Read the complete Library Code of Conduct (PDF).
Students can choose from a variety of room types:
Please note that selected study rooms are reserved by the Writing Center and Academic Resource Center for academic purposes, details of which are clearly identified on the room booking system. Students are welcome to use these rooms when not reserved by the Writing Center or Academic Resource Center.
The Library reserves the right to remove student personal belongings that are left unattended in individual or group study rooms for more than 20 minutes. All belongings will be transferred to Campus Safety Officers for safekeeping.
Camping in the rooms is not permitted. For purposes of this policy, "camping" includes:
Doors to the rooms should be kept closed when in use. Sound travels, even with the door closed. Please keep the volume at a reasonable level.
Students requiring quiet study space should proceed to the Reading Room. No reservations needed, available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Drinks in covered containers and small snacks are permitted in group study rooms. (Please refer to the Library’s Food Policy.)