Guerra-Manzanares, Alejandro, and Hayretdin Bahsi. "On the application of active learning for efficient and effective IoT botnet detection." Future Generation Computer Systems 141 (2023): 40-53.
Guerra-Manzanares, Alejandro, Marcin Luckner, Hayretdin Bahsi. 2022. "Android Malware Concept Drift using System Calls: Detection, Characterization, and Challenges". Expert Systems with Applications, 206, 117200. (2022): 102757.
Guerra-Manzanares, Alejandro, and Hayretdin Bahsi. "On the relativity of time: Implications and challenges of data drift on long-term effective android malware detection." Computers & Security 122 (2022): 102835.
Guerra-Manzanares, Alejandro, Marcin Luckner, and Hayretdin Bahsi. "Concept Drift and Cross-Device Behavior: Challenges and Implications for Effective Android Malware Detection." Computers & Security (2022): 102757.
Guerra-Manzanares, Alejandro, Hayretdin Bahsi, and Marcin Luckner. "Leveraging the first line of defense: a study on the evolution and usage of android security permissions for enhanced android malware detection." Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques (2022): 1-32.
Guerra-Manzanares, Alejandro, Hayretdin Bahsi, and Sven Nõmm. "KronoDroid: Time-based hybrid-featured dataset for effective android malware detection and characterization." Computers & Security 110 (2021): 102399.
Guerra-Manzanares, Alejandro, and Martin Välbe. "Cross-device behavioral consistency: Benchmarking and implications for effective android malware detection." Machine Learning with Applications 9 (2022): 100357.
Guerra-Manzanares, Alejandro, Jorge Medina-Galindo, Hayretdin Bahsi, Sven Nõmm. 2020. "MedBIoT: Generation of an IoT Botnet Dataset in a Medium-sized IoT Network.". In ICISSP, pp. 207-218.