Gibert, J. “Understanding the Dynamics of Ultrasonic Consolidators,” 2012-2013, Currently Assistant Professor, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Abuson, A. (PhD.) “Dissertation Title: Some Interesting Effects of Hard High-Frequency Excitations on the Response of Duffing Oscillators,” (June, 2018).
DaSilva, C. (Ph.D.) “Dissertation Title: Nonlinear Dynamics of Tapered Cantilever Beams,” (October, 2016). Currently with Energy and Power Research Institute (EPRI), Charlotte, NC.
AlAzmi, S. (Ph.D.) “Dissertation Title: Modeling the Sloshing Behavior of Ferro-fluids in Seismically-excited Containers,” (September, 2016). Currently Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Kuwait University.
Alhadidi, A. (Ph.D.) “Dissertation Title: Exploiting a Nonlinear Restoring Force to Improve the Performance of Flow Energy Harvesters,” (August, 2016). Currently Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Jordan University.
Panyam, M. (Ph.D.) “Dissertation Title: Characterizing the Effective Bandwidth of Nonlinear Energy Harvesters Possessing Multiple Stable Equilibria,” (December, 2015). Currently a Research Assistant Professor at the Clemson University Restoration Institute (CURI).
Bibo, A. (Ph.D.) “Dissertation Title: Energy Harvesting under Vibratory and Aerodynamic Loadings,” (August, 2014). Student is the recipient of the 2014 Clemson University Medal for Research Excellence. He was also selected as the graduate researcher of the year. Currently a Research Assistant Professor at the Clemson University Restoration Institute (CURI).
Batt, G. (Ph.D.) “Dissertation Title: Primary Resonance Behavior of Cushion Materials under Low-intensity Harmonic Inputs,” (December, 2013). Currently Assistant Professor of Packaging Science, Clemson University.
Masana, R. (Ph.D.): “Dissertation Title: Understanding the Role of Nonlinearities in the Transduction of Vibratory Energy Harvesters,” (May, 2013). Currently postdoctoral researcher, NYU-AD.
Qaroush, Y. (Ph.D.): “Dissertation Title: Implementation of Delayed-Feedback Controllers on Continuous Systems and Analysis of Their Response under Primary Resonance Excitations,” (January, 2011). Currently with Corning, Corning, NY.
Yadav, R. (MS) “Thesis Title: Galloping Performance Analysis of Bluff Bodies with Tail fins,” (April, 2018). Co-advised with Prof. Gang Li of Clemson University.
Noel, J. (MS) “Thesis Title: Influence of Tip Rotation on the Performance of Flow Energy Harvesters,” (December, 2017).
Caldwell, B. (MS) “Thesis Title: Exploiting the Principle Parametric Resonance of an “RLC” circuit for energy harvesting,” (September, 2016).
Xu, Y. (MS) “Thesis Title: Influence of Surface Tension on the Nonlinear Sloshing Response of Fluids in Rectangular Containers,” (August, 2016).
He, Q. (MS) “Thesis Title: Nonlinear Energy Harvesting under White Noise,” (December, 2013).
Evans, M. (MS) “Thesis Title: Modal Analysis to Minimize Gearbox Induced Noise in GE Wind Turbines,” (May, 2013).
Liu, X. (M.S.) “Thesis Title: An Electromagnetic Energy Harvester for Powering Consumer Electronics,” (May, 2012).
Donovan, B. (MS) “Thesis Title: Parametric Amplification in the Context of Vibratory Energy Harvesting,” (May, 2011).
Bibo, A. (MS) “Thesis Title: Electromechanical Modeling and Analysis of a Self-excited Micro-power Generator,” (August, 2010).
Stabler, C. (MS) “Thesis Title: Parametric Instabilities for Vibratory Energy Harvesting under Harmonic, Time-Varying Frequency, and Random Excitations,” (May, 2010).
Seuaciuc-Osorio, T. (MS) “Thesis Title: On the Reduced-Order Modeling of Energy Harvesters and Analysis of their Response under Time-Varying Frequency Excitations,” (June, 2009).
Dimiri, T. (MS) “Thesis Title: Monitoring CO Concentration in Fuel Cells Using Nanomechanical Cantilever Sensors,” (December, 2009).
Keni, S. (MS) “Thesis Title: Stability and Decentralized Control of Coupled Oscillators with Feedback Delays,” (August, 2008).