Ahmad Nemer

Research Associate Affiliation: NYU Abu Dhabi
Education: BA American University of Sharjah; MA and PhD Auburn University

Research Websites: Center for Astro, Particle, and Planetary Physics

Research Areas: Spectroscopy, radiative transfer, astrophysical plasma modelling

Ahmad Nemer, received his BSc in Electrical Engineering from American University of Sharjah in 2010, and his PhD degree in physics from Auburn University in the US in August 2019. He moved to Princeton University in the US as a postdoctoral Research Associate in the Astrophysical Sciences department until November 2022. Now he is a Postdoctoral Fellow at New York University at the Center for Astro, Particle, and Planetary Physics.

Nemer’s research interests are in the field of UV and optical spectroscopy, radiation transport simulations of photo ionized astrophysical plasmas, evolution of Protoplanetary Disks and SNe, and applied Machine Learning techniques to interpret astrophysical data.