interaction as a critical model of an augmented spectatorship, International Society for Intermedial Studies international conference, “Play/Perform/Participate”, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 2015.
Intermedial performances in public space: Towards a new political theatre?, “ Theatre and Democracy ” international conference, Faculty of Theatre Studies, University of Athens, Greece, November 2014.
The Politics of Perception. Rethinking Intermediality in Lebanon’s Post-War Art Scene, International Federation for Theatre Research annual conference, Warwick, UK, July 2014.
Stifters Dinge: The entropic landscape of Heiner Goebbels, International Federation for Theatre Research annual conference, Re-Routing Performance, Barcelona, Spain, July 2013.
Expanding political theatre: On Rabih Mroué’s performances and installations, “The Viewing of Politics and the Politics of Viewing: Theatre Challenges in the Age of Globalized Communities” international conference, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, April 2013.
DV8: Can we talk about this? Reconfiguring the limits of political in contemporary dance, Performance Studies International Conference #18, Leeds, UK, June-July 2012.
Τhe City as an Archive: The Filmic Theatre of the Berlin Group, Performance Studies International Conference #17, Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 2011.
Theatre as a Public Event: The Radical Criticism of Rabih Mroué Performative Lectures, “ Intermediality & Theatre” international conference, Tangier, Morocco, June 2011.
The Rimini Protokoll: Reconstructing Dürrenmatt’s « Der Besuch der alten Dame”, “Recycling in Contemporary Theatre” international conference, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, November 2009.
La fiction documentaire: typologies de la Großstadt dans le théâtre de Rimini Protokoll, International Federation for Theatre Research annual conference, University of Lisbon, Portugal, July 2009.