Research involving human participants at NYUAD is governed by the principles outlined in the report of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research entitled, "Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research" (the Belmont Report). The Belmont Report identifies three basic principles, which are described in this document for informational purposes:
The principle of respect for persons means respecting an individual's autonomy, i.e., a person's right to make decisions for him/herself. This means that individuals should participate in research voluntarily and be given sufficient, accurate, clear, and understandable information to make an informed decision about whether or not to participate. The Belmont Report further specifies that persons with diminished autonomy (e.g., children, cognitively impaired persons) are entitled to additional protections.
The Institutional Official (IO) is the person ultimately responsible for the development and implementation of the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) plan and the coordination of its various components. The Vice Provost for Research Policies and Governance serves as IO at NYUAD, and has the authority to sign federal assurances, and place limitations on an investigator's or staff's privilege to conduct human research if such activities are deemed inappropriate for conduct at NYUAD. The IO is responsible for approving the HRPP plan.
The IO is responsible for assuring that the written policies and procedures that implement the HRPP are compliant with any and all policy development and approval procedures dictated by NYUAD.
The IO cannot overturn the decision of the IRB to suspend or disapprove a protocol.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) Administrator is a professional staff member who is responsible for supporting the IRB activities, facilitating understanding and interpretation of IRB policies and procedures, and assuring that protocol submission and review procedures are conducted according to HRPP/IRB policies and procedures. The IO may delegate certain human research oversight administrative activities to the IRB Administrator, as appropriate. At NYUAD, the IO has delegated the determination of Exempt and Expedited review status for proposed research projects to the IRB administrator.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the board formally designated in an institution to review the conduct of research involving human subjects, unless specifically exempted from IRB review, in accordance with the requirements of DHHS 45 CFR 46 (PDF).
The written policies and procedures of the NYUAD HRPP plan fully describe the IRB membership and operations, IRB administrative support, and other matters pertinent to the conduct of research involving human subjects at NYUAD.