Cessi, Paola, and Francesco Paparella. "Excitation of basin modes by ocean-atmosphere coupling." Geophysical research letters 28, no. 12 (2001): 2437-2440.
Paparella, F., and W. R. Young. "Horizontal convection is non-turbulent." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 466 (2002): 205-214.
Paparella, Francesco. "Filling gaps in chaotic time series." Physics Letters A 346, no. 1 (2005): 47-53.
Cherubini, Anna Maria, Giorgio Metafune, and Francesco Paparella. "On the stopping time of a bouncing ball." Discrete and Continuous Dyn. Sys. B 10 (2008): 43-72.
Von Hardenberg, Jost, and Francesco Paparella. "Non Gaussian Buoyancy Statistics in Fingering Convection" Physics Letters A 374, no. 26 (2010): 2646-2653.
Paparella, Francesco, and Alessandro Portaluri. "Geometry of Stationary Solutions for a System of Vortex Filaments: a Dynamical Approach" Dynamical Systems 33, no. 7 (2013): 3011-3042.
Paparella, Francesco, and Jost von Hardenberg. "Clustering of Salt Fingers in Double-Diffusive Convection Leads to Staircaselike Stratification. Physical review letters 109, no. 1 (2012): 014502.
Ruggio, Raffaele, Marcello Vichi, Francesco Paparella, and Simona Masina. "Climatic Trends of the Equatorial Undercurrent: a Backup Mechanism for Sustaining the Equatorial Pacific Production." Journal of Marine Systems 121 (2013): 11-23.
Paparella, Francesco, and Jost von Hardenberg. "A Model for Staircase Formation in Fingering Convection" Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 132, no. 1 (2014): 457-467.
Paparella, Francesco, Chiara Ferracini, Alessandro Portaluri, Alberto Manzo, and Alberto Alma. "Biological control of the chestnut gall wasp with T. sinensis: A mathematical model" Ecological Modelling 338 (2016): 17-36.
For a full list of publications, please visit Francesco Paparella's Publications.