Faculty Life Cycle Information Sessions

Do you know what Third-year review entails? Have questions about the timeline for contract renewal or tenure? Do you know what a faculty review committee is? In this session, you will learn about how faculty advance at NYUAD and will hear from fellow faculty who can provide their own perspective and experience with this process. Separate information sessions will be held for continuing contract faculty and tenured/tenure track faculty. These will be offered throughout the semester. 


The guidelines for faculty contract renewal, promotion and tenure are publicly available and all faculty are expected to review those that are relevant to their career trajectory. These and other resources are:

Information Sessions and Workshops

Faculty Life Cycle Information Session

Do you have questions about the timeline for contract renewal or tenure? Do you know what a faculty review committee is or what a third-year review entails? Do you have questions about preparing your docket for contract renewal, promotion, or tenure? Information sessions provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD. Panel discussions from fellow faculty will offer a personal perspective and experience with the process. Separate sessions will be held for continuing contract (CC) faculty and tenured/tenure (T/TT) track faculty. Several sessions will be offered, and faculty are invited to sign up for the relevant to their career trajectory. Separate sessions will discuss the guidelines for Tenured/Tenure Track and Continuing Contract Faculty.

The NYUAD Faculty Life Cycle Explained

Do you have questions about the timeline for contract renewal or tenure? Do you know what a faculty review committee is or what third-year review entails? Do you have questions about preparing your docket for contract renewal, promotion or tenure? Each semester, information sessions for  continuing contract (CC) faculty and tenured/tenure (T/TT) will be hosted by the Vice Provost of Faculty Advancement and Engagement will provide guidance about the structure and timeline of the advancement process at NYUAD and panel discussions from fellow faculty will provide a personal perspective and experience with the process. These sessions are open to all standing faculty.  

Faculty Life-Cycle Workshops

Contract renewal and promotion is an important milestone in the career trajectory of continuing contract faculty. This workshop will review the process for developing a compelling docket, the policies related to continuing contract renewal and promotion, and the practicalities of submitting a docket. All faculty who are submitting a docket in the current semester will be added to the calendar invite. 

Docket Prep Information Session for Continuing Contract Faculty

Contract renewal and promotion is an important milestone in the career trajectory of continuing contract faculty. This workshop will review the process for developing a compelling docket, the policies related to continuing contract renewal and promotion, and the practicalities of submitting a docket. All faculty who are submitting a docket for the current academic year will be added to the calendar invite. For questions, please get in touch with Kirsten Edepli.

Docket Prep Information Session for Third-Year Review Candidates

Preparing a docket for third-year review is an essential step in the faculty life cycle. All NYUAD faculty preparing a docket for submission in this academic year are invited to join this session to learn more about the process, components, and other important information relevant to preparing a third-year review docket.

Docket Prep Information Session for Tenure and Promotion for T/TT Faculty

Promotion and tenure are major milestones in the academic career trajectory, and we want to be sure that NYUAD faculty are well positioned for this process. This session provides information on policies and procedures relevant to preparing a docket for tenure and/or promotion. Additionally, NYUAD faculty who have successfully gone through the process provide a range of perspectives on how to approach this important milestone while retaining a sense of well-being. This session will allow plenty of time for questions. All tenure/tenure track faculty who are planning to submit a docket to the promotion and tenure committee in this academic year will be invited to attend.

Interfolio Overview for Docket Submission

This drop-in session starts with an overview of how to use Interfolio to upload material for tenure/tenure track faculty dockets for tenure and promotion. There will be time for questions related to docket submission and one-on-one help with your own Interfolio submission as needed. Open to all faculty with dockets due in the upcoming semester.