Sadler Edepli Lab
We are a team of curious scientists that use genomics, imaging and whole animal systems to address big, unanswered questions in biology. We focus on fundamental processes of developing, regenerating and diseased cells Some of the central questions we address are:
- How does global reorganization of the genome and epigenome influence cell division, regeneration, and cancer?
- What is the epigenetic code that allows some tissues to regenerate well? How does this code change when cells are exposed to stress or undergo?
- How do cells modulate genes that are required to respond to stresses like cancer genes and environmental toxins?
Despite the remarkable regenerative capacity of the liver, it is not always able to undergo efficient repair. Thus, diseases of the liver are common and a long-term goal of our research is to identify targets to treat them. We use zebrafish, mice and octopus as a model system to accomplish these goals.