Postdoctoral Associates

Postdoctoral Governance

The NYU Abu Dhabi Postdoctoral Council is governed by the NYU Abu Postdoctoral Governance Guidelines. The guidelines have been approved by the Postdoctoral Council at NYU Abu Dhabi on October 31, 2019.

Postdoc Council and Forum

The NYUAD Postdoctoral Council is a deliberative body that discusses all matters relating to policy and research that are of interest or concern to Postdoctoral Associates. Its decisions and recommendations are recorded and forwarded to the University leadership.  

The NYUAD Postdoctoral Forum is a venue which brings together Postdoctoral Associates to collectively explore ideas and concerns in a less formal setting than the Council and to ensure the PCSC is fully informed of these ideas and concerns in order to best represent them. The Forum has no legislative function and any resolutions passed shall only express its participants’ opinions and concerns; and must be forwarded to the Council.

Postdoctoral Council Steering Committee

The (PCSC) serves as the interface between members of the postdoctoral community and the upper administration of NYU Abu Dhabi. The Postdoctoral Council Steering Committee (PCSC) is an advisory committee that provides a bridge between the senior academic administration, the community, and the Postdoctoral Council. The PCSC normally meets twice a month. Joint meetings with the Assistant Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Programs take place twice a semester, with the Vice Provost joining as needed. 

The committee also holds social events for NYU Abu Dhabi-based postdocs in its commitment to building vibrant postdoctoral community life.


  • Mai El Sawy, Science Representative
  • Vishnu Vijay Kumar, Engineering Representative
  • Wael Othman, At-Large Representative (Engineering)
  • Nadine ElSaid, At-Large Representative (Science)
  • Abdalla Mohamed, Research Institute Representative
  • Haneen Alsuradi, At-Large Representative (Research Institute)
