Combining evo-devo research and narrative storytelling, Son of Monarchs is science feature film explores the notion of identity from genetic, cultural and societal dimensions. The migratory monarch, currently endangered due to the climate change and deforestation, is the chaperone in this exploration. The winged insect also symbolizes migrants' rights and the free movement across borders.
Imagine Science Films (ISF) is a non-profit organization in existence since 2008 committed to promoting a high-level dialogue between scientists and filmmakers worldwide. Founded at Rockefeller University, ISF has produced annual science film festivals in New York, Paris, and Abu Dhabi, as well as at satellite events worldwide, and serves as a major venue for the release of new and experimental works bridging the worlds of science and film.
Part archive, part curated program, part experiment, Labocine challenges the way you understand, interpret, and appreciate scientific ideas.