
Faculty Governance

NYU Abu Dhabi is committed to the principles of joint shared governance (NYU Faculty Handbook, March 20, 2024) and has established a variety of representative bodies and institutional procedures for their implementation. NYUAD faculty members also serve on university-wide committees in New York.

Faculty Council Steering Committee

The Faculty Council Steering Committee (FCSC) is an advisory committee that provides a bridge between the leadership and senior academic administration, and the faculty. The steering committee normally meets weekly; bi-monthly the body is joined by the Vice Chancellor and the Provost. Other members of the academic leadership attend by invitation.

The FCSC is made up of five members. Each of the four divisions at NYUAD elects its own representative to the committee. Additionally, the Faculty Council elects an at-large representative irrespective of discipline. The committee appoints one of its members to serve as Chair.


  • Michael Shiloh, Chair (At-large)
  • Mohamed Eid, Vice Chair (Engineering)
  • Elisabeth Anderson, Member (Social Science)
  • George Shubeita, Member (Science)

Contact: nyuad.fcsc@nyu.edu

Faculty Council

The NYUAD Faculty Council is a deliberative body that discusses all matters related to NYU Abu Dhabi’s academic mission that are of common interest or concern to the faculty, leadership, and senior academic administration. It meets three times a semester and its decisions and recommendations are recorded and forwarded to the University leadership.

Attendance and participation at the Faculty Council is open to all members of faculty (T/TT, Contract, Affiliates, Visiting), the Administration (VC, Provost, Vice Provosts, Deans, Associate Deans, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs), Academic Librarians, and the Faculty Governance Administrator.  Additionally, Post-Doc Council representatives (two), Graduate Student Government Representatives (two), Undergraduate Student Government representatives (two), and Staff Council representatives (two) may attend, except for Reserved Business.

The Provost of NYUAD and the Chair of the Faculty Council Steering Committee jointly chair the Faculty Council.

Faculty Forum

The NYUAD Faculty Forum is a faculty-only venue to allow faculty to collectively explore ideas and concerns in a less formal setting than the Faculty Council. It meets four times each semester. Although the faculty can pass resolutions at the Faculty Forum to express its opinions and concerns, the Faculty Forum has no legislative functions.

Attendance and participation at the Faculty Forum is open to all members of the faculty (T/TT, Contract, Affiliates, Visiting), Academic Librarians, and the Faculty Governance Administrator.  Members of the Leadership, Senior Academic Administration, Associate Divisional Deans, and other representatives do not attend unless invited.

The Faculty Forum is chaired by the Chair of the Faculty Council Steering Committee.