Novel Cobalt–carbon@silica Adsorbent
Recently, environmental pollution by dyes has attracted considerable attention. Many dye industries discharge a considerable amount of colored water that hinders sunlight penetration which is crucial for photosynthesis in aquatic ecosystems.
Nature | October 29, 2020
Newly discovered hybrid molecules could serve as a novel category of anti-cancer agent
NYU Abu Dhabi researchers share new findings in the journal Chemical Science
Eurek Alert | May 2019
Trefoil knots steer cancer drug leads in fresh direction
Chemists look to links and knots in the search for new cancer therapies
Chemistry World | May 23, 2019
Abu Dhabi research could help reduce side effects of cancer care
A molecule that targets cancer cells is being developed at NYU Abu Dhabi
The National | May 23, 2019
Des chercheurs de NYUAD développent des molécules hybrides qui pourraient servir de nouvelle catégorie d'agents anticancéreux
Emirats Agence de presse | May 23, 2019
Newly discovered hybrid molecules could serve as a novel category of anti-cancer agent
NYU Abu Dhabi researchers share new findings in the journal Chemical Science
Scienmag | May 22, 2019
Newly discovered hybrid molecules could serve as a novel category of anti-cancer agent
Researchers from NYU Abu Dhabi’s (NYUAD) chemistry program and colleagues from the University’s biology program have developed and studied the biological activity of five new, metal-organic hybrid knotted molecules, termed metal-organic trefoil knots (M-TKs).
Health Medical Network | May 2019
Newly discovered hybrid molecules could serve as a novel category of anti-cancer agent
Researchers from NYU Abu Dhabi's (NYUAD) chemistry program and colleagues from the University's biology program have developed and studied the biological activity of five new, metal-organic hybrid knotted molecules, termed metal-organic trefoil knots (M-TKs).
Science Codex | May 22, 2019
Newly discovered hybrid molecules could serve as a novel category of anti-cancer agent
Researchers have developed and studied the biological activity of five new, metal-organic hybrid knotted molecules, termed metal-organic trefoil knots (M-TKs). These molecules can effectively deliver metals to cancer cells, demonstrating the potential to act as a new category of anti-cancer agents.
ScienceDaily | May 22, 2019
Transformers: Materials that can change properties
Multifunctional polymers exhibit different physical characteristics in response to varying stimuli.
Nature Middle East | September 25, 2018
Tied up in a molecular knot
Scientists synthesize knotted molecular structures using anions.
Nature Middle East | Marchn16, 2016
Des « supermolécules » dans lesquelles les brins s’entrelacent
Les chercheurs du Laboratoire d'ingénierie moléculaire appliquée à l'analyse de l’Institut pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (CNRS/Université de Strasbourg), en collaboration avec des chercheurs de l'Université de New York à Abu Dhabi, viennent de montrer que la programmation d'unités moléculaires de base permet de générer des assemblages supramoléculaires complexes de structures bien définies telles qu'un [2]caténane, un nœud de trèfle ou un nœud de Salomon.
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