Local Mangroves Research and Water Conservation Efforts

The Arabian Peninsula is one of the most environmentally extreme regions in the world, yet is home to large and widespread stands of the gray mangrove, a unique mangrove species that is able to withstand extreme conditions. The gray mangrove forms the only naturally occurring evergreen forest in Arabia and supports high biodiversity and productivity in coastal areas across the region.

Researchers at the Center for Genomics and Systems Biology (CGSB) at NYUAD are working on priority areas for future research after publishing an analysis of the evolution of mangrove research in the Arabian region over the past half-century to determine  geographic and topic-area trends.

NYUAD students planting mangroves.

Most recently, CGSB researchers, Associate Professor of Biology John Burt and group member Guillermo Friis-Montoya, published a high-resolution genome for the gray mangrove, providing an important resource for researchers around the world studying this species.