Pranav Mimani

Assistant Instructor Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: MA Delhi School of Economics; MRes European University Institute; PhD Candidate European University Institute

Research Areas: Labor economics; macroeconomics; expectation formation

Pranav Mimani is a budding economist whose research interests are in the fields of Labor Economics and Macroeconomics. His research focuses on the role of information and expectations for workers in determining labor market dynamics. He is pursuing a PhD at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) under the guidance of Professor Russell Cooper and Professor Alexander Monge-Naranjo.

Mimani did his MA in economics from the Delhi School of Economics (Delhi, India) and an MRes in economics form the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). He also holds a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Shiv Nadar University (Noida, India).

Mimani is currently working at the NYU Abu Dhabi campus as an assistant instructor in the Economics Department.