Bikash Garai

Postdoctoral Associate Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: PhD AcSIR

Research Areas: Covalent organic frameworks, Water purification, Contaminant removal from water

Bikash graduated with Honors in Chemistry from The University of Burdwan, India, in 2010. After that, he received his Postgraduate degree in Chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, India. In his doctoral thesis, he worked on 'Stimuli-Responsive Porous Framework Materials: Design, Synthesis and Applications' from CSIR-NCL (Affiliated with AcSIR). In his doctoral research, Bikash studied various metal-organic based architectures for host-guest interactions and applied them as model drug delivery vehicles and chemical sensors. Later, he worked on the development of structurally flexible metal-organic frameworks at TU Dresden, Germany.


The current work is aimed to develop structurally tunable covalent organic frameworks for removal of hazardous water contaminants.