Senior Lecturer of Arabic at NYU Abu Dhabi’s Division of Arts and Humanities Nasser Isleem has co-authored a book on Arabic grammar with Associate Professor and Director of Asian Studies at the College of Charleston Ghazi Abuhakema. The Arabic book with English explanations, titled Arabic Grammar in Action: Proficiency-based and Contextualized Activities Book Description, is available on Amazon and includes a collection of instructional materials that target important Arabic essential grammatical constructs in order to sustain performance at specific proficiency levels.
The book moves the learner from the monotonous mechanical drills used in most Arabic textbooks to creative types of materials and activities that develop the functional ability.
The book makes learning Arabic an enjoyable experience, as it positions grammar as the launching pad where other language skills and cultures are introduced and taught, which is new and very different to traditional approaches,” he added.
The book is ideal for both learners and teachers; it offers a hands-on textbook for teaching grammatical constructs that helps develop and improve proficiency and accuracy at the intermediate levels as it does not rely heavily on theoretical explanation.
Designed in a way to cater for a diverse audience, the book improves the sociolinguistic competence by making a connection between standard and spoken Arabic and how these are different phonologically, morphologically, and syntactically.