Yashaswi Malla

The opportunity to engage in collaborative research projects, one of my most meaningful experiences at NYUAD, shaped my perspective regarding the power of interdisciplinary collaboration in solving complex problems in the cybersecurity domain.

“During my time as an undergrad at NYU Abu Dhabi, I found myself deeply immersed in the realm of Computer Science, driven by a passion for cybersecurity. The computer science program at the University not only equipped me with a good foundation in the field, but also opened doors to invaluable opportunities, notably my involvement in the Cyber Security and Privacy (CSP) lab. It was there that I found myself knee-deep in various cybersecurity projects, from digging into VPN security for my Capstone to dissecting digital privacy reporting trends in the media for my Post-graduate Practical Training Program (PPTP). During the latter, I was introduced to the exciting world of large language models and AI, sparking within me a profound interest in the intersection of AI and cybersecurity. This hands-on exposure became the catalyst for my current role as the AI Engineering Lead at Cypherleak, a cybersecurity firm specializing in a cutting-edge cyber risk monitoring and scoring platform.

Reflecting on my pre-university self, my fascination with cybersecurity was already brewing. Yet, it was at NYUAD that I was able to refine and expand my interests and prepare myself for a career in the field. Through summer internships, like the one at a cybersecurity company in Canada during my sophomore year, and the research project undertaken during my PPTP, my passion for cybersecurity deepened. 

Home Region: Nepal
Current: AI Engineering Lead at Cypherleak
Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE
Major: Computer Science

The University's supportive ecosystem, including workshops on resume-building and networking, provided me with the practical skills crucial for the job application process. And finally, the opportunity to engage in collaborative research projects, one of my most meaningful experiences at NYUAD, shaped my perspective regarding the power of interdisciplinary collaboration in solving complex problems in the cybersecurity domain. These factors readied me for my present position.

What I like the most about this job is that it offers a unique blend of industry experience as well as involvement in research and development, particularly in exploring novel applications of AI for our cybersecurity product. This hybrid nature allows me to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge gained during my academic journey and real-world applications in the dynamic field of cybersecurity. 

Moving forward, my aspirations include gaining deeper industry insights and refining my expertise before venturing into a master's program that aligns with my dual passions for cybersecurity and AI. Through this journey, I aim to make meaningful contributions to the ever-evolving landscape of these dynamic fields.”