Lee, Melissa M., and Melina Platas. "Aid externalities: Evidence from PEPFAR in Africa." World Development 67 (2015): 281-294.
Platas, Melina. "Muslim Education in Africa: Trends and Attitudes toward Faith-Based Schools." The Review of Faith & International Affairs 12, no. 2 (2014): 38-50.
Platas, Melina, Claire Adida and Adeline Lo. Engendering Empathy, Begetting Backlash: American Attitudes toward Syrian Refugees (under review)
Platas, Melina, Guy Grossman and Jonathan Rodden. Crowdsourcing Accountability: ICT for Service Delivery (under review)
Platas, Melina, and Pia Raffler Meet the Candidates: Information and Voting Behavior in Primary and General Elections.
Platas, Melina, Romain Ferrali, Guy Grossman, and Jonathan Rodden. Social Networks and Community Reporting.
Platas, Melina, Nicholas Eubank, Guy Grossman, and Jonathan Rodden. Social Networks, Social Context, and Political Participation: Evidence from Uganda (under review)
Platas, Melina, Claire Adida and Kim Yi Dionne. Ebola, Elections, and Immigration (under review)
Platas, Melina, and Lisa Blaydes. Religion, Patriarchy and the Perpetuation of Harmful Social Conventions: The Case of Female Genital Cutting in Egypt (under review)
Platas, Melina. Muslim Majority Disadvantage in Africa
Platas, Melina. The Muslim-Christian Education Gap in Africa